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Maintaining control by letting go Puppet Labs Gareth Rushgrove Security in a devops world

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Gareth Rushgrove

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We can build more secure systems, not just react to problems better Gareth Rushgrove

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Shadow IT Gareth Rushgrove Security VS

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Self-service Gareth Rushgrove Security VS

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VS Rapid software development Gareth Rushgrove Security

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VS Rapid software deployment Gareth Rushgrove Security

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VS New tools and technologies Gareth Rushgrove Security

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Security as a solitary gatekeeper for all changes to production doesn’t scale Gareth Rushgrove

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Automation can help scale security expertise Gareth Rushgrove

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Automation is also the perfect middle-ground to build better relationships between security, development and operations Gareth Rushgrove

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This talk

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The importance of shared tools to collaboration Gareth Rushgrove

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Examples of applying infrastructure as code, and other software practices to security problems Gareth Rushgrove

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What the security community can learn from the successes of Devops Gareth Rushgrove

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WARNING This talk will feature code but is not about software development Gareth Rushgrove

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Sharing tools and practices Bringing developers, operations and security together

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Why share? - Common language between teams - Builds trust amongst team members - Avoid duplication of effort and data - Limits the number of systems Gareth Rushgrove

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Example: Infrastructure as Code Gareth Rushgrove

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Gareth Rushgrove The architecture docs Your mental model Reality The developers mental model = = = =

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Gareth Rushgrove The architecture docs Your mental model Reality The developers mental model = = = =

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Gareth Rushgrove

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Gareth Rushgrove Puppet code Reality =

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An unambiguous description of your infrastructure, stored in version control Gareth Rushgrove

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Puppet is a domain specific language, designed to describe your infrastructure configuration

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Gareth Rushgrove From files up to higher level constructs like applications running in IIS

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And from host level resources to remote resources like DNS records or AWS Autoscaling Groups

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Machines check they match the model every half an hour, and automatically remediate and report any differences Gareth Rushgrove

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Gareth Rushgrove You can see what is changing across your infrastructure, all from the Puppet Enterprise Console

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Shared resource between operations and development Gareth Rushgrove

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Shared resource between operations, development, security and anyone with a stake in the infrastructure Gareth Rushgrove

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“The constant discussion between software and infrastructure teams really helps us proactively find issues before deploying to production.”

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All of the configuration information ends up in PuppetDB. How might that be of interest to a security team? Gareth Rushgrove

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(The framework for this is about 20 lines of code and could be written by any good developer in an hour) Gareth Rushgrove

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(expect installed-on-all-clients? "auditd") A one line test to check auditd is installed everywhere

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(expect running-on-all-clients? "selinux") Because people seem to like to disable SELinux

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(expect (every? ubuntu? (facts "operatingsystem"))) A one line test to check all machines are using the permitted Operating System

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(expect latest-on-all-clients? "openssh") A one line test to check we’re running the latest version of Open SSH

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Hook the tests into your operations teams monitoring system and security can get alerts when tests fail Gareth Rushgrove

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Combine existing operations data with developers willingness to write code and the security teams knowledge of potential threats Gareth Rushgrove

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Embrace pipelines Security testing in continuous delivery pipelines

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Gareth Rushgrove

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“We went from all-hands-on- deck, war-room sort of deployments to non-events” Gareth Rushgrove Jez Miller, Heartland Payment Systems, Puppet Enterprise Customer

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Gareth Rushgrove Regular releases reduce risk

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As applicable to changes to web applications as infrastructure, end user devices, network hardware and more Gareth Rushgrove

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Gareth Rushgrove Login to a computer Make change

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Gareth Rushgrove Write the code Check syntax Check style Unit tests Acceptance tests Deploy

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Gareth Rushgrove Write the code Check syntax Check style Unit tests Acceptance tests Deploy Deploy to staging Preflight checks

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Gareth Rushgrove Write the code Check syntax Check style Unit tests Acceptance tests Deploy Security tests

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Automate where possible, so manual effort is focused on high risk work Gareth Rushgrove

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Gareth Rushgrove Acceptance tests Deploy Security tests Manual review by security Automated security tests Automated security tests Is this a high risk change?

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What is a high risk change? - Change to firewall policy? - Change to authentication code? - Change to SSH configuration? - New user added? Gareth Rushgrove

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The important thing is the discussion with colleagues in development and operations Gareth Rushgrove

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Turn security practices into standard processes Gareth Rushgrove

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Turn standard processes into automated steps Gareth Rushgrove

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Unit tests for security concerns Applying development practices to security

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Once you know about the pipeline, you can add steps related to security Gareth Rushgrove

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Ensure security policy is implemented in practice Gareth Rushgrove

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Catch security problems before they hit production Gareth Rushgrove

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Replace occasionally accessed spreadsheets with constantly running code Gareth Rushgrove

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Useful in different contexts: - Production monitoring system - Tests in development - Smoke tests for deployment Gareth Rushgrove

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Test your network Because everyone likes an open port Gareth Rushgrove

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Gareth Rushgrove

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Discovered open port 22/tcp on Completed Connect Scan at 07:09, 3.31s elapsed (12 total ports) Nmap scan report for ( Host is up (0.082s latency). rDNS record for PORT STATE SERVICE 20/tcp filtered ftp-data 21/tcp filtered ftp 22/tcp open ssh 23/tcp filtered telnet 25/tcp filtered smtp 80/tcp open http 110/tcp filtered pop3 443/tcp open https 512/tcp filtered exec 522/tcp filtered ulp 1080/tcp filtered socks 8080/tcp open http-proxy Standard nmap output requires manual analysis

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Gareth Rushgrove Security tests Run network security tests

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it 'has only a limited number of open ports' do expect(@open_ports.count).to eq(3) end it 'exposes a web server' do expect(@open_ports).to include('80/tcp') expect(@open_ports).to include('443/tcp') end it 'exposes an SSH server' do expect(@open_ports).to include('22/tcp') end it 'rejects email traffic' do expect(@closed_ports).to include('25/tcp') end Using a unit testing framework we can make explicit assertions

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Test your supply chain Checking packages for vulnerabilities Gareth Rushgrove

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Old versions of third libraries might have known vulnerabilities Gareth Rushgrove

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Gareth Rushgrove rubysec/bundler-audit

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Gareth Rushgrove Security tests Run network security tests Check for vulnerable packages

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source "" gem "bundler-audit" gem "rake" gem "pry" group :vulnerable do gem "actionpack", "=3.2.10" end An example Gemfile, a list of ruby packages used in an application or environment, with a vulnerable package

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Name: actionpack Version: 3.2.10 Advisory: OSVDB-103440 Name: actionpack Version: 3.2.10 Advisory: OSVDB-89026 Criticality: High URL: Description: Ruby on Rails contains a flaw in params_parser.rb of the Action Pack. The issue is triggered when a type casting error occurs during the parsing of parameters. This may allow a remote attacker to potentially execute arbitrary code. Solution: upgrade to ~> 2.3.15, ~> 3.0.19, ~> 3.1.10, >= 3.2.11 An example report from bunder-audit

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Test your web applications Checking for XSS, SQLi and more Gareth Rushgrove

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Gareth Rushgrove continuumsecurity/bdd-security

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An example test for checking for SQL injection vulnerabilities Scenario: The application should not contain SQL injection vulnerabilities Meta: @id scan_sql_injection @cwe-89 Given a scanner with all policies disabled And the SQL-Injection policy is enabled And the attack strength is set to High And the alert threshold is set to Low When the scanner is run And the XML report is written to the file sql_injection.xml Then no Medium or higher risk vulnerabilities should be present

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An example test for checking for XSS. Lots more build-in Scenario: The application should not contain XSS vulnerabilities Meta: @id scan_sql_injection @cwe-89 Given a scanner with all policies disabled And the Cross-Site-Scripting policy is enabled And the attack strength is set to High When the scanner is run Then no Medium or higher risk vulnerabilities should be present

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Test what you deploy, not just what you write Gareth Rushgrove

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Gareth Rushgrove Security tests Run network security tests Check for vulnerable packages Run web application security tests

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Gareth Rushgrove Security tests Run network security tests Check for vulnerable packages Run web application security tests Static analysis Metrics analysis SSL config

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These are just quick examples. The point is automated testing and security go together incredibly well Gareth Rushgrove

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And embracing the pipeline means you can add small steps easily Gareth Rushgrove

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Focus efforts on the mechanism for change, over individual changes Gareth Rushgrove

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Focus on steps in the pipeline. No single tool will fix all problems Gareth Rushgrove

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Favour tools (open source, in-house or commercial) with APIs that can be integrated into a pipeline Gareth Rushgrove

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Developers have never been more interested in security, use that Gareth Rushgrove

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Adding steps into a continuous delivery pipeline is the perfect opportunity for a conversation Gareth Rushgrove

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Доверяй, но проверяй

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Questions? And thanks for listening