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Understanding Your Toddler iOSConf 2016 Daniel H Steinberg @dimsumthinking

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Understanding Your Toddler iOSConf 2016 Daniel H Steinberg @dimsumthinking

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Understanding Your Toddler iOSConf 2016 Daniel H Steinberg @dimsumthinking No, this is not the same talk I gave last week at UIKonf

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Summer 2010

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Summer 2010

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Xcode 4 shipped

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Xcode IB

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18 months

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Xcode 4.2

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iOS 5

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WWDC 2014

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No content

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Swift 1.0

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Swift 1.1

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Swift 1.2

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WWDC 2015

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"Swift will be open sourced by the end of this year"

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December 3, 2015

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No content

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No content

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Proposals from the Community

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PRs from the Community

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Swift Evolution

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Swift 3

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"We have had a focus on getting to source stability"

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Swift 3 focus on source stability

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API design guidelines Focus and refine the language Adoption of naming guidelines in key APIs Automatic application of naming guidelines to imported Objective-C APIs Swiftification of imported Objective-C APIs Improvements to tooling quality

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API design guidelines Focus and refine the language Adoption of naming guidelines in key APIs Automatic application of naming guidelines to imported Objective-C APIs Swiftification of imported Objective-C APIs Improvements to tooling quality

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API design guidelines Focus and refine the language Adoption of naming guidelines in key APIs Automatic application of naming guidelines to imported Objective-C APIs Swiftification of imported Objective-C APIs Improvements to tooling quality

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API design guidelines Focus and refine the language Adoption of naming guidelines in key APIs Automatic application of naming guidelines to imported Objective-C APIs Swiftification of imported Objective-C APIs Improvements to tooling quality

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API design guidelines Focus and refine the language Adoption of naming guidelines in key APIs Automatic application of naming guidelines to imported Objective-C APIs Swiftification of imported Objective-C APIs Improvements to tooling quality

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API design guidelines Focus and refine the language Adoption of naming guidelines in key APIs Automatic application of naming guidelines to imported Objective-C APIs Swiftification of imported Objective-C APIs Improvements to tooling quality

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Swift 3 focus on source stability

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A Few Previews of Coming Attractions

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0025 - Scoped Access Levels

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public internal private

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public internal private

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public internal private

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public internal private

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public internal fileprivate

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public internal fileprivate private

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class MyClass { private var myProperty = "Hello" private func myPrivateMethod() { print(myProperty) } fileprivate func myFilePrivateMethod(numberOfTimes times: Int) { for _ in 1 ... times { myPrivateMethod() } } } extension MyClass { func myExtensionMethod(numberOfTimes times: Int) { myFilePrivateMethod(numberOfTimes: times) } }

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class MyClass { private var myProperty = "Hello" private func myPrivateMethod() { print(myProperty) } fileprivate func myFilePrivateMethod(numberOfTimes times: Int) { for _ in 1 ... times { myPrivateMethod() } } } extension MyClass { func myExtensionMethod(numberOfTimes times: Int) { myFilePrivateMethod(numberOfTimes: times) } }

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class MyClass { private var myProperty = "Hello" private func myPrivateMethod() { print(myProperty) } fileprivate func myFilePrivateMethod(numberOfTimes times: Int) { for _ in 1 ... times { myPrivateMethod() } } } extension MyClass { func myExtensionMethod(numberOfTimes times: Int) { myFilePrivateMethod(numberOfTimes: times) } }

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class MyClass { private var myProperty = "Hello" private func myPrivateMethod() { print(myProperty) } fileprivate func myFilePrivateMethod(numberOfTimes times: Int) { for _ in 1 ... times { myPrivateMethod() } } } extension MyClass { func myExtensionMethod(numberOfTimes times: Int) { myFilePrivateMethod(numberOfTimes: times) } }

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class MyClass { private var myProperty = "Hello" private func myPrivateMethod() { print(myProperty) } fileprivate func myFilePrivateMethod(numberOfTimes times: Int) { for _ in 1 ... times { myPrivateMethod() } } } extension MyClass { func myExtensionMethod(numberOfTimes times: Int) { myFilePrivateMethod(numberOfTimes: times) } }

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public internal fileprivate private

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0004 - Remove ++ and —

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while count < upperLimit { print( myArray[count++]) }

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while count < upperLimit { print( myArray[count++]) }

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while count < upperLimit { print( myArray[count]) count += 1 }

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0007 - Remove C Style for loops with conditions and incrementors

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for (int i = 0; i < array.count; i++)

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for (int i = 0; i < array.count; i++)

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0053 - Remove explicit use of let from Function Parameters

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func double(input: Int) -> Int { // ... }

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func double(let input: Int) -> Int { // ... }

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func double(let input: Int) -> Int { // ... }

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0003 - Remove var from Function Parameters

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func double(input: Int) -> Int { input = input * 2 return input }

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func double(var input: Int) -> Int { input = input * 2 return input }

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func double(var input: Int) -> Int { input = input * 2 return input }

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func double(input: Int) -> Int { var localInput = input localInput = localInput * 2 return localInput }

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func double(input: Int) -> Int { var localInput = input localInput = localInput * 2 return localInput }

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func double(input: Int) -> Int { var input = input input = input * 2 return input } Name Shadowing

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func double(input: Int) -> Int { var input = input input = input * 2 return input }

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0031 - Adjusting inout Declarations for Type Decoration

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func double(input: Int) { input = input * 2 }

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func double(inout input: Int) { input = input * 2 }

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func double(inout input: Int) { input = input * 2 }

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func double(input: inout Int) { input = input * 2 }

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0053 - Limiting inout capture to @noescape context

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func escape(f: () -> ()) {} func example(inout x: Int) { escape { _ = x } }

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func escape(f: () -> ()) {} func example(inout x: Int) { escape { _ = x } }

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func escape(f: () -> ()) {} func example(inout x: Int) { escape { _ = x } }

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func escape(f: () -> ()) {} func example(inout x: Int) { escape { _ = x } }

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func escape(f: () -> ()) {} func example(inout x: Int) { escape { _ = x } }

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func escape(f: () -> ()) {} func example(inout x: Int) { escape { _ = x } }

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func escape(f: () -> ()) {} func example(inout x: Int) { escape { _ = x } }

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func noEscape(@noescape f: () -> ()) {} func example(inout x: Int) { noEscape { _ = x } }

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func noEscape(@noescape f: () -> ()) {} func example(inout x: Int) { noEscape { _ = x } } safe because @noescape => closure can't be called after function returns

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func escape(f: () -> ()) {} func example(inout x: Int) { escape { _ = x } }

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func escape(f: () -> ()) {} func example(inout x: Int) { escape {[x] in _ = x } }

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func escape(f: () -> ()) {} func example(inout x: Int) { escape {[x] in _ = x } } [x] is a capture list a constant is initialized to have the value of x

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0049 - Move @noescape and @autoclosure to be type attributes

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func noEscape(@noescape f: () -> ()) {}

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func noEscape(f: @noescape () -> ()) {}

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func noEscape(f: @autoclosure () -> ()) {}

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0002 - Remove currying func declaration syntax

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0002 - Remove currying func declaration syntax

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0002 - Remove currying func declaration syntax

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func curried(x: Int)(y: Int) -> Int { return {(y: Int) -> Int in return x * y } } curried(7)(8)

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func curried(x: Int)(y: Int) -> Int { return {(y: Int) -> Int in return x * y } } curried(7)(8)

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func curried(x: Int)(y: Int) -> Int { return {(y: Int) -> Int in return x * y } } curried(7)(8)

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func curried(x: Int)(y: Int) -> Int { return {(y: Int) -> Int in return x * y } } curried(7)(8)

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func curried(x: Int)(y: Int) -> Int { return {(y: Int) -> Int in return x * y } } curried(7)(8) 7 * y

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func curried(x: Int)(y: Int) -> Int { return {(y: Int) -> Int in return x * y } } curried(7)(8) 7 * 8

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func curried(x: Int)(y: Int) -> Int { return {(y: Int) -> Int in return x * y } } curried(7)(8)

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func curried(x: Int)(y: Int) -> Int { return {(y: Int) -> Int in return x * y } } curried(7)(8)

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func curried(x: Int)(y: Int) -> Int { return {(y: Int) -> Int in return x * y } } curried(7)(8)

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func curried(x: Int) -> (y: Int) -> Int { return {(y: Int) -> Int in return x * y } } curried(7)(8)

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func curried(x: Int) -> (y: Int) -> Int { return {(y: Int) -> Int in return x * y } } curried(7)(8)

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func curried(x: Int) -> (y: Int) -> Int { return {(y: Int) -> Int in return x * y } } curried(7)(8)

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func curried(x: Int) -> (y: Int) -> Int { return {(y: Int) -> Int in return x * y } } curried(7)(8)

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func curried(x: Int) -> (y: Int) -> Int { return {(y: Int) -> Int in return x * y } } curried(7)(8)

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Package Manager

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0022 - Referencing the Obj-C selector of a method

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class MyClass : NSObject { func callbackMethod(with notification: NSNotification){} func setNotification() { let center = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter() center .addObserver(self, selector: "callbackMethod", name: NSApplicationWillResignActiveNotification, object: NSApplication.sharedApplication()) } }

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class MyClass : NSObject { func callbackMethod(with notification: NSNotification){} func setNotification() { let center = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter() center .addObserver(self, selector: "callbackMethod", name: NSApplicationWillResignActiveNotification, object: NSApplication.sharedApplication()) } }

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class MyClass : NSObject { func callbackMethod(with notification: NSNotification){} func setNotification() { let center = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter() center .addObserver(self, selector: "callbackMethod", name: NSApplicationWillResignActiveNotification, object: NSApplication.sharedApplication()) } }

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class MyClass : NSObject { func callbackMethod(with notification: NSNotification){} func setNotification() { let center = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter() center .addObserver(self, selector: "callbackMethod", name: NSApplicationWillResignActiveNotification, object: NSApplication.sharedApplication()) } }

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class MyClass : NSObject { func callbackMethod(with notification: NSNotification){} func setNotification() { let center = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter() center .addObserver(self, selector: "callbackMethod", name: NSApplicationWillResignActiveNotification, object: NSApplication.sharedApplication()) } }

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class MyClass : NSObject { func callbackMethod(with notification: NSNotification){} func setNotification() { let center = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter() center .addObserver(self, selector: "callbackMethod", name: NSApplicationWillResignActiveNotification, object: NSApplication.sharedApplication()) } }

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class MyClass : NSObject { func callbackMethod(with notification: NSNotification){} func setNotification() { let center = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter() center .addObserver(self, selector: #selector(callbackMethod), name: NSApplicationWillResignActiveNotification, object: NSApplication.sharedApplication()) } }

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class MyClass : NSObject { func callbackMethod(with notification: NSNotification){} func setNotification() { let center = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter() center .addObserver(self, selector: #selector(MyClass.callbackMethod), name: NSApplicationWillResignActiveNotification, object: NSApplication.sharedApplication()) } }

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class MyClass : NSObject { func callbackMethod(){} func callbackMethod(with notification: NSNotification){} func setNotification() { let center = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter() center .addObserver(self, selector: #selector(MyClass.callbackMethod), name: NSApplicationWillResignActiveNotification, object: NSApplication.sharedApplication()) } }

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class MyClass : NSObject { func callbackMethod(){} func callbackMethod(with notification: NSNotification){} func setNotification() { let center = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter() center .addObserver(self, selector: #selector(MyClass.callbackMethod), name: NSApplicationWillResignActiveNotification, object: NSApplication.sharedApplication()) } }

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class MyClass : NSObject { func callbackMethod(){} func callbackMethod(with notification: NSNotification){} func setNotification() { let center = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter() center .addObserver(self, selector: #selector(MyClass.callbackMethod(with:)), name: NSApplicationWillResignActiveNotification, object: NSApplication.sharedApplication()) } }

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0033 - Import Obj-C constants as Swift types

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HK_EXTERN NSString * const HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBodyMassIndex; HK_EXTERN NSString * const HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBodyFatPercentage; HK_EXTERN NSString * const HKQuantityTypeIdentifierHeight; HK_EXTERN NSString * const HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBodyMass; HK_EXTERN NSString * const HKQuantityTypeIdentifierLeanBodyMass;

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HK_EXTERN NSString * const HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBodyMassIndex; HK_EXTERN NSString * const HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBodyFatPercentage; HK_EXTERN NSString * const HKQuantityTypeIdentifierHeight; HK_EXTERN NSString * const HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBodyMass; HK_EXTERN NSString * const HKQuantityTypeIdentifierLeanBodyMass;

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enum HKQuantityTypeIdentifier : String { case BodyMassIndex case BodyFatPercentage case Height case BodyMass case LeanBodyMass }

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enum HKQuantityTypeIdentifier : String { case BodyMassIndex case BodyFatPercentage case Height case BodyMass case LeanBodyMass }

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HK_EXTERN NSString * const HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBodyMassIndex; HK_EXTERN NSString * const HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBodyFatPercentage; HK_EXTERN NSString * const HKQuantityTypeIdentifierHeight; HK_EXTERN NSString * const HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBodyMass; HK_EXTERN NSString * const HKQuantityTypeIdentifierLeanBodyMass;

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enum HKQuantityTypeIdentifier : String { case BodyMassIndex case BodyFatPercentage case Height case BodyMass case LeanBodyMass }

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enum HKQuantityTypeIdentifier : String { case BodyMassIndex case BodyFatPercentage case Height case BodyMass case LeanBodyMass }

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0005 - Better translation of Obj-C APIs into Swift

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let color = NSColor.blueColor()

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let color = NSColor.blueColor()

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let color = NSColor.blueColor() Prune redundant type names

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let color =

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rootViewController .presentViewController(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)

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rootViewController .presentViewController(alert, animated: true, completion: nil) Add default arguments

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rootViewController .presentViewController(alert, animated: true, completion: nil) Nullable trailing closures default = nil

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rootViewController .presentViewController(alert, animated: true)

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rootViewController .presentViewController(alert, animated: true) Shouldn't animated default = true

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rootViewController.presentViewController(alert) Prune redundant type names

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var empty: Bool

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var empty: Bool Prepend "is" to Bools

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var isEmpty: Bool

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addLineToPoint(myPoint) func addLineToPoint(_: CGPoint)

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addLineToPoint(myPoint) func addLineToPoint(_: CGPoint) Add first argument labels

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addLineToPoint(myPoint) func addLineToPoint(_: CGPoint) Add first argument labels

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addLine(to: myPoint) func addLine(to point: CGPoint) Add first argument labels

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addLine(to: myPoint) func addLine(to point: CGPoint) Add first argument labels

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Add first argument labels

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Add first argument labels

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var URLHandler

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var URLHandler Lower case imported types

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var urlHandler Lower case imported types

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enum Currency { case Dollars case Euros case Pounds case Yen } Lower case imported types

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enum Currency { case Dollars case Euros case Pounds case Yen } Lower case imported types

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enum Currency { case dollars case euros case pounds case yen } Lower case imported types

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0036 - Requiring Leading Dot Prefixes for Enum Instance Member Implementations

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enum Currency { case dollars case euros case pounds case yen var symbol: String { switch self { case dollars: return "$" default: return "I don't know" } } }

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enum Currency { case dollars case euros case pounds case yen var symbol: String { switch self { case .dollars: return "$" default: return "I don't know" } } }

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enum Currency { case dollars case euros case pounds case yen var symbol: String { switch self { case dollars: return "$" default: return "I don't know" } } }

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enum Currency { case dollars case euros case pounds case yen var symbol: String { switch self { case .dollars: return "$" default: return "I don't know" } } }

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enum Currency { case dollars case euros case pounds case yen var symbol: String { switch self { case .dollars: return "$" default: return "I don't know" } } }

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0043 - Declare variables in 'case' labels with multiple patterns

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enum MyEnum { case case1(Int,Float) case case2(Float,Int) } switch value { case let .case1(x, 2), let .case2(2, x): print(x) case .case1, .case2: break }

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enum MyEnum { case case1(Int,Float) case case2(Float,Int) } switch value { case let .case1(x, 2), let .case2(2, x): print(x) case .case1, .case2: break }

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enum MyEnum { case case1(Int,Float) case case2(Float,Int) } switch value { case let .case1(x, 2), let .case2(2, x): print(x) case .case1, .case2: break }

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enum MyEnum { case case1(Int,Float) case case2(Float,Int) } switch value { case let .case1(x, 2), let .case2(2, x): print(x) case .case1, .case2: break }

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enum MyEnum { case case1(Int,Float) case case2(Float,Int) } switch value { case let .case1(x, 2), let .case2(2, x): print(x) case .case1, .case2: break }

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enum MyEnum { case case1(Int,Float) case case2(Float,Int) } switch value { case let .case1(x, 2), let .case2(2, x): print(x) case .case1, .case2: break }

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enum MyEnum { case case1(Int,Float) case case2(Float,Int) } switch value { case let .case1(x, 2), let .case2(2, x): print(x) case .case1, .case2: break }

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0001 - Allow (most) keywords as argument labels

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calculateRevenue(for sales: Int, in currency: Currency)

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calculateRevenue(for sales: Int, in currency: Currency)

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calculateRevenue(for numberOfCopies, in .dollars)

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0009 - Require self for accessing instance members

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struct Friend { let name: String let location: String func nameBadge() { print("I'm", name, "from", location) } }

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struct Friend { let name: String let location: String func nameBadge() { print("I'm", name, "from", location) } }

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struct Friend { let name: String let location: String func nameBadge() { print("I'm", name, "from", location) } }

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struct Friend { let name: String let location: String func nameBadge() { print("I'm",, "from", self.location) } }

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struct Friend { let name: String let location: String func nameBadge() { print("I'm",, "from", self.location) } } Require self for accessing instance members REJECTED

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0011 - Replace typealias keyword with associatedtype for associated type declarations

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0011 - Replace typealias keyword with associatedtype for associated type declarations

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protocol Prot { typealias Container : SequenceType } extension Prot { typealias Element = Container.Generator.Element }

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protocol Prot { typealias Container : SequenceType } extension Prot { typealias Element = Container.Generator.Element }

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protocol Prot { associatedtype Container : SequenceType } extension Prot { typealias Element = Container.Generator.Element }

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0092 Typealiases in protocols and protocol extensions

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protocol Sequence { associatedtype Iterator : IteratorProtocol typealias Element = Iterator.Element }

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protocol Sequence { associatedtype Iterator : IteratorProtocol typealias Element = Iterator.Element }

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func sum(sequence: T) -> Int { return sequence.reduce(0, combine: +) }

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extension Sequence { typealias Element = Iterator.Element func concat(other: Self) -> [Element] { return Array(self) + Array(other) } }

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extension Sequence { typealias Element = Iterator.Element func concat(other: Self) -> [Element] { return Array(self) + Array(other) } }

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0048 Generic Type Aliases

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typealias StringDictionary = Dictionary typealias DictionaryOfStrings = Dictionary typealias IntFunction = (T) -> Int typealias Vec3 = (T, T, T) typealias BackwardTriple = (T3, T2, T1)

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typealias StringDictionary = Dictionary typealias DictionaryOfStrings = Dictionary typealias IntFunction = (T) -> Int typealias Vec3 = (T, T, T) typealias BackwardTriple = (T3, T2, T1)

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typealias StringDictionary = Dictionary typealias DictionaryOfStrings = Dictionary typealias IntFunction = (T) -> Int typealias Vec3 = (T, T, T) typealias BackwardTriple = (T3, T2, T1)

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typealias StringDictionary = Dictionary typealias DictionaryOfStrings = Dictionary typealias IntFunction = (T) -> Int typealias Vec3 = (T, T, T) typealias BackwardTriple = (T3, T2, T1)

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typealias StringDictionary = Dictionary typealias DictionaryOfStrings = Dictionary typealias IntFunction = (T) -> Int typealias Vec3 = (T, T, T) typealias BackwardTriple = (T3, T2, T1)

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0046 Establish consistent label behavior across all parameters including first labels

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func increase(ourNumber: Int, delta: Int) -> Int { } increase(6, delta: 3)

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func increase(ourNumber: Int, delta: Int) -> Int { } increase(6, delta: 3)

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func increase(ourNumber: Int, delta: Int) -> Int { } increase(6, delta: 3)

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func increase(ourNumber: Int, delta: Int) -> Int { } increase(6, delta: 3)

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func increase(ourNumber: Int, delta: Int) -> Int { } increase(ourNumber: 6, delta: 3)

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func increase(_ ourNumber: Int, delta: Int) -> Int { } increase(6, delta: 3)

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0023 - Swift API Guidelines

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Swift API Design Guidelines

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sort() sorted()

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sortInPlace() sort()

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sort() sorted()

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sort() sorted() Name functions and methods according to their side-effects

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x.distance(to: y) i.successor() Those without side-effects should read as noun phrases

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x.sort() x.append(y) Those with side-effects should read as imperative noun phrases

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sort() sorted()/sorting() Use the “ed/ing” rule to name the nonmutating counterpart of a mutating method

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Prefer methods to free functions

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Prefer methods to free functions Protocol Extensions in Swift 2

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Prefer methods to free functions Protocol Extensions in Swift 2 Except …

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min(x, y, z) When there's no obvious self

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print(x) When the function is an unconstrained generic

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sin(x) When the function is part of the established domain notation

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Methods can share a base name

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Methods can share a base name Good when they do analogous things

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Methods can share a base name Not good (tableView!) when they don't

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Choose good parameter names

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func move(from startingIndex: Int, to endingIndex: Int) Choose good parameter names

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Take advantage of default values

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Take advantage of default values func hello(name: String = "World")

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Take advantage of default values init(name: String, hometown: String? = nil)

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Prefer to locate parameters with defaults at the end init(name: String, hometown: String? = nil)

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External Argument Labels func move(from startingIndex: Int, to endingIndex: Int)

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move(from: here to: there)

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Argument Labels Exceptions

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min(number1, number2) Omit labels when arguments can't be distinguished

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Double(someInt) Omit labels in full width inits

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Double(_ anInt: someInt) Omit labels in full width inits

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func move(from startingIndex: Int, to endingIndex: Int) When the preposition applies to the whole

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func moveTo(x: Int, y: Int) When the preposition applies to the whole

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x.removeBoxes(having Length: 12) When the preposition applies to the whole

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Swift 3 focus on source stability

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Next finish Generics stable ABI

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Understanding Your Toddler iOSConf 2016 Daniel H Steinberg @dimsumthinking