Understanding Your Toddler
iOSConf 2016
Daniel H Steinberg
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Understanding Your Toddler
iOSConf 2016
Daniel H Steinberg
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Understanding Your Toddler
iOSConf 2016
Daniel H Steinberg
No, this is not the same talk I gave last week at UIKonf
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Summer 2010
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No content
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No content
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Summer 2010
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Xcode 4 shipped
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Xcode IB
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No content
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18 months
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No content
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Xcode 4.2
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iOS 5
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WWDC 2014
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No content
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Swift 1.0
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Swift 1.1
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Swift 1.2
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WWDC 2015
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"Swift will be open sourced
by the end of this year"
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December 3, 2015
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No content
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No content
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Proposals from the Community
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PRs from the Community
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Swift Evolution
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Swift 3
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"We have had a focus on
getting to source stability"
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Swift 3
focus on source stability
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API design guidelines
Focus and refine the language
Adoption of naming guidelines in key APIs
Automatic application of naming
guidelines to imported Objective-C APIs
Swiftification of imported Objective-C APIs
Improvements to tooling quality
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Slide 43 text
API design guidelines
Focus and refine the language
Adoption of naming guidelines in key APIs
Automatic application of naming
guidelines to imported Objective-C APIs
Swiftification of imported Objective-C APIs
Improvements to tooling quality
Slide 44
Slide 44 text
API design guidelines
Focus and refine the language
Adoption of naming guidelines in key APIs
Automatic application of naming
guidelines to imported Objective-C APIs
Swiftification of imported Objective-C APIs
Improvements to tooling quality
Slide 45
Slide 45 text
API design guidelines
Focus and refine the language
Adoption of naming guidelines in key APIs
Automatic application of naming
guidelines to imported Objective-C APIs
Swiftification of imported Objective-C APIs
Improvements to tooling quality
Slide 46
Slide 46 text
API design guidelines
Focus and refine the language
Adoption of naming guidelines in key APIs
Automatic application of naming
guidelines to imported Objective-C APIs
Swiftification of imported Objective-C APIs
Improvements to tooling quality
Slide 47
Slide 47 text
API design guidelines
Focus and refine the language
Adoption of naming guidelines in key APIs
Automatic application of naming
guidelines to imported Objective-C APIs
Swiftification of imported Objective-C APIs
Improvements to tooling quality
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Swift 3
focus on source stability
Slide 49
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A Few Previews of
Coming Attractions
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0025 - Scoped Access Levels
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class MyClass {
private var myProperty = "Hello"
private func myPrivateMethod() {
fileprivate func myFilePrivateMethod(numberOfTimes times: Int) {
for _ in 1 ... times {
extension MyClass {
func myExtensionMethod(numberOfTimes times: Int) {
myFilePrivateMethod(numberOfTimes: times)
Slide 58
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class MyClass {
private var myProperty = "Hello"
private func myPrivateMethod() {
fileprivate func myFilePrivateMethod(numberOfTimes times: Int) {
for _ in 1 ... times {
extension MyClass {
func myExtensionMethod(numberOfTimes times: Int) {
myFilePrivateMethod(numberOfTimes: times)
Slide 59
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class MyClass {
private var myProperty = "Hello"
private func myPrivateMethod() {
fileprivate func myFilePrivateMethod(numberOfTimes times: Int) {
for _ in 1 ... times {
extension MyClass {
func myExtensionMethod(numberOfTimes times: Int) {
myFilePrivateMethod(numberOfTimes: times)
Slide 60
Slide 60 text
class MyClass {
private var myProperty = "Hello"
private func myPrivateMethod() {
fileprivate func myFilePrivateMethod(numberOfTimes times: Int) {
for _ in 1 ... times {
extension MyClass {
func myExtensionMethod(numberOfTimes times: Int) {
myFilePrivateMethod(numberOfTimes: times)
Slide 61
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class MyClass {
private var myProperty = "Hello"
private func myPrivateMethod() {
fileprivate func myFilePrivateMethod(numberOfTimes times: Int) {
for _ in 1 ... times {
extension MyClass {
func myExtensionMethod(numberOfTimes times: Int) {
myFilePrivateMethod(numberOfTimes: times)
Slide 62
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0004 - Remove ++ and —
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while count < upperLimit {
print( myArray[count++])
Slide 65
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while count < upperLimit {
print( myArray[count++])
func noEscape(@noescape f: () -> ()) {}
func example(inout x: Int) {
noEscape { _ = x }
safe because @noescape => closure
can't be called after function returns
func escape(f: () -> ()) {}
func example(inout x: Int) {
escape {[x] in _ = x }
Slide 99
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func escape(f: () -> ()) {}
func example(inout x: Int) {
escape {[x] in _ = x }
[x] is a capture list a constant is
initialized to have the value of x
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0049 - Move @noescape and @autoclosure
to be type attributes
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func noEscape(@noescape f: () -> ()) {}
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func noEscape(f: @noescape () -> ()) {}
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func noEscape(f: @autoclosure () -> ()) {}
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0002 - Remove currying func
declaration syntax
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0002 - Remove currying func
declaration syntax
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0002 - Remove currying func
declaration syntax
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func curried(x: Int)(y: Int) -> Int {
return {(y: Int) -> Int in
return x * y
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func curried(x: Int)(y: Int) -> Int {
return {(y: Int) -> Int in
return x * y
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func curried(x: Int)(y: Int) -> Int {
return {(y: Int) -> Int in
return x * y
Slide 110
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func curried(x: Int)(y: Int) -> Int {
return {(y: Int) -> Int in
return x * y
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func curried(x: Int)(y: Int) -> Int {
return {(y: Int) -> Int in
return x * y
7 * y
Slide 112
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func curried(x: Int)(y: Int) -> Int {
return {(y: Int) -> Int in
return x * y
7 * 8
Slide 113
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func curried(x: Int)(y: Int) -> Int {
return {(y: Int) -> Int in
return x * y
Slide 114
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func curried(x: Int)(y: Int) -> Int {
return {(y: Int) -> Int in
return x * y
Slide 115
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func curried(x: Int)(y: Int) -> Int {
return {(y: Int) -> Int in
return x * y
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func curried(x: Int) -> (y: Int) -> Int {
return {(y: Int) -> Int in
return x * y
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func curried(x: Int) -> (y: Int) -> Int {
return {(y: Int) -> Int in
return x * y
Slide 118
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func curried(x: Int) -> (y: Int) -> Int {
return {(y: Int) -> Int in
return x * y
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func curried(x: Int) -> (y: Int) -> Int {
return {(y: Int) -> Int in
return x * y
Slide 120
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func curried(x: Int) -> (y: Int) -> Int {
return {(y: Int) -> Int in
return x * y
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Package Manager
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0022 - Referencing the Obj-C
selector of a method
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class MyClass : NSObject {
func callbackMethod(with notification: NSNotification){}
func setNotification() {
let center = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter()
selector: "callbackMethod",
name: NSApplicationWillResignActiveNotification,
object: NSApplication.sharedApplication())
Slide 127
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class MyClass : NSObject {
func callbackMethod(with notification: NSNotification){}
func setNotification() {
let center = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter()
selector: "callbackMethod",
name: NSApplicationWillResignActiveNotification,
object: NSApplication.sharedApplication())
Slide 128
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class MyClass : NSObject {
func callbackMethod(with notification: NSNotification){}
func setNotification() {
let center = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter()
selector: "callbackMethod",
name: NSApplicationWillResignActiveNotification,
object: NSApplication.sharedApplication())
Slide 129
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class MyClass : NSObject {
func callbackMethod(with notification: NSNotification){}
func setNotification() {
let center = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter()
selector: "callbackMethod",
name: NSApplicationWillResignActiveNotification,
object: NSApplication.sharedApplication())
Slide 130
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class MyClass : NSObject {
func callbackMethod(with notification: NSNotification){}
func setNotification() {
let center = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter()
selector: "callbackMethod",
name: NSApplicationWillResignActiveNotification,
object: NSApplication.sharedApplication())
Slide 131
Slide 131 text
class MyClass : NSObject {
func callbackMethod(with notification: NSNotification){}
func setNotification() {
let center = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter()
selector: "callbackMethod",
name: NSApplicationWillResignActiveNotification,
object: NSApplication.sharedApplication())
Slide 132
Slide 132 text
class MyClass : NSObject {
func callbackMethod(with notification: NSNotification){}
func setNotification() {
let center = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter()
selector: #selector(callbackMethod),
name: NSApplicationWillResignActiveNotification,
object: NSApplication.sharedApplication())
Slide 133
Slide 133 text
class MyClass : NSObject {
func callbackMethod(with notification: NSNotification){}
func setNotification() {
let center = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter()
selector: #selector(MyClass.callbackMethod),
name: NSApplicationWillResignActiveNotification,
object: NSApplication.sharedApplication())
Slide 134
Slide 134 text
class MyClass : NSObject {
func callbackMethod(){}
func callbackMethod(with notification: NSNotification){}
func setNotification() {
let center = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter()
selector: #selector(MyClass.callbackMethod),
name: NSApplicationWillResignActiveNotification,
object: NSApplication.sharedApplication())
Slide 135
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class MyClass : NSObject {
func callbackMethod(){}
func callbackMethod(with notification: NSNotification){}
func setNotification() {
let center = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter()
selector: #selector(MyClass.callbackMethod),
name: NSApplicationWillResignActiveNotification,
object: NSApplication.sharedApplication())
Slide 136
Slide 136 text
class MyClass : NSObject {
func callbackMethod(){}
func callbackMethod(with notification: NSNotification){}
func setNotification() {
let center = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter()
selector: #selector(MyClass.callbackMethod(with:)),
name: NSApplicationWillResignActiveNotification,
object: NSApplication.sharedApplication())
enum Currency {
case Dollars
case Euros
case Pounds
case Yen
Lower case imported types
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enum Currency {
case Dollars
case Euros
case Pounds
case Yen
Lower case imported types
Slide 174
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enum Currency {
case dollars
case euros
case pounds
case yen
Lower case imported types
Slide 175
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0036 - Requiring Leading Dot Prefixes for
Enum Instance Member Implementations
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enum Currency {
case dollars
case euros
case pounds
case yen
var symbol: String {
switch self {
case dollars:
return "$"
return "I don't know"
Slide 177
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enum Currency {
case dollars
case euros
case pounds
case yen
var symbol: String {
switch self {
case .dollars:
return "$"
return "I don't know"
Slide 178
Slide 178 text
enum Currency {
case dollars
case euros
case pounds
case yen
var symbol: String {
switch self {
case dollars:
return "$"
return "I don't know"
Slide 179
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enum Currency {
case dollars
case euros
case pounds
case yen
var symbol: String {
switch self {
case .dollars:
return "$"
return "I don't know"
Slide 180
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enum Currency {
case dollars
case euros
case pounds
case yen
var symbol: String {
switch self {
case .dollars:
return "$"
return "I don't know"
Slide 181
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0043 - Declare variables in 'case' labels
with multiple patterns
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enum MyEnum {
case case1(Int,Float)
case case2(Float,Int)
switch value {
case let .case1(x, 2), let .case2(2, x):
case .case1, .case2:
Slide 183
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enum MyEnum {
case case1(Int,Float)
case case2(Float,Int)
switch value {
case let .case1(x, 2), let .case2(2, x):
case .case1, .case2:
Slide 184
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enum MyEnum {
case case1(Int,Float)
case case2(Float,Int)
switch value {
case let .case1(x, 2), let .case2(2, x):
case .case1, .case2:
Slide 185
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enum MyEnum {
case case1(Int,Float)
case case2(Float,Int)
switch value {
case let .case1(x, 2), let .case2(2, x):
case .case1, .case2:
Slide 186
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enum MyEnum {
case case1(Int,Float)
case case2(Float,Int)
switch value {
case let .case1(x, 2), let .case2(2, x):
case .case1, .case2:
Slide 187
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enum MyEnum {
case case1(Int,Float)
case case2(Float,Int)
switch value {
case let .case1(x, 2), let .case2(2, x):
case .case1, .case2:
Slide 188
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enum MyEnum {
case case1(Int,Float)
case case2(Float,Int)
switch value {
case let .case1(x, 2), let .case2(2, x):
case .case1, .case2:
Slide 189
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0001 - Allow (most) keywords
as argument labels
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calculateRevenue(for sales: Int,
in currency: Currency)
Slide 191
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calculateRevenue(for sales: Int,
in currency: Currency)
Slide 192
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calculateRevenue(for numberOfCopies,
in .dollars)
Slide 193
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0009 - Require self for accessing
instance members
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struct Friend {
let name: String
let location: String
func nameBadge() {
print("I'm", name,
"from", location)
Slide 195
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struct Friend {
let name: String
let location: String
func nameBadge() {
print("I'm", name,
"from", location)
Slide 196
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struct Friend {
let name: String
let location: String
func nameBadge() {
print("I'm", name,
"from", location)
Slide 197
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struct Friend {
let name: String
let location: String
func nameBadge() {
print("I'm", self.name,
"from", self.location)
Slide 198
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struct Friend {
let name: String
let location: String
func nameBadge() {
print("I'm", self.name,
"from", self.location)
Require self for accessing
instance members
Slide 199
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0011 - Replace typealias keyword with
associatedtype for associated type
Slide 200
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0011 - Replace typealias keyword with
associatedtype for associated type