Manatsawin Hanmongkolchai
Senior Architect, LINE MAN Wongnai
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Pet vs Cattle
#connect people to good stuff
● Pet is when your servers have a name, and if it break all hell goes loose
● Cattle is when your servers are numbered, and if it break you kill it and
● Kubernetes pod is a cattle, but what about your cluster?
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Enforcing Infrastructure as Code
#connect people to good stuff
● How much do you think your current infrastructure is in Git?
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Enforcing Infrastructure as Code
#connect people to good stuff
● Our answer is: we don’t even know!
● Have you ever kubectl edit -n wongnai-prod ?
○ Do you think your friends never do it?
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Multiple deployment tools
#connect people to good stuff
● Some external software ships as Helm charts, so multiple sources of
deployment we have to manage
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#connect people to good stuff
GitOps is a way to do Kubernetes cluster management and application
delivery. It works by using Git as a single source of truth for declarative
infrastructure and applications. With Git at the center of your delivery
pipelines, developers can make pull requests to accelerate and simplify
application deployments and operations tasks to Kubernetes.
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#connect people to good stuff
● All states are stored in Git repository - no more deploy time value
● All state changes are Git commit - can use Git tools to review/revert
and has audit trail
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#connect people to good stuff
● ArgoCD implements the GitOps pattern
● Multiple templating system support
○ Plain YAML file
○ Jsonnet
○ Helm v2 & v3
○ Kustomize
○ Plug your own with shell (We plug our previous system in)
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#connect people to good stuff
● ArgoCD has in-cluster daemon that read CRD, clone the Git repos,
template and apply
● All states are stored either in CRD or Git
● A nice web interface as a bonus
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#connect people to good stuff
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ArgoCD @
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#connect people to good stuff
ArgoCD Jsonnet Argo Rollouts
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#connect people to good stuff
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#connect people to good stuff
# load? overrides/${NAMESPACE}/env.yaml
environment: {
key: (
if namespace == 'wongnai-prod' then 'prod-value'
else 'other-value'
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Jsonnet Merge
#connect people to good stuff
environment: {
key: 'VALUE',
} + {
environment: {
another: 'DATA'
environment: {
another: 'DATA',
Jsonnet Loop
#connect people to good stuff
["key" + i]: i
for i in [1, 2, 3, 4]
"key1": 1,
"key2": 2,
"key3": 3,
"key4": 4
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Jsonnet Function
#connect people to good stuff
local kv(k, v) = {
name: key,
value: value,
environment: [
kv('key', 'VALUE'),
environment: [
name: 'key',
value: 'VALUE',
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Jsonnet Reference
#connect people to good stuff
key: self.value
value: 'hello',
key: 'hello',
value: 'hello',
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Jsonnet is Functional
#connect people to good stuff
key: self.value
} + {
value: 'hello'
key: 'hello',
value: 'hello',
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Jsonnet Hidden Field
#connect people to good stuff
key: self.value
} + {
value:: 'hello'
key: 'hello',
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Jsonnet Assertion
#connect people to good stuff
value: 10,
assert self.value < 5 :
:3:27-37 thunk
During manifestation
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Argo Rollouts
The “auto rollback”
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Argo Rollouts
#connect people to good stuff
● Argo Rollout is in very early stage
● Rollout replaces Kubernetes Deployment
● Support multiple rollout strategy
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Blue-green deployment
#connect people to good stuff
● Minimize the time that both versions are running together
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Blue-green deployment
#connect people to good stuff
● Minimize the time that both versions are running together
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Rolling deployment
#connect people to good stuff
● What Kubernetes Deployment does - existing deployment strategy
● Replace servers one by one
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Canary deployment
#connect people to good stuff
● Replace a few servers, monitor, then roll forward
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Canary analysis
#connect people to good stuff
● Argo Rollout use analysis to determine that the deployment is healthy
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Canary analysis
#connect people to good stuff
● What can you analysis?
○ Evaluate Prometheus query result
○ Invoke Kubernetes Job
○ Send web request and evaluate JSON response
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Canary analysis
#connect people to good stuff
● Analysis can run in the background during deployment, or at a given
● Can assert for success (error < 5%) or failure (error > 5%)
● If both success and failure are set, and none are met then it is
○ Inconclusive deployments are paused for human intervention
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Canary deployment steps
#connect people to good stuff
● Canary deployment must have list of steps. Here’s how our deployment
○ Rollout 10% of desired pods
○ Wait for 180 seconds (3 minutes)
○ Rollout 50% of desired pods
○ Wait for 120 seconds (2 minutes)
○ Rollout 100%
● If at any point background analysis fail, then rollback
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Tales from production
#connect people to good stuff
● Argo Rollout saved a few botched deployments without operator
● But that requires it to be properly configured - can be annoying if not