Michele (Mee-keh-leh)
Front End Developer at YPlan
Member of:
● React.js Italia
Follow me @MicheleBertoli
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January 2017
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Which talk would be more interesting?
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Errors are bad
● Unhappy customers
● Unhappy developers
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Let’s talk about errors
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JavaScript Debugging
Normally, errors will happen, every time you try to
write some new JavaScript code.
source: w3schools.com
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Cost of errors
● Bugs cost economy $312 billion per year
● Developers spend 50% of their programming time
finding and fixing bugs
source: Cambridge University
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What is an error?
● Incorrect result
● Unintended behaviour
● Inconsistent state
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Types of errors
● Operational
● Unexpected
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The problem
● Your code will fail
● The problem is not handling the errors
● Users find the bugs for you
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Error handling
● Give a feedback to the users
● Discover errors quickly
● Store informations to reproduce problems
message: Error message (string)
source: URL of the script (string)
lineno: Line number (number)
colno: Column number for the line (number)
error: Error Object (object)
Error Object
message*: Human-readable description
fileName*: Name of the file
lineNumber*: Line number
* Optional
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Different origin
● Script error
● “crossorigin” attribute
● CORS HTTP response headers
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The best error handler ever
window.onerror = message => (
window.location.href = (
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Stack Trace (or it didn’t happen)
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Error: Component error
at ReactComponentErrors.throwError
at ReactComponentErrors.componentWillReceiveProps
at ReactComponentErrors.component.(anonymous function)
at ReactCompositeComponentWrapper.updateComponent
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● Non-standard property
● Different formats
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console.log(new Error().stack)
at :1:13
● Wraps the lifecycle methods into a try...catch block
● Configurable error handler
● Passes component name, method, props and Error
Object to the handler
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import poop from 'react-poop'
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
export default poop(MyComponent)
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● Wraps the render method into a try...catch block
● Works with stateless functional components
● Nonsense
“Unpredictable state container for JavaScript apps”
Redux-inspired state container based on Error
Objects and the Global handler.
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Redux Erdux
Dispatch Actions Errors
Update Subscription window.onerror
State management Reducers Reducers
Useful Yes No
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class IncrementAction extends Error {}
const increment = document.getElementById('increment')
() => { throw new IncrementAction() }
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const reducer = (state, error) => {
switch (error.constructor) {
case IncrementAction:
return state + 1
return state
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Are you telling me to put try...catch blocks
everywhere? NOPE!
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Proper Error Handling
● Your code will fail
● Find the right balance between performance and
error handling
● Think about the users first
● Never stop experimenting (and sharing)