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Proper Error Handling @MicheleBertoli

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Michele (Mee-keh-leh) Front End Developer at YPlan Member of: ● WEBdeBS + WEBdeLDN ● React.js Italia Follow me @MicheleBertoli

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January 2017

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Poll Which talk would be more interesting?

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Errors are bad ● Unhappy customers ● Unhappy developers

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Let’s talk about errors

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JavaScript Debugging Normally, errors will happen, every time you try to write some new JavaScript code. source:

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Cost of errors ● Bugs cost economy $312 billion per year ● Developers spend 50% of their programming time finding and fixing bugs source: Cambridge University

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What is an error? ● Incorrect result ● Unintended behaviour ● Inconsistent state

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Types of errors ● Operational ● Unexpected

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The problem ● Your code will fail ● The problem is not handling the errors ● Users find the bugs for you

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Error handling ● Give a feedback to the users ● Discover errors quickly ● Store informations to reproduce problems

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Webpack ● Module bundler ● Code splitting ● Loaders ● Plugin System

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Common error handling solutions

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window.onerror message: Error message (string) source: URL of the script (string) lineno: Line number (number) colno: Column number for the line (number) error: Error Object (object)

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Browser message source lineno colno error Firefox √ √ √ √ √ Chrome √ √ √ √ √ Edge √ √ √ √ IE11 √ √ √ √ √ Safari √ √ √ √

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Error Object message*: Human-readable description fileName*: Name of the file lineNumber*: Line number * Optional

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Different origin ● Script error ● “crossorigin” attribute ● CORS HTTP response headers

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The best error handler ever window.onerror = message => ( window.location.href = ( `[js]${message}` ) )

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Stack Trace (or it didn’t happen)

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Example Error: Component error at ReactComponentErrors.throwError (http://localhost:8080/bundle.js:27522:16) at ReactComponentErrors.componentWillReceiveProps (http://localhost:8080/bundle.js:27516:18) at ReactComponentErrors.component.(anonymous function) (http://localhost:8080/bundle.js:27591:22) at ReactCompositeComponentWrapper.updateComponent (http://localhost:8080/bundle.js:19709:13)

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Error.prototype.stack ● Non-standard property ● Different formats

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console.log(new Error().stack) Error at :1:13 Chrome

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console.log(new Error().stack) @debugger eval code:1:13 FireFox

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console.log(new Error().stack) eval code eval@[native code] _evaluateOn _evaluateAndWrap evaluate Safari

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StackTrace.JS Generate, parse, and enhance JavaScript stack traces in all web browsers.

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TraceKit Attempts to create stack traces for unhandled JavaScript exceptions in all major browsers.

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Definition The try...catch statement marks a block of statements to try, and specifies a response, should an exception be thrown.

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Usage try { } catch (e) { }

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Re-throw try { } catch (e) { throw e }

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Performances const errorObject = { value: null } function tryCatch(fn, ctx, args) { try { return fn.apply(ctx, args) } catch (e) { errorObject.value = e return errorObject } }

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ryanmorr/try-catch tryCatch(() => { // try something }, error => { // handle error })

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Custom error handling solutions

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Why? ● Collect more informations ● Make debugging easier ● Specialised solutions

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MicheleBertoli/proper-error-handling ● Operational ● Components ● Actions ● Reducers ● Sagas ● Selectors

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Logging info info(message, extra) {'ℹ ') console.log(message) console.log(extra) console.groupEnd() },

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Logging errors error(error, extra) {' ') console.log(error) console.log(extra) StackTrace.fromError(error).then(log) }

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Formatting the stack trace const log = stack => { console.log( => frame.toString()).join('\n') ) console.groupEnd() }

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Webpack devtool ● eval ● source-map

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Global handler window.onerror = (msg, src, lineno, colno, err) => { Logger.error(err, { msg, src, lineno, colno }) return true }

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Module error import ThrowingModule from 'utils/throwing-module' window.onerror = ...

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Multiple entries entry: [ './src/utils/onerror', './src', ],

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Operational errors handling

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Flow Errors Watcher API_GET Watcher API_GET Action API_GET_FAILUR E Action Logger HTTP Client

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Catch all Saga const filter = action => action.error function* takeEveryError() { yield* takeEvery(filter, errorHandler) } function* errorHandler({ error, type }) { yield call(, error, type) }

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Notifications const filter = action => action.error function* takeEveryError() { yield* takeEvery(filter, errorHandler) } function* errorHandler({ error, type }) { yield put(NotificationActions.send(error, type)) }

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Example const Nice = () =>
const Evil = () => (
Evil {this.does.not.exist}

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What happens? const Main = () => (

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Errors in components ● A single broken component stops the rendering ● Errors don’t bubble up

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facebook/react #2461 ● Open from Nov 2014 ● Suggested workaround “Monkey patching” ● Please go and add a +1

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staxmanade/react-component-errors import wrap from 'react-component-errors' class MyComponent extends React.Component { ... } wrap(MyComponent)

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Config import { config } from 'react-component-errors' config.errorHandler = errorReport => ( Logger.error(errorReport.error, errorReport) )

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Features ● Wraps the lifecycle methods into a try...catch block ● Configurable error handler ● Passes component name, method, props and Error Object to the handler

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MicheleBertoli/react-poop import poop from 'react-poop' class MyComponent extends React.Component { ... } export default poop(MyComponent)

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Features ● Wraps the render method into a try...catch block ● Works with stateless functional components ● Nonsense

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Custom bindActionCreators const errorHandler = (error, action) => ( Logger.error(error, action) ) const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({ apiActions: safeBindActionCreators( ApiActions, dispatch, errorHandler ), })

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Features ● Wraps the bound actions into a try...catch block ● Catches all the synchronous errors ● Passes error and action name to the handler

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sergiodxa/redux-catch import reduxCatch from 'redux-catch' const errorHandler = (error, getState) => ( Logger.error(error, getState()) ) applyMiddleware( reduxCatch(errorHandler) )

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Features ● Wraps the reducers into a try...catch block ● Configurable error handler ● Passes “getState” to the handler

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Redux DevTools extension ● Chrome, Firefox and Electron ● Import/export state

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Uncaught uncaught at root at takeEveryThrowErrorInSagas at throwError

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try...catch function* throwError() { try { yield call( () => { throw new Error('Saga error') } ) } catch (error) { yield call(Logger.error, error) } }

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Custom mapStateToProps const errorHandler = (error, { state, ownProps }) => ( Logger.error(error, { state, ownProps }) ) const mapStateToProps = safeMapStateToProps( state => ({ shouldThrow: getShouldThrow(state) }), errorHandler )

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Features ● Wraps the selectors into a try...catch block ● Passes error, state and props to the handler

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reactjs/react-redux const haveStatePropsChanged = tryCatch( this.updateStatePropsIfNeeded, this ) ... if (haveStatePropsChanged === errorObject) { this.statePropsPrecalculationError = ( errorObject.value ) }

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reactjs/react-redux render() { ... if (statePropsPrecalculationError) { throw statePropsPrecalculationError } ... }

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Debugging ?secret_debugging_flag=true

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Erdux “Unpredictable state container for JavaScript apps” Redux-inspired state container based on Error Objects and the Global handler.

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Redux Erdux Dispatch Actions Errors Update Subscription window.onerror State management Reducers Reducers Useful Yes No

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Erdux class IncrementAction extends Error {} const increment = document.getElementById('increment') increment.addEventListener( 'click', () => { throw new IncrementAction() } )

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Erdux const reducer = (state, error) => { switch (error.constructor) { case IncrementAction: return state + 1 default: return state } }

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FAQ Are you telling me to put try...catch blocks everywhere? NOPE!

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Proper Error Handling ● Your code will fail ● Find the right balance between performance and error handling ● Think about the users first ● Never stop experimenting (and sharing)

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Any questions?