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Scaffolding for Cloud-Native Development The Internal Developer Platform Hans-Peter Grahsl Developer Advocate @ Red Hat 1 @hpgrahsl

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This shouldn’t be too hard… 2 Let’s build an application!

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Let’s build an application! 3 We’ll just grab our editor and write the code… period.

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Let’s build an application! 4 We’ll just grab our editor and write the code. Seriously dude?

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Yeah… We’ll just need … 5 … to create container images, and a container registry to share them, and a place to run all our containers …

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Yeah… We’ll just need … 6 … oh, and a lot(!) of YAML 😱, and some CI/CD to build & deploy it, and a repository to store our code … and all our YAML 🙈.

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I’ll just quickly grab this and only add one more little thing… 7

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CNCF Landscape Evolution “Explosion” 8

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What’s the problem? Lack of organization can lead to a lengthy and inconsistent onboarding experience - it’s costly and also frustrating for developers! 9

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Is “shifting left” (still) a good thing going forward? 10 <<

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We’re simply asking too much of developers … 11 “Today’s developers are asked to know web frameworks, architecture patterns, testing strategies, build systems, multiple types of databases, caches, automation tools, container orchestrators, L4-L7 networking concepts, SaaS APIs, monitoring systems, numerous public clouds, and oh, maybe a little machine learning.” — Richard Seroter

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Probably better to start “shifting down” … 12 But how ? <<

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Internal Developer Platforms 13

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14 What is an Internal Developer Platform (IDP)? Internal Developer Platform ▸ built by a platform team to enable developer self-service ▸ provides developers with guided and supported paths to success ▸ typically composed of different technologies and tools

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Golden Paths Golden Path 15 pre-architected and supported approach to building and deploying a particular piece of software

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Golden Paths 16 What does a Golden Path contain? ▸ a templated repository hosting the initial code base ▸ a set of manifests for deploying applications and provisioning resources ▸ pre-configured but customizable CI/CD pipeline ▸ baked in observability with reasonable default settings

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17 Why use an Internal Developer Platform (IDP)? Internal Developer Platform Operations ● Accounts for governance and standardization ● Handles logistics for automating deployment tasks Project Managers (PM) ● Project management tool consistency & organization ● Improved planning by defining a clear set of steps & dependencies Security ● Ensuring best practices are followed (vulnerability scanning, pen testing, etc) ● Visibility into security posture of applications Quality Assurance (QA) ● Automated testing integrated into Golden Path ● Visibility into testing process to help identify problems ▸ makes different & complex tech stacks approachable in a consistent way ▸ allows for faster adoption of new technologies by removing friction ▸ not only for developers → beneficial also to Ops, Security, PM & QA

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18 Introducing…

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What is Red Hat Developer Hub? 19 An enterprise-grade, open developer platform for building developer portals, containing a supported and opinionated framework.

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20 Consistent developer experience across environments. Integrates with industry standards and technologies through a broad ecosystem. Virtual Physical Hybrid Software Catalog Software Templates Authentication and Authorization with Keycloak GitOps with Argo CD Pipelines with Tekton Application Topology for Kubernetes Container Image Registry for Quay Multi Cluster View with Open Cluster Manager (OCM) Based on Backstage, an open source platform for building developer portals. MANY MORE Empowering engineering to deliver business value faster.

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Red Hat Developer Hub in Action and by Example 21

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Demo Scenario 22 Frontend App Gateway App Backend App

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Tekton How it all comes together … 23 Red Hat Developer Hub Keycloak Argo CD Deployment Build & Push Images Image Registry Pull Images deploy OpenShift Dev Spaces App Source Repo GitOps Manifests Repo Scaffolding & Initial Commit Develop & Test Code Webhook Trigger

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Self-service with guardrails for cloud-native development. 24 The Rise of Platform Engineering = The Evolution of DevOps Single pane of glass to increase engineering productivity. Real-time view of application and infrastructure health and security. Empowering engineering to deliver business value faster. Best practices with GitOps and automation.

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Apply for Dev Preview Today! 25 ▸ Choose Red Hat for Developer Productivity ▸ Learn how Red Hat Developer Hub can help: ▸ Email to ▸ Get support via slack

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Slide 26 text 26 Red Hat is the world’s leading provider of enterprise open source software solutions. Award-winning support, training, and consulting services make Red Hat a trusted adviser to the Fortune 500. Thank you!