Slide 85
Slide 85 text
• ʮRemediationOutputʯͱ͍͏໊݅ͷϝʔϧ
"ReportTime": "2019-10-03T05:30:37.559Z",
"Account id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"findingKey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"Rules violations found": [
"Rule": "Ensure no security groups allow ingress from to SSH (TCP:22)",
"ID": "sg-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"Name": "dome9-test-sg",
"Remediation": "sg_single_rule_delete",
"Execution status": "passed",
"Bot message": "Split matching for the port to be remediated is set to False. If the port is
contained within a larger scope, it will be skipped.\nThe protocol to be removed is TCP\nScope to be
removed found: \nThe rule to be removed is going to be for inbound traffic\nPort to be
removed: 22 \nMatching rule found that is going to be deleted. Protocol:TCP Direction:inbound Port:
22 Scope:\nSecurity Group rule from port 22 to port 22 successfully removed\n"