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Rx and Preferences Shintaro Katafuchi/hotchemi

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• Shared Preferences • Just a XML based KVS • boolean,String,float,int,long,Set • Tend to be messy to manage keys

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public class PreferenceManager {
 private static final String KEY_USER_ID = "user_id";
 public putUserId(int userId) {
 prefs.edit().putInt(KEY_USER_ID, userId).apply();
 public int getUserId() {
 return prefs.getUserId(KEY_USER_ID, -1);
 public boolean hasUserId() {
 return prefs.contains(KEY_USER_ID);
 public void removeUserId() {

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private static final String SHARED_PREFS_NAME = "HogeActivity";
 private static final String LAST_UPDATE_TICK_KEY = "lastUpdateTick";
 private static final String LAST_DAILY_TASK_TICK_KEY = "lastDailyTaskTick";
 private static final String LAST_SPLASH_EVENT_KEY = "lastSplashEventTick";
 private static final String FCM_TOKEN_KEY = "fcmToken";
 private static final String GCM_REGISTRATION_ID_KEY = "gcmRegistrationId";
 private static final String GCM_APP_VERSION_KEY = "gcmAppVersion";
 private static final String INVALIDATED_COUNT_KEY = "invalidatedCount";
 private static final String LAUNCH_COUNT_KEY = "launchCount";
 private static final String FIRST_BOOT_TICK_KEY = "firstBootTick";
 private static final String RATING_DIALOG_KEY = "ratingDialogKey";

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• Rx and Preferences • Deal with every “data” as Observable • We need a subscription mechanism • Yes, RxJava! • Compound with other Rx libraries

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Android Application Architecture

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• What I wanna do… • manage keys easily • subscribe a data with Rx

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apply plugin: 'android-apt' dependencies {
 compile ‘com.github.hotchemi:tiamat:0.8.1’
 provided ‘com.github.hotchemi:tiamat-compiler:0.8.1’
 } Install

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 class Sample {
 @Key(name = "long_value")
 long longValue = false;
 // you can define default value like stringValue
 @Key(name = "string_value")
 String stringValue = "default_value";
 @Key(name = "boolean_value")
 boolean booleanValue;
 @Key(name = "int_value")
 int intValue;
 @Key(name = "float_value")
 float floatValue;
 @Key(name = "set_string")
 Set setStringValue;
 } Define a model

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RxPreferences preferences = new SampleSharedPreferences(context);
 preferences.putStringValue(string, defaultValue);
 preferences.removeStringValue(); Generate codes

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// as primitive boolean value = preferences.getBooleanValue().asValue(); // as Observable Observable value = preferences.getBooleanValue().asObservable(); // as Action Action1 super Boolean> value = preferences.getBooleanValue().asAction(); As RxJava

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 .subscribe(preference.asAction())); With Rx libraries

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Everything is a stream!