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Specifying Other People’s Data Structures with Spec An Experience Report Clojure/NYC July 2018 Avi Flax [email protected]

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This is really just an experience report: Iʼm going to share my experience trying to solve a problem with spec, show what I struggled with, what I tried that didnʼt work, and my final solution that did work. Experience Report

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Introduction to Spec

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Whatʼs itʼs goal? A Library

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* As per Rich Hickey: * * Thatʼs how Rich Hickey describes it... “Clojure has no standard, expressive, powerful and integrated system for specification and testing. clojure.spec aims to provide it.” — Rich Hickey, clojure.spec - Rationale and Overview

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* This is how I tend to describe it, when someone makes the mistake of asking me what Iʼm excited about in programming. * * So: itʼs Clojureʼs answer to creating large, maintainable, sustainable systems with a lot of code while retaining dynamicity * I.E. Clojureʼs alternative to types * Not a radically original idea * Hickey: “Almost nothing about spec is novel.” * Prior art: Schema, Herbert, contracts, RDF, schemas in general * Thatʼs all the background Iʼll do right now; hopefully this is enough that the code weʼll look at will make some sense. * But if anything doesnʼt make sense, please shout and weʼll fix that. “An excellent tool for specifying and validating data structures, and testing and documenting functions.” — me

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My Problem

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explain this { "elements": [ { "type": "Software System", "name": "Uberwriter", "position": "700,100" } ], "styles": [ { "type": "element", "tag": "Database", "shape": "Cylinder" } ] }

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* Alternate view * For all its flaws, YAML is easy for humans to read * My goal: specify this data structure with spec elements: - type: Software System name: Uberwriter position: '700,100' styles: - type: element tag: Database shape: Cylinder

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* Biggest challenge: type * To a neophyte, itʼs perplexing how to specify these different data structures that both use type elements: - type: Software System name: Uberwriter position: '700,100' styles: - type: element tag: Database shape: Cylinder

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* Why is this perplexing? * It starts with the fact that one of specʼs strongly-held opinions (it has many) is that map keys should be namespaced and should be specified independently of the maps theyʼre used in Why?

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“Map specs should be of keysets only” — One of the problem statements in the spec rationale

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“Most systems for specifying structures conflate the specification of the key set (e.g. of keys in a map, fields in an object) with the specification of the values designated by those keys.” — from the explanation of that problem statement

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This is clearer. “Decomplect maps/keys/values” — one of the stated objectives of spec

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“Keep map (keyset) specs separate from attribute (key→value) specs.” — from the explanation of that objective

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OK? Now time for some code “Sets (maps) are about membership, that’s it... This is vital for composition and dynamicity.” — one of the guidelines in the spec overview

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* Most spec tutorials & guides show examples like this * All well and good * Letʼs discuss double-colons for a minute (ns hud.catalog) (s/def !"coords string?) (s/def !"description string?) (s/def !"building (s/keys :req [!"coords !"description]))

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* So :: syntax is nice * and super convenient * but not always (ns hud.catalog) (s/def !"coords string?) == (ns hud.catalog) (s/def :hud.catalog/coords string?)

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The latter specs would clobber the earlier ones Wouldn’t work: ; element (s/def !"type !#"Person" "Software System"}) ; style (s/def !"type !#"element" "tag" "relationship})

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Attempt #1

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Multiple namespaces, one file (ns fc4c.spec) (s/def !"name string?) (ns fc4c.spec.element (:require [fc4c.spec :as fs])) (s/def !"type !#"Person" "Software System"}) (s/def !"element (s/keys :req [!"fs/name !"type !!$])) (ns (:require [fc4c.spec :as fs])) (s/def !"type !#"element" "relationship"}) (s/def !"style (s/keys :req [!"fs/name !"type !!$]) (ns fc4c.spec.diagram (:require [!!$])) (s/def !"type !#"System Landscape" "System Context" "Container"}) (s/def !"elements (s/coll-of !"fse/element)) (s/def !"styles (s/coll-of !"fss/style)) (s/def !"diagram (s/keys :req [!"elements !"styles !!$]))

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I thought: this is exactly what namespaces are for, right? To prevent conflicts of things that are named similarly but have different semantics. (ns fc4c.spec) (s/def !"name string?) (ns fc4c.spec.element (:require [fc4c.spec :as fs])) (s/def !"type !#"Person" "Software System"}) (s/def !"element (s/keys :req [!"fs/name !"type !!$])) (ns (:require [fc4c.spec :as fs])) (s/def !"type !#"element" "relationship"}) (s/def !"style (s/keys :req [!"fs/name !"type !!$]) (ns fc4c.spec.diagram (:require [!!$])) (s/def !"type !#"System Landscape" "System Context" "Container"}) (s/def !"elements (s/coll-of !"fse/element)) (s/def !"styles (s/coll-of !"fss/style)) (s/def !"diagram (s/keys :req [!"elements !"styles !!$]))

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* All in one file! * Seemed to work! * But: ** Convoluted, verbose ** Non-idiomatic to have multi namespaces one file (ns fc4c.spec) (s/def !"name string?) (ns fc4c.spec.element (:require [fc4c.spec :as fs])) (s/def !"type !#"Person" "Software System"}) (s/def !"element (s/keys :req [!"fs/name !"type !!$])) (ns (:require [fc4c.spec :as fs])) (s/def !"type !#"element" "relationship"}) (s/def !"style (s/keys :req [!"fs/name !"type !!$]) (ns fc4c.spec.diagram (:require [!!$])) (s/def !"type !#"System Landscape" "System Context" "Container"}) (s/def !"elements (s/coll-of !"fse/element)) (s/def !"styles (s/coll-of !"fss/style)) (s/def !"diagram (s/keys :req [!"elements !"styles !!$]))

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Attempt #2

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* A little better * Only 1 Clojure ns in file * Explicit namespaces — no more :: * One odd thing: copying specs from one ns to another: (ns fc4c.spec) (s/def :fc4c/name string?) !" elements! (s/def :fc4c.element/name :fc4c/name) (s/def :fc4c.element/type !#"Person" "Software System"}) (s/def :fc4c/element (s/keys :req [:fc4c.element/name :fc4c.element/type !!$])) !" styles! (s/def :fc4c/name) (s/def !#"element" "relationship"}) (s/def :fc4c/style (s/keys :req [ !!$])) !" diagram! (s/def :fc4c.diagram/type !#"System Landscape" "System Context" "Container"}) (s/def :fc4c.diagram/elements (s/coll-of :fc4c/element)) (s/def :fc4c.diagram/styles (s/coll-of :fc4c/style)) (s/def :fc4c/diagram (s/keys :req [:fc4c.diagram/type :fc4c.diagram/elements :fc4c.diagram/styles !!$]))

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Explain why... then show (ns fc4c.spec) (s/def :fc4c/name string?) !" elements! (s/def :fc4c.element/name :fc4c/name) (s/def :fc4c.element/type !#"Person" "Software System"}) (s/def :fc4c/element (s/keys :req [:fc4c.element/name :fc4c.element/type !!$])) !" styles! (s/def :fc4c/name) (s/def !#"element" "relationship"}) (s/def :fc4c/style (s/keys :req [ !!$])) !" diagram! (s/def :fc4c.diagram/type !#"System Landscape" "System Context" "Container"}) (s/def :fc4c.diagram/elements (s/coll-of :fc4c/element)) (s/def :fc4c.diagram/styles (s/coll-of :fc4c/style)) (s/def :fc4c/diagram (s/keys :req [:fc4c.diagram/type :fc4c.diagram/elements :fc4c.diagram/styles !!$]))

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This is what I get when I parse one of these YAML files {:elements [{:type "Software System" :name "Uberwriter" :description "UI for Underwriters" :position "700,100"}] :styles [{:type "element" :tag "Database" :shape "Cylinder"}]}

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* I thought I was going to need to add a namespace to every key in this map * in order for the map to be valid according to my spec * So itʼd look something like this * But when I imagined writing the code that would assign the right namespace to the right key, it felt like a disaster * So that's why I copied the specs; so instead I could do this: {:fc4c.spec/elements [{:fc4c.element/type "Software System" :fc4c.spec/name "Uberwriter" :fc4c.element/position "700,100"}] :fc4c.spec/styles [{ "element" :fc4c.spec/tag "Database" "Cylinder"}]}

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* I was thinking that when I added the namespaces like this, itʼd be easy, because I could add the same namespace to every key in any given kind of map {:fc4c.spec/elements [{:fc4c.element/type "Software System" :fc4c.element/name "Uberwriter" :fc4c.element/position "700,100"}] :fc4c.spec/styles [{ "element" "Database" "Cylinder"}]}

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* Well it turns out that was silly, because spec includes a way to specify a map that contains unqualified keys:

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(s/def :structurizr/style (s/keys :req [] :opt [])

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(s/def :structurizr/style (s/keys :req-un [] :opt-un [])

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Attempt #3

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(ns fc4c.spec) (s/def :fc4c/name string?) !" elements! (s/def :fc4c.element/type !#"Person" "Software System"}) (s/def :fc4c/element (s/keys :req-un [:fc4c/name :fc4c.element/type !!%])) !" styles! (s/def !#"element" "relationship"}) (s/def :fc4c/style (s/keys :req-un [:fc4c/name !!%])) !" diagram! (s/def :fc4c.diagram/type !#"System Landscape" "System Context" "Container"}) (s/def :fc4c.diagram/elements (s/coll-of :fc4c/element)) (s/def :fc4c.diagram/styles (s/coll-of :fc4c/style)) (s/def :fc4c/diagram (s/keys :req-un [:fc4c.diagram/type :fc4c.diagram/elements :fc4c.diagram/styles !!%]))

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* Composition! * Validation! * Generation! * No post-processing! (ns fc4c.spec) (s/def :fc4c/name string?) !" elements! (s/def :fc4c.element/type !#"Person" "Software System"}) (s/def :fc4c/element (s/keys :req-un [:fc4c/name :fc4c.element/type !!%])) !" styles! (s/def !#"element" "relationship"}) (s/def :fc4c/style (s/keys :req-un [:fc4c/name !!%])) !" diagram! (s/def :fc4c.diagram/type !#"System Landscape" "System Context" "Container"}) (s/def :fc4c.diagram/elements (s/coll-of :fc4c/element)) (s/def :fc4c.diagram/styles (s/coll-of :fc4c/style)) (s/def :fc4c/diagram (s/keys :req-un [:fc4c.diagram/type :fc4c.diagram/elements :fc4c.diagram/styles !!%]))

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End result: a spec that thoroughly specifies a diagram data structure, using straightforward composition (s/def :fc4c/diagram (s/keys :req-un [:fc4c.diagram/type :fc4c.diagram/scope :fc4c/description :fc4c.diagram/elements :fc4c.diagram/relationships :fc4c.diagram/styles :fc4c.diagram/size]))

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Demo Time!

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Just a refinement I devised to improve the readability of my specs Refinement

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* I find this really hard to read — lots of repetitive, verbose characters. * If you recall, I stopped using double- colons because I wanted all my specs in a single file, and I didnʼt want to define multiple Clojure namespaces in a single file, mostly because itʼs non- idiomatic. (s/def :structurizr.relationship/source :structurizr/name) (s/def :structurizr.relationship/destination :structurizr/name) (s/def :structurizr.relationship/order :structurizr/int-in-string) (s/def :structurizr.relationship/vertices (s/coll-of :structurizr/position :min-count 1)) (s/def :structurizr/relationship (s/keys :req-un [:structurizr.relationship/source :structurizr.relationship/destination] :opt-un [:structurizr/description :structurizr/tags]))

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* Then I made this function namespaces that Iʼm invoking at the top of my file — it creates a bunch of Clojure namespaces and an aliases to each. * So my specs can now look like this: (namespaces '[structurizr :as st] '[structurizr.container :as sc] '[structurizr.element :as se] '[structurizr.relationship :as sr] '[ :as ss] '[structurizr.diagram :as sd])

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* This is a big improvement * Iʼm very happy with this * Turns out I donʼt actually mind creating multiple Clojure namespaces, just to misuse them. * I just didnʼt want to have multiple ns forms in a single file, because that would be super strange and confusing to new maintainers opening the file for the first time. (s/def !"sr/source !"st/name) (s/def !"sr/destination !"st/name) (s/def !"sr/order !"st/int-in-string) (s/def !"sr/vertices (s/coll-of !"st/position :min-count 1)) (s/def !"st/relationship (s/keys :req-un [!"sr/source !"sr/destination] :opt-un [!"st/description !"st/tags]))

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The End?

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This is a little embarrasing, but after all this, I finally stumbled across this section of the spec guide — and actually registered it, apparently for the first time: Postscript

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* So yeah, this might be the solution to all of this — Iʼm not sure. * I dabbled with it a bit and it was non-obvious how to apply it to my situation

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The End! Discussion Time!