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BANGKOK | SEP 16, 2022

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Efforts to Organizing & Broadcasting JAWS-UG's global event "JAWS PANKRATION 2021 -Up till Down-" JAWS-UG(Japan AWS User Group) Shun Yoshie@AWS Community Hero, Hidetoshi Matsui@AWS Serverless Hero

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Who am I ? { "name": "Shun Yoshie", "titles": [ "AWS Community Hero", "AWS Samurai 2018/2019/2020" ], "favoriteAwsService": "Amazon GuardDuty", "jobTitle": "IT Security Consultant", "community": [ "Security-JAWS Organizer", "JAWS PANKRATION Originator" ] }

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Who am I ? { "name": "Hidetoshi Matsui", "titles": [ "AWS Serverless Hero" ], "awards": [ "APAC Community Award 2022" ], "favoriteAwsService": "AWS Amplify", "company": "StartupTechnology Inc.", "jobTitle": "Tech Lead", "community": "JAWS-UG Hamamatsu" }

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Slide 5 text #jawsug Map of Chapters throughout Japan 60+ chapters Aug 2022 ★ Kansai ALL ★ Kansai IoT ★ Kansai Girls ★ Cloud Girls ★ Beginner ★ CLI ★ Containers ★ HPC ★ Finance (Fin-JAWS) ★ Operations (Ops-JAWS) ★ Enterprise (E-JAWS) ★ Architecture ★ JAWS-UG Systems Admin ★ IoT ★ Network (NW-JAWS) ★ Security (Security-JAWS) ★ Bigdata (Bigdata-JAWS) ★ AI/ML ★ Media ★ Morning Meeting ★ SRE ★ CDK ★ Sales ★ GameTech ★ Sapporo Hakodate Aomori Akita Sendai Aizu Gunma ChuoLine/KeioLine Saitama Chiba Tokyo Roppongi 1-chome Yokohama Iwata Hamamatsu Nagoya Osaka Tokushima Kagawa Kochi Okinawa Kumamoto Kagoshima Nagasaki Saga Fukuoka Ehime Oita Hiroshima Shimane Okayama Kobe Kyoto Gifu Kanazawa Joetsu Myoko Nagano Niigata Yamagata ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★ ★ Principles: - Have a fun! - Make a difference! - Go global! - Find new heroes!

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No content

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Myself and JAWS-UG’s challenges - Mr.Yoshie became an AWS Hero this year(2021)! - We want to interact with active AWS community leaders around the world! - The Olympics were held in Japan! AWS Samurai Alexa Champions AWS Heroes AWS Community Builders

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Basic concept of JAWS PANKRATION event Launch of global event Strengthening relationships with overseas engineers Bringing Japanese engineers to the global event Exceed last event; (JAWS SONIC 2020;24Hours Online Event) Find new heroes Header Design

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24hours Non-Stop Online & real time translation Amazing timetable😂 Delivered a translation device to everyone!🎁

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Among the tweets with the event hashtag, those who tweeted that were judged to have made the event lively will receive a T-shirt, Sticker & Acrylic Stand as a gift🎁. #jawspankration2021 #jawspankration #jawsug T-Shirt Gift Campaign

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Exciting videos for speakers and audience - stretching video (Radio gymnastics) - Speaker/session introduction movie - jingle movie - Making blog: on2021-making-movie/ Enjoy intermission & Keep audience to wake up

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The following 4 roles are absolutely necessary on the day - Distribution Infrastructure Operator - Speaker Switching Operator (Interpreter) - Publicity - Incident Handler Documents that can be quickly switched in 5 minutes are a necessity - Created an API-based Google Spreadsheet that instantly switches each information of the speaker just by entering the ID number. - title - speaker name - translation Roles and Documents for smooth operation

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JAWS PANKRATION 2021 Results 9x AWS Hero, 30x AWS Community Builder, 2x Alexa Champion, 5x APN Ambassador, 8x APN AWS Top Engineer, 3x APN ALL AWS Certifications Engineer, 9x AWS Samurai, and so on… 24 Hours Non-Stop Online Experimental Global AWS Community Event from JAWS-UG

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JAWS PANKRATION 2021 Results 900+ participants 259 max simultaneous viewers (100 min in midnight in jst) 70 speakers 19 committee members 27 hours media live times 0 downtime $1,000.00 estimate costs (IVS+2xWorkspaces) 24 Hours Non-Stop Online Experimental Global AWS Community Event from JAWS-UG

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JAWS PANKRATION 2021 participants from 22 countries 1 Japan 845 13 Indonesia 1 2 India 17 13 Cameroon 1 3 USA 11 13 Spain 1 4 Australia 7 13 Tunisia 1 5 Italy 3 13 New Zealand 1 5 Netherlands 3 13 Finland 1 5 Taiwan 3 13 Belarus 1 5 Canada 2 13 Poland 1 5 Singapore 2 13 Korea 1 5 Germany 2 13 China 1 5 Romania 2 5 United Kingdom 2 Total 908

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JAWS PANKRATION 2021 speakers from 13 countries

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Broadcasting platforms we have recently built JAWS DAYS 2021 - re:Connect JAWS PANKRATION 2021 - Up till Down

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Feature: Event-Driven Architecture

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Restructuring communication flow from pull type to push type

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PANKRATION’s update: Including all informations in streaming data

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- No outsourcing - Entirely serverless - Most popular content in the community. From design to build ourselves entirely, and serverless!!

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- Template all configurations with the AWS CDK - Updating the application side for user experience - JAWS DAYS 2022 will be held on 2022-10-08 (Sat) 09:50 - 19:00 JST! Next challenge

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Do the event until you look back. Abount the following: - distribution structure and operation - website structure - goods and design - global goods delivery - switching operation and English support - promotion - intermission videos - schedule management - looking back on what the originator wanted to do - etc re:Trospective event

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JAWS PANKRATION Organising Committee

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Thank you to all JAWS PANKRATION Participants!! Praise each other!👏 Raise your hand✋if you attended PANKRATION!!

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Thank you! Shun Yoshie Tw:@typhon666_death Linkedin:shun-yoshie Hidetoshi Matsui Tw:@hide04241990 Archived Youtube Link Event ReTrospective (Japanese) 0Bxr0