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A presentation by @stuherbert
 for @GanbaroDigital Type Integrity The Software Engineering Behind Stricter Typing

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@GanbaroDigital This is a follow-up to the January 2020 talks @PHPSW by Rob Allen and Dave Liddament

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@GanbaroDigital Although the examples are in PHP, the underlying principles apply to all programming languages.

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@GanbaroDigital What's The Problem?

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@GanbaroDigital A Worked Example

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@GanbaroDigital A very simple example, that calculates the sales tax / VAT owed.

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@GanbaroDigital function calculateVat($amount, $rate) { return ($amount/100) * $rate; }

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@GanbaroDigital calculateVat() is not robust and not always correct.

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@GanbaroDigital function calculateVat($amount, $rate) { return ($amount/100) * $rate; }

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@GanbaroDigital function calculateVat($amount, $rate) { if (!is_int($amount)) { throw new Exception(...); } return ($amount/100) * $rate; }

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@GanbaroDigital function calculateVat($amount, $rate) { if (!is_int($amount)) { throw new Exception(...); } if (!is_int($rate)) { throw new Exception(...); } return ($amount/100) * $rate; }

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@GanbaroDigital We've gone from 1 line of code to 5 lines of code ... ... and we're just getting started!

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@GanbaroDigital Without type hints, someone has to write every single check.

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@GanbaroDigital Every check you add is executed every time the function / method is called.

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@GanbaroDigital Every line of code that you add needs its own unit test.

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@GanbaroDigital We live in a world where the time it takes to create and ship working code is often the biggest cost for a project / org / business.

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@GanbaroDigital Some of these runtime checks can be replaced with type-hinting ...

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@GanbaroDigital function calculateVat($amount, $rate) { if (!is_int($amount)) { throw new Exception(...); } if (!is_int($rate)) { throw new Exception(...); } return ($amount/100) * $rate; }

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@GanbaroDigital declare(strict_types=1); function calculateVat( int $amount, int $rate ) { return ($amount/100) * $rate; }

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@GanbaroDigital ... but calculateVat() still isn't robust and still isn't always correct.

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@GanbaroDigital Remaining Issues Include ... • Generating negative values • Locale-specific rules on rounding up / down • Accepting the wrong currency • Accepting invalid VAT rates

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@GanbaroDigital Every legal value of $amount and $rate is an integer. Not every integer is a legal value of $amount and $rate.

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@GanbaroDigital The Engineering

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@GanbaroDigital Defensive Programming

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@GanbaroDigital Defensive programming uses runtime checks to prevent "bad" data reaching the business logic.

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@GanbaroDigital Design By Contract

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@GanbaroDigital Design By Contract ™ uses runtime checks to inspect input AND return values.

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@GanbaroDigital Your Business Logic 
 Has To Wait In Line

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@GanbaroDigital “ Code that relies entirely on runtime checks is slower to write, and slower to run.

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@GanbaroDigital “Defensive programming is like the pandemic lockdown. It only works if it is practiced everywhere and by everyone.

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@GanbaroDigital Design By Contract ™ is a mid-80s technique to mitigate the risks of Object-Oriented Programming.

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@GanbaroDigital The Problem Is State

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@GanbaroDigital Make The Incompatible, Impossible!

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@GanbaroDigital declare(strict_types=1); function calculateVat( int $amount, int $rate ) { return ($amount/100) * $rate; }

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@GanbaroDigital declare(strict_types=1); function calculateVat( CartAmountToTax $amount, VatRate $rate ) { return ($amount/100) * $rate; }

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@GanbaroDigital “ Use type systems to make bad data a bad fit.

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@GanbaroDigital Using Stricter Typing

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? How do we create stricter types that make our code robust and correct?

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@GanbaroDigital Type Refinement

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@GanbaroDigital declare(strict_types=1); function calculateVat( CartAmountToTax $amount, VatRate $rate ) { return ($amount/100) * $rate; }

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@GanbaroDigital $amount and $rate are values.

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@GanbaroDigital “ A value is data that has no identity. Two values are the same if their state is identical.

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@GanbaroDigital “Data that has identity is called an entity. Two entities are the same if their identities are identical.

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@GanbaroDigital The differences between values and entities aren't important for this talk.

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@GanbaroDigital declare(strict_types=1); function calculateVat( CartAmountToTax $amount, VatRate $rate ) { return ($amount/100) * $rate; }

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@GanbaroDigital CartAmountToTax and VatRate are value types.

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@GanbaroDigital In many languages (including PHP), the only way to define a value type is to define a class.

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@GanbaroDigital declare(strict_types=1); class CartAmountToTax { public constructor(???) { ... } } class VatRate { public constructor(???) { ... } }

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? What do we need to know to create these values?

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@GanbaroDigital If you're not sure where to start, start with the primitive types that you are replacing.

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@GanbaroDigital declare(strict_types=1); class CartAmountToTax { public constructor( int $amount ) { .... } }

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@GanbaroDigital declare(strict_types=1); class VatRate { public constructor( string $jurisdiction, int $rate ) { ... } }

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? What work will these constructors do?

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@GanbaroDigital Every legal value of $amount and $rate is an integer. Not every integer is a legal value of $amount and $rate.

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@GanbaroDigital Type refinement takes a wider data type (like an int) and reduces it to a narrower data type (like a VatRate).

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@GanbaroDigital Type refinement is done by smart constructors.

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@GanbaroDigital Smart Constructors

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? What work will these constructors do?

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@GanbaroDigital Smart constructors enforce the data constraints for their value type.

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@GanbaroDigital A constraint is a non-negotiable condition that must be met.

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? What are the constraints of the CartAmountToTax value type?

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? What pre-conditions must be met?

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@GanbaroDigital class CartAmountToTax { public constructor( int $amount ) { // robustness! if ($amount < 0) { throw new Exception(...); } } }

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@GanbaroDigital class VatRate { public constructor( string $jurisdiction, int $rate ) { // robustness! if (!this->isValidVatRate(...)) { throw new Exception(...); } } }

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@GanbaroDigital Smart constructors prevent the creation of illegal values.

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? Haven't we simply added defensive programming to our class constructors?

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@GanbaroDigital Values built by smart constructors are guaranteed to be legal.

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@GanbaroDigital We move defensive programming from everywhere we use data to everywhere we create typed data.

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@GanbaroDigital Data Guards

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@GanbaroDigital class VatRate { public constructor( string $jurisdiction, int $rate ) { // robustness! if (!this->isValidVatRate(...)) { throw new Exception(...); } } }

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@GanbaroDigital class VatRate { public function isValidVatRate(...): boolean { // inspect params here } }

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@GanbaroDigital Data guards are functions / methods that return TRUE if a data constraint has been met.

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@GanbaroDigital Each data guard checks one data constraint, and ONLY one.

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@GanbaroDigital A specification is a data guard that calls other data guards.

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@GanbaroDigital Data guards never throw Exceptions.

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@GanbaroDigital Data Guarantees

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@GanbaroDigital class VatRate { public constructor( string $jurisdiction, int $rate ) { // robustness! if (!this->isValidVatRate(...)) { throw new Exception(...); } } }

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? Who checks the return values from function / method calls all the time?

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@GanbaroDigital You can't rely on developers checking return values from function calls. Never use return values to report an error.

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@GanbaroDigital class VatRate { public constructor( string $jurisdiction, int $rate ) { // robustness! mustBeValidVatRate(...); } }

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@GanbaroDigital function mustBeValidVatRate(...) { if (isValidVatRate(...)) { return; } throw new Exception(...); }

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@GanbaroDigital function mustBeValidVatRate(...) { if (isValidVatRate(...)) { return; } throw new Exception(...); }

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@GanbaroDigital Data guarantees are built from data guards.

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@GanbaroDigital We don't have to repeat the unit tests, because we are not repeating the code (the input validation).

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@GanbaroDigital function mustBeValidVatRate(...) { if (isValidVatRate(...)) { return; } throw new Exception(...); }

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@GanbaroDigital Data guarantees throw Exceptions if a data constraint has not been met.

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? Should data guarantees and data checks be methods, or functions?

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@GanbaroDigital Data guards and guarantees are more of a modular programming style than pure OOP.

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? Why did we call it CartAmountToTax and not something like Currency or Money?

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@GanbaroDigital Robustness

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@GanbaroDigital declare(strict_types=1); function calculateVat( CartAmountToTax $amount, VatRate $rate ) { return ($amount->value/100) * $rate->value; }

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@GanbaroDigital declare(strict_types=1); function calculateVat( Money $amount, VatRate $rate ) { return ($amount->value/100) * $rate->value; }

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? Are the data constraints for Money the same as for CartAmountToTax?

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@GanbaroDigital Every legal value of $amount and $rate is an integer. Not every integer is a legal value of $amount and $rate.

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@GanbaroDigital Every legal value of $amount is Money. Not every value of Money is a legal value of $amount.

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@GanbaroDigital (The right!) stricter types improve the robustness of our code.

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@GanbaroDigital Robustness is a measure of how well your code detects and rejects invalid input.

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@GanbaroDigital Robust code actively prevents bad inputs reaching your business logic.

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@GanbaroDigital Stricter types represent and reflect the problem domain's language / jargon.

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@GanbaroDigital declare(strict_types=1); function calculateVat( CartAmountToTax $amount, VatRate $rate ) { return ($amount->value/100) * $rate->value; }

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@GanbaroDigital declare(strict_types=1); function calculateVat( CartAmountToTax $amount, VatRate $rate ) { return ($amount->value/100) * $rate->value; } ✗

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@GanbaroDigital declare(strict_types=1); function calculateVatForCart( CartAmountToTax $amount, VatRate $rate ) { return ($amount->value/100) * $rate->value; }

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@GanbaroDigital class Cart { function calculateVat( CartAmountToTax $amount, VatRate $rate ) { return ($amount->value/100) * $rate->value; } }

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@GanbaroDigital calculateVat() is not robust and not always correct.

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? calculateVat() is now robust. Is it always correct?

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@GanbaroDigital Correctness

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@GanbaroDigital class Cart { function calculateVat( CartAmountToTax $amount, VatRate $rate ) { return ($amount->value/100) * $rate->value; } }

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? Is that calculation correct for every tax jurisdiction?

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? Why don't we ask the VatRate value object for the correct calculation?

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@GanbaroDigital class Cart { function calculateVat( CartAmountToTax $amount, VatRate $rate ) { return ($amount->value/100) * $rate->value; } }

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@GanbaroDigital class Cart { function calculateVat( CartAmountToTax $amount, VatRate $rate ) { return $rate->calculateVat( $amount ); } }

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@GanbaroDigital By themselves, stricter types do not guarantee that your code is now correct.

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@GanbaroDigital Stricter types allow us to plug the correct behaviour into our business logic.

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@GanbaroDigital Code is correct if it always produces the expected legal output for each given legal input.

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@GanbaroDigital Correct code is always deterministic.

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@GanbaroDigital In Summary ...

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@GanbaroDigital “ Code that relies entirely on runtime checks is slower to write, and slower to run.

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@GanbaroDigital We live in a world where the time it takes to create and ship working code is often the biggest cost for a project / org / business.

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? How do we create stricter types that make our code robust and correct?

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@GanbaroDigital We move defensive programming from everywhere we use data to everywhere we create data.

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@GanbaroDigital Type refinement takes a wider data type (like an int) and reduces it to a narrower data type (like a VatRate).

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@GanbaroDigital Smart constructors prevent the creation of illegal values.

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@GanbaroDigital Data guards are functions / methods that return TRUE if a data constraint has been met.

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@GanbaroDigital Each data guard checks one data constraint, and ONLY one.

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@GanbaroDigital A specification is a data guard that calls other data guards.

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@GanbaroDigital Data guards never throw Exceptions.

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@GanbaroDigital You can't rely on developers checking return values from function calls. Never use return values to report an error.

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@GanbaroDigital Data guarantees throw Exceptions if a data constraint has not been met.

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@GanbaroDigital Data guarantees are built from data guards.

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@GanbaroDigital (The right!) stricter types improve the robustness of our code.

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@GanbaroDigital Stricter types represent and reflect the problem domain's language / jargon.

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@GanbaroDigital By themselves, stricter types do not guarantee that your code is now correct.

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@GanbaroDigital Stricter types allow us to plug the correct behaviour into our business logic.

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Thank You How Can We Help You? A presentation by @stuherbert
 for @GanbaroDigital