A presentation by @stuherbert
for @GanbaroDigital
Type Integrity
The Software Engineering
Behind Stricter Typing
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This is a follow-up
to the January 2020 talks
by Rob Allen
and Dave Liddament
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Although the examples
are in PHP,
the underlying principles
apply to
all programming languages.
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The Problem?
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A Worked Example
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A very simple example,
that calculates
the sales tax / VAT owed.
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function calculateVat($amount, $rate)
return ($amount/100) * $rate;
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is not robust
and not always correct.
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function calculateVat($amount, $rate)
return ($amount/100) * $rate;
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function calculateVat($amount, $rate)
if (!is_int($amount)) {
throw new Exception(...);
return ($amount/100) * $rate;
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function calculateVat($amount, $rate)
if (!is_int($amount)) {
throw new Exception(...);
if (!is_int($rate)) {
throw new Exception(...);
return ($amount/100) * $rate;
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We've gone from
1 line of code
to 5 lines of code ...
... and we're just
getting started!
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Without type hints,
someone has to write
every single check.
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Every check you add
is executed every time
the function / method is called.
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Every line of code
that you add
needs its own unit test.
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We live in a world
where the time it takes
to create and ship working code
is often the biggest cost
for a project / org / business.
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Some of these runtime checks
can be replaced
with type-hinting ...
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function calculateVat($amount, $rate)
if (!is_int($amount)) {
throw new Exception(...);
if (!is_int($rate)) {
throw new Exception(...);
return ($amount/100) * $rate;
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function calculateVat(
int $amount,
int $rate
return ($amount/100) * $rate;
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... but calculateVat()
still isn't robust
and still isn't always correct.
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Remaining Issues Include ...
• Generating negative values
• Locale-specific rules on rounding up / down
• Accepting the wrong currency
• Accepting invalid VAT rates
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Every legal value of
$amount and $rate
is an integer.
Not every integer
is a legal value
of $amount and $rate.
CartAmountToTax and VatRate
are value types.
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In many languages
(including PHP),
the only way
to define a value type
is to define a class.
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class CartAmountToTax {
public constructor(???) { ... }
class VatRate {
public constructor(???) { ... }
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What do we need to know
to create these values?
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If you're not sure
where to start,
start with the primitive types
that you are replacing.
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class CartAmountToTax
public constructor(
int $amount
) {
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class VatRate
public constructor(
string $jurisdiction,
int $rate
) {
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What work will
these constructors do?
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Every legal value of
$amount and $rate
is an integer.
Not every integer
is a legal value
of $amount and $rate.
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Type refinement
takes a wider data type
(like an int)
and reduces it
to a narrower data type
(like a VatRate).
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Type refinement
is done by
smart constructors.
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Smart Constructors
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What work will
these constructors do?
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Smart constructors
enforce the data constraints
for their value type.
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A constraint
is a non-negotiable condition
that must be met.
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What are the constraints
of the CartAmountToTax
value type?
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What pre-conditions
must be met?
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class CartAmountToTax
public constructor(
int $amount
) {
// robustness!
if ($amount < 0) {
throw new Exception(...);
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class VatRate
public constructor(
string $jurisdiction,
int $rate
) {
// robustness!
if (!this->isValidVatRate(...)) {
throw new Exception(...);
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Smart constructors
prevent the creation
of illegal values.
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Haven't we simply added
defensive programming
to our class constructors?
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Values built by smart constructors
are guaranteed to be legal.
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We move defensive programming
from everywhere we use data
to everywhere we create typed data.
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Data Guards
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class VatRate
public constructor(
string $jurisdiction,
int $rate
) {
// robustness!
if (!this->isValidVatRate(...)) {
throw new Exception(...);
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class VatRate
public function isValidVatRate(...): boolean {
// inspect params here
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Data guards
are functions / methods
that return TRUE
if a data constraint has been met.
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Each data guard
one data constraint,
and ONLY one.
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A specification
is a data guard
that calls other data guards.
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Data guards
never throw Exceptions.
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Data Guarantees
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class VatRate
public constructor(
string $jurisdiction,
int $rate
) {
// robustness!
if (!this->isValidVatRate(...)) {
throw new Exception(...);
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Who checks
the return values
from function / method calls
all the time?
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You can't rely on developers
checking return values
from function calls.
Never use return values
to report an error.
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class VatRate
public constructor(
string $jurisdiction,
int $rate
) {
// robustness!
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function mustBeValidVatRate(...) {
if (isValidVatRate(...)) {
throw new Exception(...);
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function mustBeValidVatRate(...) {
if (isValidVatRate(...)) {
throw new Exception(...);
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Data guarantees
are built from
data guards.
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We don't have to
repeat the unit tests,
we are not repeating the code
(the input validation).
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function mustBeValidVatRate(...) {
if (isValidVatRate(...)) {
throw new Exception(...);
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Data guarantees throw Exceptions
if a data constraint
has not been met.
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Should data guarantees
and data checks
be methods, or functions?
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Data guards and guarantees
are more of
a modular programming style
than pure OOP.
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Why did we call it
and not something like
Currency or Money?