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BUILDING SICMUTILS The Atelier of Abstractions , Mentat Collective Sam Ritchie 2

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AGENDA Overview of SICMUtils Programming Techniques Issues Demos 7

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THANKS TO GJS (and many others!)

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MANY ENVIRONMENTS REPL Nextjournal org-mode, these slides Clojure, Clojurescript Zeugma, any Java environment Roam Research or Obsidian, etc TexMacs 13

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NUMERICS full numeric tower in JavaScript, up to Complex dual numbers modular arithmetic types Quaternions, beyond 18

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EXTENSIBLE GENERICS ((square +) 'x 'y) (expt (+ x y) 2) ((square +) 1 2) 9 19

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EXAMPLES OF GENERICS [sicmutils.generic * + - / divide negate negative? infinite? invert abs sqrt quotient remainder modulo floor ceiling integer-part fractional-part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 expt 11 exp exp2 exp10 12 log log2 log10 13 gcd lcm 14 exact-divide 15 square cube 16 20

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EXAMPLES OF GENERICS [sicmutils.generic * + - / divide negate negative? infinite? invert abs sqrt quotient remainder modulo floor ceiling integer-part fractional-part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 expt 11 exp exp2 exp10 12 log log2 log10 13 gcd lcm 14 exact-divide 15 square cube 16 make-rectangular make-polar real-part imag-part magnitude angle conjugate transpose trace determinant dimension dot-product inner-product outer-product cross-product partial-derivative Lie-derivative solve-linear solve-linear-left solve-linear-right simplify] square cube 16 cos sin tan 17 cot sec csc 18 atan 19 acos asin acot asec acsc 20 cosh sinh tanh coth sech csch 21 acosh asinh atanh acoth asech acsch 22 sinc tanc sinhc tanhc 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 20

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SYMBOLIC COMPUTATION (+ (square (sin 'x)) (square (cos 'x))) (+ (expt (sin x) 2) (expt (cos x) 2)) (simplify (+ (square (sin 'x)) (square (cos 'x)))) 1 21

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"COMPOUND" DATA TYPES vector, matrix, up, down structures polynomial, rational function power series quaternions 22

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"LITERALS", IE, SYMBOLIC-LIKE THINGS: literal numbers literal functions symbols, or literal-number literal vectors, matrices quantum states, bra, ket 23

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PATTERN MATCHING DSL (rule (/ (* ??u ?x ??v) (sqrt ?x)) => (* ??u (sqrt ?x) ??v)) 24

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PATTERN COMBINATORS (let [r (while (fn [l _] (< l 100)) (rule ?x => (? #(inc (% '?x)))))] (= 101 (r 12))) 25

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PATTERN COMBINATORS (let [r (while (fn [l _] (< l 100)) (rule ?x => (? #(inc (% '?x)))))] (= 101 (r 12))) Literal Derivative: (choice (rule (D ?f) => ((expt D 2) ?f)) (rule ((expt D ?n) ?f) => ((expt D (? #(inc (% '?n)))) ?f)) (rule ?f => (D ?f))) 25

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RENDERERS Infix: TeX: (->infix (+ (square (sin 'eta)) (cube (tan 'phi_2)))) sin²(η) + (tan(φ₂))³ (->TeX (+ (square (sin 'eta)) (cube (tan 'phi_2)))) {\sin}^{2}\left(\eta\right) + {\left(\tan\left({\phi}_2\right)\right)}^ 26

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RENDERERS JavaScript Source Renderer (println (->JavaScript (+ (square (sin 'eta)) (cube (tan 'phi-2))))) function(eta, phi_2) { return Math.pow(Math.sin(eta), 2) + Math.pow(Math.tan(phi_2), 3); } 27

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FUNCTION COMPILATION (defn my-fn [x y] (+ x (sin y) (square (cos 'x)) (square (sin 'x)) (cube (sin y)))) (binding [*mode* :source] (compile-fn my-fn)) (clojure.core/fn [x45929 x45930] (clojure.core/let [G0000000000000000 (Math/sin x45930)] (clojure.core/+ (clojure.core/* -1.0 G0000000000000000 (Math/pow (Math/cos x45930) 2.0)) x45929 (clojure.core/* 2.0 G0000000000000000) 1.0))) 28

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FUNCTIONAL NUMERICAL METHODS Univariate and multivariate minimization Polynomial and RF interpolation Richardson Extrapolation (FUNCTIONAL!) Numerical quadrature numeric derivatives Native ODE solvers … 29

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AUTOMATIC DIFFERENTIATION Forward mode, immutable reverse mode! 30

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PHYSICS Hamiltonian and Lagrangian mechanics Differential Geometry Manifolds, Coordinate Systems Tensor Calculus Geometric Algebra 31

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ANIMATIONS Mathbox JSXGraph extensible from Clojure, not JS! 32

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SICMUTILS PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES Extensible Generics Clojure is Opinionated! Combinators DSLs, Pattern Matching 34

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TYPE VS KIND (map kind [(make-rectangular 1 2) 10 {:k "v"}]) (:sicmutils.complex/complex java.lang.Long clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap) 35

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CONSTRAINED EXTENSIBILITY (derive ::square-matrix ::matrix) (derive ::column-matrix ::matrix) (derive ::row-matrix ::matrix) (derive ::matrix ::f/cofunction) (defmethod g/mul [::matrix ::matrix] [a b] (mul a b)) (defmethod g/mul [::v/scalar ::matrix] [n a] (scalar*matrix n a)) (defmethod g/mul [::matrix ::v/scalar] [a n] (matrix*scalar a n)) 36

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STICK WITH CLOJURE Different Environments, CLJS Small # of core data structures ~Everything is Immutable 37

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PRAGMATIC CORE [] {} #{} () :keyword 'sym #quaternion [1 2 3 4] #complex [2 3] 38

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COMBINATORS pattern matching combinators numerical method combinators: infinite Aggregation functions 39

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DSL, PATTERN MATCHING: (defn unary-elimination [& ops] (let [op-set (into #{} ops)] (ruleset ((? _ op-set) ?x) => ?x))) (require '[pattern.rule :as r :refer [ruleset =>]]) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (defn constant-elimination [op constant] 8 (letfn [(filter-constants [{xs '??xs}] 9 (remove #{constant} xs))] 10 (ruleset 11 (~op ??xs) => (~op (?? ~filter-constants))))) 12 13 (defn constant-promotion [op constant] 14 (ruleset 15 (~op ~constant) => ~constant 16 40

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DSL, PATTERN MATCHING: (defn unary-elimination [& ops] (let [op-set (into #{} ops)] (ruleset ((? _ op-set) ?x) => ?x))) (require '[pattern.rule :as r :refer [ruleset =>]]) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (defn constant-elimination [op constant] 8 (letfn [(filter-constants [{xs '??xs}] 9 (remove #{constant} xs))] 10 (ruleset 11 (~op ??xs) => (~op (?? ~filter-constants))))) 12 13 (defn constant-promotion [op constant] 14 (ruleset 15 (~op ~constant) => ~constant 16 (defn constant-elimination [op constant] (letfn [(filter-constants [{xs '??xs}] (remove #{constant} xs))] (ruleset (~op ??xs) => (~op (?? ~filter-constants))))) (let [op set (into #{} ops)] 4 (ruleset 5 ((? _ op-set) ?x) => ?x))) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 (defn constant-promotion [op constant] 14 (ruleset 15 (~op _ ~constant) => ~constant 16 (~op ~constant _) => ~constant)) 17 18 (def my-simplify 19 (r/rule-simplifier 20 40

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DSL, PATTERN MATCHING: (defn unary-elimination [& ops] (let [op-set (into #{} ops)] (ruleset ((? _ op-set) ?x) => ?x))) (require '[pattern.rule :as r :refer [ruleset =>]]) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (defn constant-elimination [op constant] 8 (letfn [(filter-constants [{xs '??xs}] 9 (remove #{constant} xs))] 10 (ruleset 11 (~op ??xs) => (~op (?? ~filter-constants))))) 12 13 (defn constant-promotion [op constant] 14 (ruleset 15 (~op ~constant) => ~constant 16 (defn constant-elimination [op constant] (letfn [(filter-constants [{xs '??xs}] (remove #{constant} xs))] (ruleset (~op ??xs) => (~op (?? ~filter-constants))))) (require '[pattern.rule :as r :refer [ruleset =>]]) 1 2 (defn unary-elimination [& ops] 3 (let [op-set (into #{} ops)] 4 (ruleset 5 ((? _ op-set) ?x) => ?x))) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 (defn constant-promotion [op constant] 14 (ruleset 15 (~op ~constant) => ~constant 16 (defn constant-promotion [op constant] (ruleset (~op _ ~constant) => ~constant (~op ~constant _) => ~constant)) (letfn [(filter constants [{xs ??xs}] 9 (remove #{constant} xs))] 10 (ruleset 11 (~op ??xs) => (~op (?? ~filter-constants))))) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 (def my-simplify 19 (r/rule-simplifier 20 (unary-elimination '+ '*) 21 (constant-elimination '+ 0) 22 (constant-elimination '* 1) 23 (constant-promotion '* 0))) 24 40

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DSL, PATTERN MATCHING: (defn unary-elimination [& ops] (let [op-set (into #{} ops)] (ruleset ((? _ op-set) ?x) => ?x))) (require '[pattern.rule :as r :refer [ruleset =>]]) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (defn constant-elimination [op constant] 8 (letfn [(filter-constants [{xs '??xs}] 9 (remove #{constant} xs))] 10 (ruleset 11 (~op ??xs) => (~op (?? ~filter-constants))))) 12 13 (defn constant-promotion [op constant] 14 (ruleset 15 (~op ~constant) => ~constant 16 (defn constant-elimination [op constant] (letfn [(filter-constants [{xs '??xs}] (remove #{constant} xs))] (ruleset (~op ??xs) => (~op (?? ~filter-constants))))) (require '[pattern.rule :as r :refer [ruleset =>]]) 1 2 (defn unary-elimination [& ops] 3 (let [op-set (into #{} ops)] 4 (ruleset 5 ((? _ op-set) ?x) => ?x))) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 (defn constant-promotion [op constant] 14 (ruleset 15 (~op ~constant) => ~constant 16 (defn constant-promotion [op constant] (ruleset (~op ~constant) => ~constant (require '[pattern.rule :as r :refer [ruleset =>]]) 1 2 (defn unary-elimination [& ops] 3 (let [op-set (into #{} ops)] 4 (ruleset 5 ((? _ op-set) ?x) => ?x))) 6 7 (defn constant-elimination [op constant] 8 (letfn [(filter-constants [{xs '??xs}] 9 (remove #{constant} xs))] 10 (ruleset 11 (~op ??xs) => (~op (?? ~filter-constants))))) 12 13 14 15 16 (def my-simplify (r/rule-simplifier (unary-elimination '+ '*) (constant-elimination '+ 0) (constant-elimination '* 1) (constant-promotion '* 0))) (letfn [(filter constants [{xs ??xs}] 9 (remove #{constant} xs))] 10 (ruleset 11 (~op ??xs) => (~op (?? ~filter-constants))))) 12 13 (defn constant-promotion [op constant] 14 (ruleset 15 (~op _ ~constant) => ~constant 16 (~op ~constant _) => ~constant)) 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 40

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(my-simplify '(cos (+ 0 (+ 0 12 0) (* 1 x)))) (cos (+ 12 x)) 41

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OPERATOR SIMPLIFICATION (def simplify-operator-name (rule-simplifier (rules/associative '+ '*) rules/exponent-contract (rules/unary-elimination '+ '*))) 42

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MULTI-STAGE PROGRAMMING (defn my-fn [x y] (+ x (sin y) (square (cos 'x)) (square (sin 'x)) (cube (sin y)))) (binding [*mode* :source] (compile-fn my-fn)) (clojure.core/fn [x45929 x45930] (clojure.core/let [G0000000000000000 (Math/sin x45930)] (clojure.core/+ (clojure.core/* -1.0 G0000000000000000 (Math/pow (Math/cos x45930) 2.0)) x45929 (clojure.core/* 2.0 G0000000000000000) 1.0))) 43

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CLOJURE COMMUNITY Sussman et. al. Colin Smith Clerk: Martin Kavalar, Jack Rusher, Nextjournal team SCI, CLJ-Kondo: Michiel Borkent (@borkdude) 44

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HARD? No types so far what's the right way to introspect the library? Context 46

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THANKS! Sam Ritchie, Mentat Collective Slides, Demos live at @sritchie 50