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Hello there!

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Who?! Thorsten Ball Software Developer mrnugget / @thorstenball

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I wrote a book! Get it: Coupon code for 20% off: aigudegophers

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++++++++[>++++[>++>+++>+++>+<< <<-]>+>+>- >>+[<]<-]>>.>---.+++ ++++..+++.>>. <-.<.+++.------.- -------. >>+.> + + .

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>++++++++++>+>+[ [+++++[>++++++++<-]>.<++++++[>--------<-]+<<<]>.>>[ [-]<[>+<-]>>[<<+>+>-]<[>+<-[>+<-[>+<-[>+<-[>+<-[>+<- [>+<-[>+<-[>+<-[>[-]>+>+<<<-[>+<-]]]]]]]]]]]+>>> ]<<< ]

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Brainfuck — Invented by Urban Müller — It's a teaching language, not a joke — ... well, okay, it's a joke, too

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A Virtual Brainfuck Machine

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Understanding Brainfuck Programming languages live in different worlds.

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Programming in C

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Programming in Go

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Programming in Forth 3 4 + .

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Programming in Ruby — ... or Java — ... or PHP — ... or JavaScript You don't have to worry. Just bounce around.

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Brainfuck's View of the World

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Brainfuck's View of the World — Memory: 30000 cells initialized to 0 — Data pointer: Points to cell — Code: The program that's executed by the machine — Instruction pointer: Points to the next instruction — Input and output streams: STDIN and STDOUT — CPU: Executes the code

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The Instruction Set — > - Increment the data pointer by 1 — < - Decrement the data pointer by 1 — + - Increment the value in the current cell — - - Decrement the value in the current cell — . - Print current cell — , - Read a character to current cell — [ - If the current cell contains a zero, jump to matching ] — ] - If the current cell does not contain a zero, jump to matching [

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The Instruction Set - Hello World ++++++++[>++++[>++>+++>+++>+<<<<-]>+>+>->>+[<]<-]>>.>--- .+++++++..+++.>>.<-.<.+++.------.--------.>>+.>++.

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The Instruction Set - Hello World + + + + + + + + [ >

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Starting our Interpreter — Interpreters give meaning to symbols by doing what they are supposed to mean — The Brainfuck interpreter manipulates the Brainfuck machine — We need to build the Brainfuck machine

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type Machine struct { code string ip int memory [30000]int dp int input io.Reader output io.Writer } func NewMachine(code string, in io.Reader, out io.Writer) *Machine { return &Machine{ code: code, input: in, output: out, } }

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func (m *Machine) Execute() { for m.ip < len(m.code) { ins := m.code[m.ip] switch ins { case '+': m.memory[m.dp]++ case '-': m.memory[m.dp]-- case '>': m.dp++ case '<': m.dp-- } m.ip++ } }

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type Machine struct { // [...] buf []byte } func NewMachine(code string, in io.Reader, out io.Writer) *Machine { return &Machine{ // [...] buf: make([]byte, 1), } }

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func (m *Machine) readChar() { n, err := m.input.Read(m.buf) if err != nil { panic(err) } if n != 1 { panic("wrong num bytes read") } m.memory[m.dp] = int(m.buf[0]) } func (m *Machine) putChar() { m.buf[0] = byte(m.memory[m.dp]) n, err := m.output.Write(m.buf) if err != nil { panic(err) } if n != 1 { panic("wrong num bytes written") } }

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func (m *Machine) Execute() { for m.ip < len(m.code) { // [...] case ',': m.readChar() case '.': m.putChar() // [...] } }

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Pseudo looping in pseudo code switch currentInstruction { case '[': if currentMemoryCellValue() == 0 { positionOfMatchingBracket = findMatching("]") instructionPointer = positionOfMatchingBracket + 1 } case ']': if currentMemoryCellValue() != 0 { positionOfMatchingBracket = findMatching("[") instructionPointer = positionOfMatchingBracket + 1 } }

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Problem: Brackets can be nested.

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The simplest and slowest solution case '[': if m.memory[m.dp] == 0 { depth := 1 for depth != 0 { m.ip++ switch m.code[m.ip] { case '[': depth++ case ']': depth-- } } }

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func (m *Machine) Execute() { for m.ip < len(m.code) { ins := m.code[m.ip] switch ins { // [...] case '[': if m.memory[m.dp] == 0 { depth := 1 for depth != 0 { m.ip++ switch m.code[m.ip] { case '[': depth++ case ']': depth-- } } } case ']': if m.memory[m.dp] != 0 { depth := 1 for depth != 0 { m.ip-- switch m.code[m.ip] { case ']': depth++ case '[': depth-- } } } } m.ip++ } }

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Hello World! $ cat ./hello_world.b ++++++++[>++++[>++>+++>+++>+<< <<-]>+>+>->>+[<]<-]>>.>---.+++ ++++..+++.>>.<-.<.+++.------.- -------.>>+.>++. $ go build -o machine && ./machine ./hello_world.b Hello World!

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Slow Brainfuck! Bad Brainfuck!

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No content

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No content

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The Mandelbrot Benchmark $ time ./machine ./mandelbrot.b >/dev/null 68.24s user 0.18s system 99% cpu 1:08.60 total mandelbrot.b A Mandelbrot fractal viewer in Brainfuck Written by Eric Bosman

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Slowing us down 1. Repeated instructions 2. Brackets

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What if... — ... we had instructions that said "increase by 5" instead of "increase" 5 times? — ... we had an instruction that said "go to this matching bracket if current memory cell is empty"? Spoiler: we'd be faster!

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New Instruction Set type InsType byte const ( Plus InsType = '+' Minus InsType = '-' Right InsType = '>' Left InsType = '<' PutChar InsType = '.' ReadChar InsType = ',' JumpIfZero InsType = '[' JumpIfNotZero InsType = ']' ) type Instruction struct { Type InsType Argument int }

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New Machine type Machine struct { code []*Instruction // <--- WOOP WOOP! ip int memory [30000]int dp int input io.Reader output io.Writer readBuf []byte } func NewMachine(instructions []*Instruction, in io.Reader, out io.Writer) *Machine { return &Machine{ code: instructions, input: in, output: out, readBuf: make([]byte, 1), } }

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Execute - Part 1 func (m *Machine) Execute() { for m.ip < len(m.code) { ins := m.code[m.ip] switch ins.Type { case Plus: m.memory[m.dp] += ins.Argument case Minus: m.memory[m.dp] -= ins.Argument case Right: m.dp += ins.Argument case Left: m.dp -= ins.Argument // ... } m.ip++ } }

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Execute - Part 2 func (m *Machine) Execute() { // ... case PutChar: for i := 0; i < ins.Argument; i++ { m.putChar() } case ReadChar: for i := 0; i < ins.Argument; i++ { m.readChar() } // ... }

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Execute - Part 3 func (m *Machine) Execute() { // ... case JumpIfZero: if m.memory[m.dp] == 0 { m.ip = ins.Argument continue } case JumpIfNotZero: if m.memory[m.dp] != 0 { m.ip = ins.Argument continue } } // ... m.ip++ } }

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But, wait, ... how?

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Brainfuck | ? | New Instruction Set

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Compiler Wikipedia says: a computer program (or a set of programs) that transforms source code written in a programming language (the source language) into another computer language (the target language)

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Let's do this! type Compiler struct { code string // <--- Brainfuck code codeLength int position int instructions []*Instruction // <--- New instruction set } func NewCompiler(code string) *Compiler { return &Compiler{ code: code, codeLength: len(code), instructions: []*Instruction{}, } }

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func (c *Compiler) Compile() []*Instruction { for c.position < c.codeLength { current := c.code[c.position] switch current { case '+': c.CompileFoldableInstruction('+', Plus) case '-': c.CompileFoldableInstruction('-', Minus) case '<': c.CompileFoldableInstruction('<', Left) case '>': c.CompileFoldableInstruction('>', Right) case '.': c.CompileFoldableInstruction('.', PutChar) case ',': c.CompileFoldableInstruction(',', ReadChar) } c.position++ } return c.instructions }

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func (c *Compiler) CompileFoldableInstruction(char byte, insType InsType) { count := 1 for c.position < c.codeLength-1 && c.code[c.position+1] == char { count++ c.position++ } c.EmitWithArg(insType, count) } func (c *Compiler) EmitWithArg(insType InsType, arg int) int { ins := &Instruction{Type: insType, Argument: arg} c.instructions = append(c.instructions, ins) return len(c.instructions) - 1 }

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Problems when compiling loops — NOT foldable. We can't turn [[[]]] into [] — NOT countable. Instructions in beetween might change. — NOT stateless. We have to remember positions.

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Solution — "[" — emit a JumpIfZero instruction — Argument will be 0 -- a placeholder value — "]" — emit JumpIfNotZero with correct argument — change JumpIfZero argument to correct position

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Solution — "[" — emit a JumpIfZero instruction — Argument will be 0 -- a placeholder value — "]" — emit JumpIfNotZero with correct argument — change JumpIfZero argument to correct position How do we keep track of JumpIfZero instructions? Solution to problem in solution: with a stack! Stack, the data structure. First in, last out.

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func (c *Compiler) Compile() []*Instruction { loopStack := []int{} for c.position < c.codeLength { current := c.code[c.position] switch current { case '[': insPos := c.EmitWithArg(JumpIfZero, 0) loopStack = append(loopStack, insPos) // [...] } c.position++ } return c.instructions }

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func (c *Compiler) Compile() []*Instruction { // [...] case ']': // Pop position of last JumpIfZero ("[") instruction off stack openInstruction := loopStack[len(loopStack)-1] loopStack = loopStack[:len(loopStack)-1] // Emit the new JumpIfNotZero ("]") instruction, // with correct position as argument closeInstructionPos := c.EmitWithArg(JumpIfNotZero, openInstruction) // Patch the old JumpIfZero ("[") instruction with new position c.instructions[openInstruction].Argument = closeInstructionPos // [...] }

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This really works! Input: +++[---[+]>>>]<<< Output: []*Instruction{ &Instruction{Type: Plus, Argument: 3}, &Instruction{Type: JumpIfZero, Argument: 7}, &Instruction{Type: Minus, Argument: 3}, &Instruction{Type: JumpIfZero, Argument: 5}, &Instruction{Type: Plus, Argument: 1}, &Instruction{Type: JumpIfNotZero, Argument: 3}, &Instruction{Type: Right, Argument: 3}, &Instruction{Type: JumpIfNotZero, Argument: 1}, &Instruction{Type: Left, Argument: 3}, }

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How much faster does this make my production Brainfuck code?

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$ time ./machine ./mandelbrot.b >/dev/null 13.43s user 0.04s system 99% cpu 13.496 total

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$ time ./machine ./mandelbrot.b >/dev/null 13.43s user 0.04s system 99% cpu 13.496 total 13.496 total! before: 1:08.60 total!

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Why am I here?

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— Instruction Set — The Switch — Virtual Machine — Bytecode Compiler Not too bad, right?

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Make Eric proud! — brainfuck optimzation strategies: 2015/01/07/optimizing-brainfuck.html — Hello, JIT World: The Joy Of Simple JITs: http:// — interpreter, compiler, jit: 2015/05/25/interpreter-compiler-jit/ — a optimized brainfuck compiler written in sed: stedolan/bf.sed — the original Brainfuck distribution: rdebath/0ca09ec0fdcf3f82478f — there's much, much more