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802.11ac New Wi-Fi Standard Prepared By: Dhrumil Shah(121060753007)

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WHY 802.11 PHY Standard? Dhrumil Shah(121060753007)

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REASONS ARE Dhrumil Shah(121060753007)

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REASONS ARE Personal Wi-Fi usage is increase day by day Dhrumil Shah(121060753007)

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REASONS ARE And Commercial usage is Also increase Dhrumil Shah(121060753007)

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BUT “HOW”? Dhrumil Shah(121060753007)

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ANSER IS BY INCREASING THE “THROUGHPUT” • To increase the Throughput there must be a change in one of three below mentioned area. ▫ 1) Higher Order Modulation ▫ 2) Wider Channel Bandwidth ▫ 3) More Spatial Streams Dhrumil Shah(121060753007)

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THEY INCLUDED ▫ 1) Wider Channels: 80MHz & 160MHz ▫ 2) 256-QAM ▫ 3) Beam Forming ▫ 4) More Spatial Streams ▫ 5) Multi-user MIMO (MU-MIMO) Dhrumil Shah(121060753007)

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Wider Channels ▫ 802.11ac supports 5GHz Frequencies only. ▫ Focuses on spectrum with more bandwidth, less interference, and better scalability & capacity. Dhrumil Shah(121060753007)

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Wider Channels ▫ Optional support for contiguous 160 MHz and non-contiguous 80+80 MHz transmission and reception. ▫ Mandatory support for 20, 40 and 80 MHz channels. ▫ 40MHz is same as 802.11n. 80MHz has more than 2x data subcarriers which is 234 vs. 108. Dhrumil Shah(121060753007)

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256-QAM ▫ 256-QAM increase efficiency by 33%. ▫ High-order modulation increase complexity, which require higher SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio). ▫ Quadrature Amplitude Modulation(QAM) works by using the combination amplitude level and phase shift to select one of many symbols in the constellation. Dhrumil Shah(121060753007)

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256-QAM ▫ 8 bits to represent a symbol. ▫ More dense = More Information/Data. ▫ Require better noise free environment. Dhrumil Shah(121060753007)

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BEAM FORMING ▫ Beam forming is a general signal processing technique used to control the directionality of the reception or transmission of a signal on a transducer array. Dhrumil Shah(121060753007)

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BEAM FORMING Dhrumil Shah(121060753007) ▫ AP initiate the frame exchanging to measure the channel. ▫ The result of channel measurement is “STEERING MATRIX”. ▫ After receiving matrix AP is capable of sending spatial focused frame to laptop. ▫ A device that shapes its transmitted frames is called a “BEAMFORMER”. ▫ A receiver of such frames is called a “BEAMFORMEE”.

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MORE SPATIAL STREAMS ▫ 802.11ac specifies up to eight spatial streams, compared to 802.11n’s four spatial streams, at the AP. ▫ The extra spatial streams can be used to transmit to multiple clients at the same time. ▫ With the ability to transmit at high speeds to multiple clients simultaneously, 802.11ac will speed up networks even more than might be apparent from simply looking at the data rate. Dhrumil Shah(121060753007)

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MU-MIMO ▫ Multi-User Multiple Input, Multiple Output. ▫ Here an AP is able to use its antenna resources to transmit multiple frames to different clients, all at the same time and over the same frequency spectrum. Dhrumil Shah(121060753007)

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MU-MIMO ▫ And at the same time, the AP is also sending data to user 2 and forms a beam toward user 2 and forms notches toward users 1 and 3, as shown by the red curve. ▫ To send data to user1, the AP forms a strong “Beam” to user1. At the same time the AP minimizes the energy for user1 in the direction of user2 & user3. This is called “NULL STEERING” shown as the blue notches. Dhrumil Shah(121060753007)

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802.11ac WITH Dhrumil Shah(121060753007)

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802.11ac IN WAVES Net gain Slight efficiency improvement, most benefits are for 802.11ac devices 256-QAM 33% gain at very short range 80 MHz channels Twice the capacity of 40 MHz 802.11n (but not recommended for multi-AP deployments) 3 spatial streams Already supported by 802.11n (3x3) Wave 1 – Q3, 2013 Dhrumil Shah(121060753007)

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802.11ac IN WAVES Net gain Wave 2 – Late 2014 Wave 1+ Includes all Wave 1 features, with additional chip improvements 80 / 160 MHz channels Twice the capacity of 80 MHz 802.11ac (but not recommended for multi-AP deployments) 3+ spatial streams Likely 4 spatial streams. N-fold throughput gain for high-end clients, more flexibility/capacity for MU-MIMO MU-MIMO Up to 4x capacity boost, multiplies aggregate capacity Multiples aggregate network capacity and efficiency, ALL devices benefit Dhrumil Shah(121060753007)

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FAQ Q: Is it backward compatible with 11n? A: Yes. 11ac is fully backward compatible with 802.11n, using protection mechanisms with 11n frame formats. Dhrumil Shah(121060753007)

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FAQ Q: What about 2.4GHz? A: Initially, dual-band APs will be 802.11n in 2.4GHz and 802.11ac in 5GHz. 11ac may eventually be introduced to 2.4GHz for benefits from added spatial streams or 256- QAM. Dhrumil Shah(121060753007)

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FAQ Q: Will it require new Hardware? A: Yes. For every supplier, all APs and clients will need new hardware, whether complete AP replacement or modular radio add-ons. Dhrumil Shah(121060753007)

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FAQ ▫ Actually wireless innovations are getting so faster that IEEE is running out of the letter and start over using two letters. Dhrumil Shah(121060753007)

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REFRENCES Dhrumil Shah(121060753007) • VIDEO of Fundamental of 802.11ac by • VIDEO of Wi-Fi 802.11ac in Depth by Aruba Networks(Images) • PPT of Ruckus on 802.11ac by Ruckus wireless Property(Images & content) • PPT of 802.11ac: The 5th generation of Wi-Fi(Images & Content) • PDF of World’s first 5G Wi-Fi by Broadcom corporation(Images) • PDF of Fact vs. Fiction Gigabit Wi-Fi 802.11ac by Aruba Networks & Farpoint Group(Images & Content) • BOOK of 802.11ac A Survival Guide(Images & Content)

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QESTIONS? Dhrumil Shah(121060753007)

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THANK YOU  Dhrumil Shah(121060753007)