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Managing State Beyond ViewModels and Hilt September 15th, 2023 Ralf Wondratschek @vRallev | @[email protected] | @ralf_dev

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Old architecture class Application

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Old architecture class Application class AbcActivity class DefActivity

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Old architecture class Application class GhiFragment class JklFragment class AbcActivity class DefActivity

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Old architecture class Application class AbcViewModel class DefViewModel class GhiFragment class GhiViewModel class JklFragment class JklViewModel class AbcActivity class DefActivity

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Old architecture - Bottlenecks

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Old architecture - Bottlenecks ● Driven by Android and its window management and not by business logic ● Different lifecycles with different teardown hooks ● Custom lifecycles like user scope adjacent ● Coroutine scopes provided by Android components

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Old architecture - Lifecycle Lifecycle managed by us Lifecycle managed by Android Business Logic UI rendering Activity Fragment ViewModel ViewModel flow: Flow operation() flow: Flow operation() Service objects

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Old architecture - Lifecycle class RouteViewModel : ViewModel() { fun sendRequest() { viewModelScope.launch { } } }

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Old architecture - Lifecycle class RouteViewModel : ViewModel() { fun sendRequest() { viewModelScope.launch { } } }

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Old architecture - Lifecycle class Application : Context { open fun onCreate() = Unit } class Activity : Context { open fun onCreate(..) = Unit open fun onDestroy() = Unit } class Fragment { open fun onCreate(..) = Unit open fun onDestroy() = Unit } class ViewModel { open fun onCleared() = Unit }

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Old architecture - Lifecycle interface Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks { ... } interface DefaultLifecycleObserver { ... }

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Old architecture - Without unidirectional dataflow ● Challenges synchronizing multiple screens ● No holistic overview of the state of the application ● Way too easy to mix business logic with UI code ● Many services pushed into application scope

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Old architecture - Without unidirectional dataflow Lifecycle managed by us Lifecycle managed by Android Business Logic UI rendering Activity Fragment ViewModel ViewModel flow: Flow operation() flow: Flow operation() Service objects

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Old architecture - Without unidirectional dataflow ViewModel Activity operation1() operation2() operation3() flow1: Flow flow2: Flow flow3: Flow

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Old architecture - Anti-pattern class AmazonApplication : Application() { @Inject lateinit var routingRepository: RoutingRepository @Inject lateinit var locationProvider: LocationProvider override fun onCreate() { super.onCreate() routingRepository.initialize() locationProvider.initialize() } }

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Old architecture - Anti-pattern interface RoutingRepository { fun initialize() suspend fun loadRoute (): Route }

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Old architecture - Anti-pattern class AmazonRoutingRepository @Inject constructor( @IODispatcher dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher ) : RoutingRepository { private val coroutineScope = CoroutineScope(dispatcher) override fun initialize() { coroutineScope.launch { // Initialize } } override suspend fun loadRoute(): Route = ... }

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Old architecture - Anti-pattern class AmazonRoutingRepository @Inject constructor( @IODispatcher dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher ) : RoutingRepository { private val coroutineScope = CoroutineScope(dispatcher) override fun initialize() { coroutineScope.launch { // Initialize } } override suspend fun loadRoute(): Route = ... }

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Old architecture - Anti-pattern class FakeRoutingRepository @Inject constructor() : RoutingRepository { override fun initialize() = Unit override suspend fun loadRoute(): Route = ... }

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Old architecture - Hilt ● Strong coupling to Android components ● Custom components with limitations

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Old architecture - Hilt

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Goals ● Strongly decouple business logic from Android lifecycle ● Features are device agnostic ● Avoid thread and memory leaks

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Design principles - Modular design

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Design principles - Modular design class AmazonApplication : Application() { @Inject lateinit var routingRepository: RoutingRepository @Inject lateinit var locationProvider: LocationProvider override fun onCreate() { super.onCreate() routingRepository.initialize() locationProvider.initialize() } }

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Design principles - Composition over inheritance

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Design principles - Composition over inheritance AppCompatActivity BaseActivity InfoActivity ViewModel BaseViewModel InfoViewModel

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Design principles - Dependency inversion by default

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Design principles - Dependency inversion by default interface RoutingRepository { fun initialize() suspend fun loadRoute (): Route } class AmazonRoutingRepository @Inject constructor() : RoutingRepository { override fun initialize() = ... override suspend fun loadRoute(): Route = ... }

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Design principles - Dependency inversion by default interface RoutingRepository { fun initialize() suspend fun loadRoute (): Route } class AmazonRoutingRepository @Inject constructor() : RoutingRepository { override fun initialize() = ... override suspend fun loadRoute(): Route = ... }

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Design principles - Inject dependencies

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Design principles - Inject dependencies class AmazonRoutingRepository @Inject constructor( @IODispatcher dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher ) : RoutingRepository { private val coroutineScope = CoroutineScope(dispatcher) override fun initialize() { coroutineScope.launch { // Initialize } } override suspend fun loadRoute(): Route = ... }

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Design principles - Inject dependencies class AmazonRoutingRepository @Inject constructor( @IODispatcher dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher ) : RoutingRepository { private val coroutineScope = CoroutineScope(dispatcher) override fun initialize() { coroutineScope.launch { // Initialize } } override suspend fun loadRoute(): Route = ... }

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Design principles - Unidirectional dataflow to drive UI

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Design principles - Unidirectional dataflow to drive UI ViewModel Activity operation1() operation2() operation3() flow1: Flow flow2: Flow flow3: Flow

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From Hilt to Anvil

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From Hilt to Anvil

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From Hilt to Anvil @Module @ContributesTo(AppScope::class) object RouteModule @Module @ContributesTo(AppScope::class, replaces = [RouteModule::class]) object TestRouteModule

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From Hilt to Anvil interface RoutingRepository { suspend fun loadRoute (): Route } @ContributesBinding(scope = AppScope::class) class AmazonRoutingRepository @Inject constructor() : RoutingRepository { override suspend fun loadRoute(): Route = ... }

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From Hilt to Anvil interface RoutingRepository { suspend fun loadRoute (): Route } @ContributesBinding(scope = AppScope::class) class AmazonRoutingRepository @Inject constructor() : RoutingRepository { override suspend fun loadRoute(): Route = ... }

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From Hilt to Anvil @Module @InstallIn(ActivityComponent::class) @ContributesTo(ActivityScope::class) class RouteModule

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From Hilt to Anvil class AmazonRoutingRepository @Inject constructor( @ApplicationContext context: Context application: Application ) : RoutingRepository

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From Hilt to Anvil @Binds abstract fun bindRoutingRepository( repository: AmazonRoutingRepository ): RoutingRepository @ContributesBinding(AppScope::class) class AmazonRoutingRepository @Inject constructor( application: Application ) : RoutingRepository

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From Hilt to Anvil class AmazonApplication : Application() { lateinit var component: AppComponent override fun onCreate() { super.onCreate() component = DaggerAppComponent.factory().create(applicationContext = this) component.inject(this) } }

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From Hilt to Anvil class OpenSourceActivity : Activity() { private val viewModelFactory by viewModels() private val viewModel by viewModels { viewModelFactory } ... }

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From Hilt to Anvil class ViewModelFactory( application: Application ) : ViewModelProvider.Factory, AndroidViewModel(application) { private val viewModels: Map, @JvmSuppressWildcards Provider> init { val component = application.component.createViewModelComponent() viewModels = component.viewModels() } override fun create(modelClass: Class): T { @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") return viewModels.getValue(modelClass).get() as T } override fun onCleared() { // Clean up any resources } }

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From Hilt to Anvil class ViewModelFactory( application: Application ) : ViewModelProvider.Factory, AndroidViewModel(application) { private val viewModels: Map, @JvmSuppressWildcards Provider> init { val component = application.component.createViewModelComponent() viewModels = component.viewModels() } override fun create(modelClass: Class): T { @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") return viewModels.getValue(modelClass).get() as T } override fun onCleared() { // Clean up any resources } }

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From Hilt to Anvil class ViewModelFactory( application: Application ) : ViewModelProvider.Factory, AndroidViewModel(application) { private val viewModels: Map, @JvmSuppressWildcards Provider> init { val component = application.component.createViewModelComponent() viewModels = component.viewModels() } override fun create(modelClass: Class): T { @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") return viewModels.getValue(modelClass).get() as T } override fun onCleared() { // Clean up any resources } }

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From Hilt to Anvil class ViewModelFactory( application: Application ) : ViewModelProvider.Factory, AndroidViewModel(application) { private val viewModels: Map, @JvmSuppressWildcards Provider> init { val component = application.component.createViewModelComponent() viewModels = component.viewModels() } override fun create(modelClass: Class): T { @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") return viewModels.getValue(modelClass).get() as T } override fun onCleared() { // Clean up any resources } }

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From Hilt to Anvil @ContributesMultibinding(ViewModelScope::class) @ViewModelKey(OpenSourceViewModel::class) class OpenSourceViewModel @Inject constructor( ... ) : ViewModel() { ... }

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Scope “Scopes define the boundary software components operate in. A scope is a space with a well-defined lifecycle that can be created and torn down. Scopes host other objects and can bind them to their lifecycle. Sub-scopes or child scopes have the same or a shorter lifecycle as their parent scope.”

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Scope “Scopes define the boundary software components operate in. A scope is a space with a well-defined lifecycle that can be created and torn down. Scopes host other objects and can bind them to their lifecycle. Sub-scopes or child scopes have the same or a shorter lifecycle as their parent scope.” – Ralf Wondratschek

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Scope ● Android components as scope? ● Coroutine scopes? ● Dagger components as scope? ● Implement your own?

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Scope interface Scope { val name: String val parent: Scope? fun buildChild(name: String, builder: (Builder.() -> Unit)? = null): Scope fun children(): Set fun register(scoped: Scoped) fun isDestroyed(): Boolean fun destroy() fun getService(key: String): T? }

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Scope class Builder internal constructor( private val name: String, private val parent: Scope? ) { private val services = mutableMapOf() fun addService(key: String, service: Any) { services[key] = service } internal fun build(): Scope { return ScopeImpl(name, parent, services) } }

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Scope - Services interface Scope { fun getService(key: String): T? } inline fun Scope.daggerComponent(): T { return ... } fun Scope.Builder.addDaggerComponent(component: Any) { addService(DAGGER_COMPONENT_KEY, component) }

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Scope - Services interface Scope { fun getService(key: String): T? } inline fun Scope.daggerComponent(): T { return ... } fun Scope.Builder.addDaggerComponent(component: Any) { addService(DAGGER_COMPONENT_KEY, component) }

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Scope - Services private const val COROUTINE_SCOPE_KEY = "coroutineScope" fun Scope.coroutineScope(context: CoroutineContext? = null): CoroutineScope { val result = checkNotNull(getService(COROUTINE_SCOPE_KEY)) { "Couldn't find CoroutineScopeScoped within scope $name." } check(result.isActive) { "Expected the coroutine scope ${result.coroutineContext[CoroutineName]?.name} " + "still to be active." } return result.createChild(context) } fun Scope.Builder.addCoroutineScope(coroutineScope: CoroutineScopeScoped) { addService(COROUTINE_SCOPE_KEY, coroutineScope) }

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Scope - Services private const val COROUTINE_SCOPE_KEY = "coroutineScope" fun Scope.coroutineScope(context: CoroutineContext? = null): CoroutineScope { val result = checkNotNull(getService(COROUTINE_SCOPE_KEY)) { "Couldn't find CoroutineScopeScoped within scope $name." } check(result.isActive) { "Expected the coroutine scope ${result.coroutineContext[CoroutineName]?.name} " + "still to be active." } return result.createChild(context) } fun Scope.Builder.addCoroutineScope(coroutineScope: CoroutineScopeScoped) { addService(COROUTINE_SCOPE_KEY, coroutineScope) }

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Scope - Services private const val COROUTINE_SCOPE_KEY = "coroutineScope" fun Scope.coroutineScope(context: CoroutineContext? = null): CoroutineScope { val result = checkNotNull(getService(COROUTINE_SCOPE_KEY)) { "Couldn't find CoroutineScopeScoped within scope $name." } check(result.isActive) { "Expected the coroutine scope ${result.coroutineContext[CoroutineName]?.name} " + "still to be active." } return result.createChild(context) } fun Scope.Builder.addCoroutineScope(coroutineScope: CoroutineScopeScoped) { addService(COROUTINE_SCOPE_KEY, coroutineScope) }

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Scope - Services rootScope = Scope.buildRootScope { addDaggerComponent(createDaggerComponent()) } application.rootScope .buildChild(name = { addDaggerComponent( application.rootScope .daggerComponent() .createActivityComponent() ) }

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Scope - Hierarchy AppScope

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Scope - Hierarchy AppScope UserScope LoggedOutScope ActivityScope

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Scope - Hierarchy in reality AppScope UserScope ActivityScope ViewModelScope

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Scope - Callback interface Scope { fun register(scoped: Scoped) }

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Scope - Callback interface Scope { fun register(scoped: Scoped) } interface Scoped { fun onEnterScope(scope: Scope) = Unit fun onExitScope() = Unit }

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Scope - Callback interface RoutingRepository { fun initialize() suspend fun loadRoute (): Route } class AmazonRoutingRepository : RoutingRepository { override fun initialize() = ... override suspend fun loadRoute(): Route = ... }

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Scope - Callback interface RoutingRepository { suspend fun loadRoute (): Route } class AmazonRoutingRepository : RoutingRepository, Scoped { override fun onEnterScope(scope: Scope) { scope.coroutineScope().launch { ... } } override suspend fun loadRoute(): Route = ... }

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Scope - Callback interface RoutingRepository { suspend fun loadRoute (): Route } class AmazonRoutingRepository : RoutingRepository, Scoped { override fun onEnterScope(scope: Scope) { scope.coroutineScope().launch { ... } } override suspend fun loadRoute(): Route = ... }

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Scope - Callback interface RoutingRepository { suspend fun loadRoute (): Route } class AmazonRoutingRepository : RoutingRepository, Scoped { override fun onEnterScope(scope: Scope) { scope.coroutineScope().launch { ... } } override suspend fun loadRoute(): Route = ... }

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Scope - Callback interface RoutingRepository { suspend fun loadRoute (): Route } @ContributesMultibindingScoped(AppScope::class) class AmazonRoutingRepository : RoutingRepository, Scoped { override fun onEnterScope(scope: Scope) { scope.coroutineScope().launch { ... } } override suspend fun loadRoute(): Route = ... }

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Scope - Callback interface RoutingRepository { suspend fun loadRoute (): Route } @ContributesMultibindingScoped(AppScope::class) class AmazonRoutingRepository : RoutingRepository, Scoped { override fun onEnterScope(scope: Scope) { scope.coroutineScope().launch { ... } } override suspend fun loadRoute(): Route = ... }

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Scope - Callback @ContributesTo(AppScope::class) interface Component { @ForScope(AppScope::class) fun appScopedInstances(): Set } rootScope = Scope.buildRootScope { addDaggerComponent(createDaggerComponent()) } rootScope.register(rootScope.daggerComponent().appScopedInstances())

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Scope - Callback @SingleIn(AppScope::class) @ContributesMultibindingScoped(AppScope::class) class ActivityListener @Inject constructor( private val application: Application ) : Scoped { val startedActivities: StateFlow> = ... private val listener = object : Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks { ... } override fun onEnterScope(scope: Scope) { application.registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(listener) } override fun onExitScope() { application.unregisterActivityLifecycleCallbacks(listener) } }

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Scope - Callback @SingleIn(AppScope::class) @ContributesMultibindingScoped(AppScope::class) class ActivityListener @Inject constructor( private val application: Application ) : Scoped { val startedActivities: StateFlow> = ... private val listener = object : Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks { ... } override fun onEnterScope(scope: Scope) { application.registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(listener) } override fun onExitScope() { application.unregisterActivityLifecycleCallbacks(listener) } }

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Scope - Callback @SingleIn(AppScope::class) @ContributesMultibindingScoped(AppScope::class) class ActivityListener @Inject constructor( private val application: Application ) : Scoped { val startedActivities: StateFlow> = ... private val listener = object : Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks { ... } override fun onEnterScope(scope: Scope) { application.registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(listener) } override fun onExitScope() { application.unregisterActivityLifecycleCallbacks(listener) } }

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Scope - Callback @SingleIn(AppScope::class) @ContributesMultibindingScoped(AppScope::class) class QeCommandReceiver @Inject constructor( private val application: Application, ) : BroadcastReceiver(), Scoped { override fun onEnterScope(scope: Scope) { application.registerReceiver(this, IntentFilter("...")) } override fun onExitScope() { application.unregisterReceiver(this) } override fun onReceive(context: Context, intent: Intent) { when (intent.getStringExtra("cmd")) { ... } } }

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Scope - Callback @SingleIn(AppScope::class) @ContributesMultibindingScoped(AppScope::class) class QeCommandReceiver @Inject constructor( private val application: Application, ) : BroadcastReceiver(), Scoped { override fun onEnterScope(scope: Scope) { application.registerReceiver(this, IntentFilter("...")) } override fun onExitScope() { application.unregisterReceiver(this) } override fun onReceive(context: Context, intent: Intent) { when (intent.getStringExtra("cmd")) { ... } } }

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Scope - Callback @SingleIn(AppScope::class) @ContributesMultibindingScoped(AppScope::class) class QeCommandReceiver @Inject constructor( private val application: Application, ) : BroadcastReceiver(), Scoped { override fun onEnterScope(scope: Scope) { application.registerReceiver(this, IntentFilter("...")) } override fun onExitScope() { application.unregisterReceiver(this) } override fun onReceive(context: Context, intent: Intent) { when (intent.getStringExtra("cmd")) { ... } } }

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Scope - Callback @SingleIn(AppScope::class) @ContributesMultibindingScoped(AppScope::class) class QeCommandReceiver @Inject constructor( private val application: Application, ) : BroadcastReceiver(), Scoped { override fun onEnterScope(scope: Scope) { application.registerReceiver(this, IntentFilter("...")) } override fun onExitScope() { application.unregisterReceiver(this) } override fun onReceive(context: Context, intent: Intent) { when (intent.getStringExtra("cmd")) { ... } } }

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Scope - Constructor? If a class part of DriverSessionScope implements Scoped and injects DriverSessionService (which is app-scoped), then we end up in a livelock and the app freezes. There is nothing wrong with this setup and it should be supported. The chain of events is as follows: the app scope gets created and someone injects DriverSessionService. Dagger attempts to create DriverSessionService. In the constructor the service immediately creates the DriverSessionScope, when the driver is already logged in. As part of this routine the service injects all Scoped instances contributed to the DriverSessionScope. If one of these instances injects DriverSessionService (again, from the app scope and that's valid), then Dagger cannot provide the DriverSessionService, because the previous instance hasn't been created yet and is still in the constructor call. Therefore, Dagger creates another DriverSessionService and the whole loop repeats. TL;DR: Don't run any logic in the constructor. The solution is implementing Scoped and moving all logic from the constructor call into onEnterScope().

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Scope - Constructor? If a class part of DriverSessionScope implements Scoped and injects DriverSessionService (which is app-scoped), then we end up in a livelock and the app freezes. There is nothing wrong with this setup and it should be supported. The chain of events is as follows: the app scope gets created and someone injects DriverSessionService. Dagger attempts to create DriverSessionService. In the constructor the service immediately creates the DriverSessionScope, when the driver is already logged in. As part of this routine the service injects all Scoped instances contributed to the DriverSessionScope. If one of these instances injects DriverSessionService (again, from the app scope and that's valid), then Dagger cannot provide the DriverSessionService, because the previous instance hasn't been created yet and is still in the constructor call. Therefore, Dagger creates another DriverSessionService and the whole loop repeats. TL;DR: Don't run any logic in the constructor. The solution is implementing Scoped and moving all logic from the constructor call into onEnterScope().

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Scope - Tests @Test fun `test routing repository registers for push updates`() { val repository = AmazonRoutingRepository() repository.onEnterScope(Scope.buildTestScope()) ... }

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Scope - Tests fun Scope.Companion.buildTestScope( name: String = "test", context: CoroutineContext? = null, builder: (Scope.Builder.() -> Unit)? = null ): Scope { var coroutineContext = SupervisorJob() + UnconfinedTestDispatcher() + CoroutineName(name) if (context != null) { coroutineContext += context } val coroutineScope = CoroutineScopeScoped(coroutineContext) val scope = buildRootScope(name = name) { addCoroutineScopeScoped(coroutineScope) builder?.invoke(this) } scope.register(coroutineScope) return scope }

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Scope - Recap

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Scope - Recap class RouteViewModel : ViewModel() { fun sendRequest() { viewModelScope.launch { } } }

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Scope - Recap class RouteViewModel : ViewModel() { fun sendRequest() { viewModelScope.launch { } } }

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Scope - Recap class Application : Context { open fun onCreate() = Unit } class Activity : Context { open fun onCreate(..) = Unit open fun onDestroy() = Unit } class Fragment { open fun onCreate(..) = Unit open fun onDestroy() = Unit } class ViewModel { open fun onCleared() = Unit }

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Scope - Recap class Application : Context { open fun onCreate() = Unit } class Activity : Context { open fun onCreate(..) = Unit open fun onDestroy() = Unit } class Fragment { open fun onCreate(..) = Unit open fun onDestroy() = Unit } class ViewModel { open fun onCleared() = Unit }

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Scope - Recap class AmazonApplication : Application() { @Inject lateinit var routingRepository: RoutingRepository @Inject lateinit var locationProvider: LocationProvider override fun onCreate() { super.onCreate() routingRepository.initialize() locationProvider.initialize() } }

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Scope - Recap class AmazonApplication : Application() { @Inject lateinit var routingRepository: RoutingRepository @Inject lateinit var locationProvider: LocationProvider override fun onCreate() { super.onCreate() routingRepository.initialize() locationProvider.initialize() } }

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Scope - Recap interface RoutingRepository { fun initialize() suspend fun loadRoute (): Route }

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Scope - Recap interface RoutingRepository { fun initialize() suspend fun loadRoute (): Route }

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Scope - Recap class AmazonRoutingRepository @Inject constructor( @IODispatcher dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher ) : RoutingRepository { private val coroutineScope = CoroutineScope(dispatcher) override fun initialize() { coroutineScope.launch { // Initialize } } override suspend fun loadRoute(): Route = ... }

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Scope - Recap class AmazonRoutingRepository @Inject constructor( @IODispatcher dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher ) : RoutingRepository { private val coroutineScope = CoroutineScope(dispatcher) override fun initialize() { coroutineScope.launch { // Initialize } } override suspend fun loadRoute(): Route = ... }

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Scope - Recap

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Scope - Recap

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UI Engine

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UI Engine Lifecycle managed by us Lifecycle managed by Android Business Logic UI rendering Activity Fragment ViewModel ViewModel flow: Flow operation() flow: Flow operation() Service objects

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UI Engine ViewModel Activity operation1() operation2() operation3() flow1: Flow flow2: Flow flow3: Flow

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Previously on droidcon…

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UI Engine

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UI Engine - Presenter Activity

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UI Engine - Presenter Root presenter Activity

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UI Engine - Presenter Root presenter Onboarding presenter Activity

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UI Engine - Presenter Root presenter Onboarding presenter Activity Login presenter Registration presenter

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UI Engine - Presenter Root presenter Onboarding presenter Delivery presenter Activity Login presenter Registration presenter

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UI Engine - Presenter Root presenter Onboarding presenter Delivery presenter Settings presenter Activity Login presenter Registration presenter

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UI Engine - Presenter Root presenter Onboarding presenter Delivery presenter Settings presenter Activity Login presenter Registration presenter

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UI Engine - Presenter Root presenter Onboarding presenter Delivery presenter Settings presenter Activity Login presenter Registration presenter

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UI Engine Lifecycle managed by us Lifecycle managed by Android Business Logic UI rendering Activity model events Service objects Presenter1 Presenter2 Root presenter

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UI Engine - Presenter interface MoleculePresenter { @Composable fun present(input: InputT): ModelT } interface BaseModel

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interface Renderer { fun render(model: ModelT) } UI Engine - Presenter

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UI Engine - Presenter interface Renderer { fun render(model: ModelT) } abstract class ViewRenderer : Renderer { protected abstract fun inflate( activity: Activity, parent: ViewGroup, layoutInflater: LayoutInflater, initialModel: T ): View open fun onDetach() = Unit }

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UI Engine - Presenter example interface ItineraryListPresenter : MoleculePresenter { data class Model( val itinerary: List, val onEvent: (Event) -> Unit, ) : BaseModel sealed interface Event { class OnSelectStop(val stop: Stop) : Event } }

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UI Engine - Presenter example interface ItineraryListPresenter : MoleculePresenter { data class Model( val itinerary: List, val onEvent: (Event) -> Unit, ) : BaseModel sealed interface Event { class OnSelectStop(val stop: Stop) : Event } }

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UI Engine - Presenter example interface ItineraryListPresenter : MoleculePresenter { data class Model( val itinerary: List, val onEvent: (Event) -> Unit, ) : BaseModel sealed interface Event { class OnSelectStop(val stop: Stop) : Event } }

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UI Engine - Presenter example @ContributesBinding(AppScope::class) class ItineraryListPresenterImpl @Inject constructor( private val itineraryRepository: ItineraryRepository ) : ItineraryListPresenter { @Composable override fun present(input: Unit): Model { val items by itineraryRepository.items.collectAsState() return Model( itinerary = items, onEvent = onEvent { when (it) { is Event.OnSelectStop -> { item -> itineraryRepository.onSelectStop(item.stop) } } } ) } }

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UI Engine - Presenter example @ContributesBinding(AppScope::class) class ItineraryListPresenterImpl @Inject constructor( private val itineraryRepository: ItineraryRepository ) : ItineraryListPresenter { @Composable override fun present(input: Unit): Model { val items by itineraryRepository.items.collectAsState() return Model( itinerary = items, onEvent = onEvent { when (it) { is Event.OnSelectStop -> { item -> itineraryRepository.onSelectStop(item.stop) } } } ) } }

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UI Engine - Presenter example @ContributesRenderer class ItineraryListRenderer : ViewBindingRenderer() { override fun inflateViewBinding( activity: Activity, parent: ViewGroup, layoutInflater: LayoutInflater, initialModel: ItineraryListPresenter.Model ): FragmentItineraryListRedesignBinding { val itineraryListLayoutBinding = FragmentItineraryListRedesignBinding.inflate(layoutInflater, parent, false) ... return itineraryListLayoutBinding } override fun renderModel(model: ItineraryListPresenter.Model) { ... } }

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UI Engine - Presenter example @ContributesRenderer class ItineraryListRenderer : ViewBindingRenderer() { override fun inflateViewBinding( activity: Activity, parent: ViewGroup, layoutInflater: LayoutInflater, initialModel: ItineraryListPresenter.Model ): FragmentItineraryListRedesignBinding { val itineraryListLayoutBinding = FragmentItineraryListRedesignBinding.inflate(layoutInflater, parent, false) ... return itineraryListLayoutBinding } override fun renderModel(model: ItineraryListPresenter.Model) { ... } }

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UI Engine - Presenter example @ContributesRenderer class ItineraryListRenderer : ViewBindingRenderer() { override fun inflateViewBinding( activity: Activity, parent: ViewGroup, layoutInflater: LayoutInflater, initialModel: ItineraryListPresenter.Model ): FragmentItineraryListRedesignBinding { val itineraryListLayoutBinding = FragmentItineraryListRedesignBinding.inflate(layoutInflater, parent, false) ... return itineraryListLayoutBinding } override fun renderModel(model: ItineraryListPresenter.Model) { ... } }

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UI Engine - Presenter example @Test fun `test presenter returns a model`() = runTest { val itineraryListPresenter = ItineraryListPresenterImpl(repository) itineraryListPresenter.test { val firstModel = awaitItem() assertThat(firstModel.itinerary).hasSize(3) firstModel.onEvent(ItineraryListPresenter.Event.OnSelectStop(stop1)) val secondModel = awaitItem() assertThat(secondModel.itinerary[1].isSelected()).isTrue() } }

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UI Engine - Presenter example navigation class UserScopePresenter @Inject constructor( private val loggedInPresenter: Provider, private val loggedOutPresenter: Provider, private val userSessionService: UserSessionService, ) : MoleculePresenter { @Composable override fun present(input: Unit): BaseModel { val session by userSessionService.sessionState.collectAsState() return if (session.isLogginIn) { val presenter = remember { loggedInPresenter.get() } presenter.present(userSessionService.scope) } else { val presenter = remember { loggedOutPresenter.get() } presenter.present(Unit) } } }

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UI Engine - Presenter example navigation class UserScopePresenter @Inject constructor( private val loggedInPresenter: Provider, private val loggedOutPresenter: Provider, private val userSessionService: UserSessionService, ) : MoleculePresenter { @Composable override fun present(input: Unit): BaseModel { val session by userSessionService.sessionState.collectAsState() return if (session.isLogginIn) { val presenter = remember { loggedInPresenter.get() } presenter.present(userSessionService.scope) } else { val presenter = remember { loggedOutPresenter.get() } presenter.present(Unit) } } }

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UI Engine - Presenter example navigation class UserScopePresenter @Inject constructor( private val loggedInPresenter: Provider, private val loggedOutPresenter: Provider, private val userSessionService: UserSessionService, ) : MoleculePresenter { @Composable override fun present(input: Unit): BaseModel { val session by userSessionService.sessionState.collectAsState() return if (session.isLogginIn) { val presenter = remember { loggedInPresenter.get() } presenter.present(userSessionService.scope) } else { val presenter = remember { loggedOutPresenter.get() } presenter.present(Unit) } } }

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UI Engine - Presenter example navigation class UserScopePresenter @Inject constructor( private val loggedInPresenter: Provider, private val loggedOutPresenter: Provider, private val userSessionService: UserSessionService, ) : MoleculePresenter { @Composable override fun present(input: Unit): BaseModel { val session by userSessionService.sessionState.collectAsState() return if (session.isLogginIn) { val presenter = remember { loggedInPresenter.get() } presenter.present(userSessionService.scope) } else { val presenter = remember { loggedOutPresenter.get() } presenter.present(Unit) } } }

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UI Engine - Presenter templates

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UI Engine - Presenter templates sealed interface Template : BaseModel { data class FullScreenTemplate( val model: BaseModel ) : Template data class ListDetailTemplate( val list: BaseModel, val detail: BaseModel, ) : Template } abstract class TemplateRenderer( ... ) : ViewRenderer()

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UI Engine - Presenter templates sealed interface Template : BaseModel { data class FullScreenTemplate( val model: BaseModel ) : Template data class ListDetailTemplate( val list: BaseModel, val detail: BaseModel, ) : Template } abstract class TemplateRenderer( ... ) : ViewRenderer()

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UI Engine - Presenter templates sealed interface Template : BaseModel { data class FullScreenTemplate( val model: BaseModel ) : Template data class ListDetailTemplate( val list: BaseModel, val detail: BaseModel, ) : Template } abstract class TemplateRenderer( ... ) : ViewRenderer()

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UI Engine - Presenter templates sealed interface Template : BaseModel { data class FullScreenTemplate( val model: BaseModel ) : Template data class ListDetailTemplate( val list: BaseModel, val detail: BaseModel, ) : Template } abstract class TemplateRenderer( ... ) : ViewRenderer()

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UI Engine - Presenter templates sealed interface Template : BaseModel { data class FullScreenTemplate( val model: BaseModel ) : Template data class ListDetailTemplate( val list: BaseModel, val detail: BaseModel, ) : Template } abstract class TemplateRenderer( ... ) : ViewRenderer()

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UI Engine - Presenter templates class TemplatePresenter @AssistedInject constructor( private val savedInstanceStateRegistry: SavedInstanceStateRegistry, @Assisted private val rootPresenter: MoleculePresenter, ) : MoleculePresenter { @Composable override fun present(input: Unit): Template { return ReturningCompositionLocalProvider( LocalSavedInstanceStateRegistry provides savedInstanceStateRegistry, ) { rootPresenter.present(Unit).toTemplate() } } @AssistedFactory interface Factory { fun create(rootPresenter: MoleculePresenter): TemplatePresenter } }

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UI Engine - Presenter templates class TemplatePresenter @AssistedInject constructor( private val savedInstanceStateRegistry: SavedInstanceStateRegistry, @Assisted private val rootPresenter: MoleculePresenter, ) : MoleculePresenter { @Composable override fun present(input: Unit): Template { return ReturningCompositionLocalProvider( LocalSavedInstanceStateRegistry provides savedInstanceStateRegistry, ) { rootPresenter.present(Unit).toTemplate() } } @AssistedFactory interface Factory { fun create(rootPresenter: MoleculePresenter): TemplatePresenter } }

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UI Engine - Presenter templates class TemplatePresenter @AssistedInject constructor( private val savedInstanceStateRegistry: SavedInstanceStateRegistry, @Assisted private val rootPresenter: MoleculePresenter, ) : MoleculePresenter { @Composable override fun present(input: Unit): Template { return ReturningCompositionLocalProvider( LocalSavedInstanceStateRegistry provides savedInstanceStateRegistry, ) { rootPresenter.present(Unit).toTemplate() } } @AssistedFactory interface Factory { fun create(rootPresenter: MoleculePresenter): TemplatePresenter } }

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UI Engine - Presenter template Child presenter

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UI Engine - Presenter template Child presenter Compute new model

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UI Engine - Presenter template Child presenter Compute new model Template presenter Send model

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UI Engine - Presenter template Child presenter Compute new model Template presenter Send model Combine models to template

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UI Engine - Presenter template Child presenter Compute new model Template presenter Send model Combine models to template Activity Send template

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UI Engine - Presenter template Child presenter Compute new model Template presenter Send model Combine models to template Activity Send template Renderer factory Send model from template

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UI Engine - Presenter template Child presenter Compute new model Template presenter Send model Combine models to template Activity Send template Renderer factory Send model from template Renderer Send model to right renderer

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UI Engine - Presenter template Child presenter Compute new model Template presenter Send model Combine models to template Activity Send template Renderer factory Send model from template Renderer Send model to right renderer Render model on screen

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UI Engine - Presenter template Child presenter Template presenter Activity Renderer factory Renderer Invoke callbacks from models Compute new model Render model on screen Send model Send template Combine models to template Send model from template Send model to right renderer

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UI Engine - Circuit

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UI Engine - Recap ViewModel Activity operation1() operation2() operation3() flow1: Flow flow2: Flow flow3: Flow

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UI Engine - Recap ViewModel Activity operation1() operation2() operation3() flow1: Flow flow2: Flow flow3: Flow

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UI Engine - Recap Lifecycle managed by us Lifecycle managed by Android Business Logic UI rendering Activity Fragment ViewModel ViewModel flow: Flow operation() flow: Flow operation() Service objects

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UI Engine - Recap Lifecycle managed by us Lifecycle managed by Android Business Logic UI rendering Activity model events Service objects Presenter1 Presenter2 Root presenter

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UI Engine - Recap Lifecycle managed by us Lifecycle managed by Android Business Logic UI rendering model events Service objects Presenter1 Presenter2 Root presenter model events Activity1 Activity2

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Managing State Beyond ViewModels and Hilt Ralf Wondratschek @vRallev | @[email protected] | @ralf_dev