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@ramimacisabird Rami McCarthy The Path to Zero Touch Production

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I’m Rami 👋

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Sometimes I look like this online 👋

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Let’s talk about: 🫵touching production🫵

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@ramimacisabird Why do we care about touching production?

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@ramimacisabird Mistakes happen

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Have you ever applied the wrong Terraform workspace?

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Have you ever deleted the wrong database?

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Have you ever realized you were in the wrong terminal window?

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@ramimacisabird Mistakes happen frequently Google traced 13% of their incidents to human interaction

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@ramimacisabird Access is attack surface

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@ramimacisabird Sad fact: Access can be abused

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@ramimacisabird Cloud Access Maturity Journey 1. Initial 2. Foundational 3. Established 4. Advanced 5. Zero Touch Production

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@ramimacisabird Cloud Access Maturity Journey Initial • Everybody has Admin and can Shell to production • Often using SSH over the internet • Until you hit 10 - 20 engineers (in non-sensitive sectors)

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@ramimacisabird Cloud Access Maturity Journey Foundational • Standing RBAC ( Read, Engineer, Admin) • Shell and Admin broadly available • By the time you hit ~ 50 engineers

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@ramimacisabird Cloud Access Maturity Journey Established • More granular RBAC (team based or engineering sub-roles) • Shell and Admin start to get broken out • With a few narrow capabilities layered in • Technical controls for user lifecycle, JIT access • By the time you hit ~ 500 engineers

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@ramimacisabird Cloud Access Maturity Journey Advanced • Shell and Admin going away due to improved automation and observability • Least-privileged standing access, granular RBAC or ABAC • Common administrative actions are implemented with guardrails in internal tools • JIT access is used for specific cloud resources and granular tools, including restrictive shells

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@ramimacisabird Cloud Access Maturity Journey Zero Touch Production

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@ramimacisabird Every change in production must either be: •made by automation •pre-validated by software •made via an audited break-glass mechanism Cloud Access Maturity Journey Zero Touch Production

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@ramimacisabird Every change in production must be … • pre-justified Cloud Access Maturity Journey Zero Touch Production

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@ramimacisabird Safe Automation Rate Limiting Safety Checks Authority Delegation Zero Touch Production Tactics

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@ramimacisabird Safe Proxies Audit log Fine grained authorization Rate-limiting Zero Touch Production Tactics

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@ramimacisabird Moving up the maturity curve

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It’s not this easy:

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Security is about enabling the business

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Engineers are often touching production for good reason

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@ramimacisabird 1. Report & review metrics 2. Make shell access safer 3. Create shell alternatives & decompose roles 4. Reduce standing access 5. Improve DevEx of alternatives 6. Add friction to risky access Moving up the maturity curve 6 1 5 2 3 4

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@ramimacisabird What makes this hard? “Least privilege equals maximum effort” - Eric Brandwine

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@ramimacisabird What makes this hard? Technical Social

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@ramimacisabird What makes this hard? Technical Transitive access

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@ramimacisabird What makes this hard? Technical Audit logging

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@ramimacisabird What makes this hard? Technical New moving parts

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@ramimacisabird What makes this hard? Social When ambient privilege exists, expect systems and users to become dependent on it. BeyondCorp and the long tail of Zero Trust

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@ramimacisabird What makes this hard? Social Prescriptive paths

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@ramimacisabird What makes this hard? Social Moving the cheese

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@ramimacisabird Moving up the maturity curve 1. Report & review metrics 2. Make shell access safer 3. Create shell alternatives & decompose roles 4. Reduce standing access 5. Improve DevEx of alternatives 6. Add friction to risky access 6 1 5 2 3 4

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@ramimacisabird Getting a Shell

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@ramimacisabird Getting a Shell • I’m muddling two concepts • “Authentication” (i.e SSH ) vs. “Networking” (i.e VPN ) • You can mix and match, make sure you have both • Some AWS primitives handle both with a single tool

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@ramimacisabird SSH This is generally where you start, with 22 open to the world, or maybe IP Allowlisting. launch-wizard-1 haunts my dreams Adopt: Options Buy: Options • Link 1 • Link 2 • Link 1 • Link 2 Docs: Connect to your Linux instance from Linux or macOS using SSH Cons Pros • Familiar to the average developer • … at least you’re using authentication? • Key management • Lack centralized visibility • Risky, long-lived credentials Cons Pros • less internet exposure • less to keep patched and hardened • see: SSH • You’re still dangling a box out on the internet, and racing 0-days • Even more key management Docs: Linux Bastion Hosts on AWS w/ Public Bastion Definitely better than raw SSH

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@ramimacisabird EC2 Instance Connect Use IAM policies and principals to control SSH access to your instances Docs: Connect to your Linux instance with EC2 Instance Connect Cons Pros • Solves public key management • Use IAM to control access • Audit connection requests • Doesn’t solve networking • Ephemeral public keys can be confusing • Instances need EC2IC installed

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@ramimacisabird SSH over VPN Docs: Getting started with Client VPN Cons Pros • No more internet exposure! (unless you’re managing a VPN concentrator) • Service/destination agnostic • Now you have to admin a VPN • DevEx hit • $$$

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@ramimacisabird SSH over VPN ( Wireguard) It’s not a regular VPN, it’s a cool VPN! Docs: Tailscale: AWS reference architecture Cons Pros • VPN, but better • Mesh network • See: VPN • Confuses (bad) auditors

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@ramimacisabird SSM ( Systems Manager Session Manager) Docs: AWS Systems Manager Session Manager Cons Pros • No need to figure out networking • Centralized access management tied to IAM • Logging and auditing bundled • New to developers, and some weird devex in the CLI • Slight pain in managing the Agent • $free.99

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@ramimacisabird EC2 Instance Connect Endpoint Identity-aware TCP proxy, letting you SSH and RDP to non-routable instances Docs: Secure Connectivity from Public to Private: Introducing EC2 Instance Connect Endpoint Cons Pros • No need to figure out networking, no public IP • No need for an agent • IAM authorization • Retroactively locked to SSH & RDP ( RIP rdsconn) • Clunky CLI • Limited logging • $free.99 • tcp-over-ssh-over-websocket

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@ramimacisabird ECS Exec Uses SSM to establish a connection with a running container Docs: Using Amazon ECS Exec to access your containers on AWS Fargate and Amazon EC2 Cons Pros • Logs the commands and commands output • IAM authorization • Comparatively limited compatibility • 1 session per PID • Limited to ECS • $free.99

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@ramimacisabird Zero-Trust Network Access Provide secure access to corporate applications without a VPN Docs: How Verified Access works Cons Pros • SSO integrated access • Good for internal web apps • Good for non-technical users • Complicated deployment (relatively) • $$$

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@ramimacisabird Other Options VDI Docs: What is Amazon WorkSpaces? Cons Pros • Flexible, once you have them • Good for non-technical users • Can be turned into a safe “workbench”, but hard to limit data exfiltration • High administrative burden, high complexity • $$ Cloud9 IDE Docs: EKS - Accessing a private only API server Cons Pros • Nice to have options I guess • Good for cloud development environments! • Just don’t do this in prod, please

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@ramimacisabird tl;dr 1. Use SSM to access instances, definitely by the time you hit Stage 3 : Established •ECS Exec is good enough to add in if you’re using ECS, but isn’t going to replace SSM generically 2. It’s nice to have Wireguard as a flexible option with decent devex and intrinsic security properties •ZTNA or an internal identity-aware proxy is an alternative/ supplement, if you’re dealing with a bunch of internal Web Apps

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@ramimacisabird Moving up the maturity curve 1. Report & review metrics 2. Make shell access safer 3. Create shell alternatives & decompose roles 4. Reduce standing access 5. Improve DevEx of alternatives 6. Add friction to risky access 6 1 5 2 3 4

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@ramimacisabird 🤔 Why must you touch production Remember: Engineers are often touching production for good reason

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@ramimacisabird 🤔 Why must you touch production But: They don’t need an interactive session 95% of the time

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@ramimacisabird Touching Production Thesis: All access to production can be accomplished through one of six capabilities

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@ramimacisabird Other Production Access Capability Technology Script Running SSM RunCommand Asynchronous Jobs Speci fi c to your application/service AWS Systems Manager Automation Internal tools platform SSM Port Forwarding, Retool, Django Admin, etc. Workbench VDI-based, or custom Read-only Analytics IAM authentication for RDS, or replicate to a DataLake + JIT Breakglass

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@ramimacisabird Other Production Access Capability Technology Script Running SSM RunCommand Asynchronous Jobs Speci fi c to your application/service AWS Systems Manager Automation Internal tools platform SSM Port Forwarding, Retool, Django Admin, etc. Workbench VDI-based, or custom Read-only Analytics IAM authentication for RDS, or replicate to a DataLake +JIT Breakglass

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@ramimacisabird Script Running & Internal Tools Example use cases

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@ramimacisabird Script Running & Internal Tools SSM RunCommand

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@ramimacisabird Just-in-Time Access

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@ramimacisabird Just-in-Time Access • Essential to making a smooth migration • Allows you to incrementally ratchet friction against sub-optimal paths while leaving them available • Straightforward implementation of break glass • Easier User Access Reviews

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@ramimacisabird Just-in-Time Access • Grant access in a scheduled way, or on-demand • Pair with other controls, like multi-party approval • Use as a choke-point for logging • Generates metrics

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@ramimacisabird Just-in-Time Access

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@ramimacisabird Moving up the maturity curve 1. Report & review metrics 2. Make shell access safer 3. Create shell alternatives & decompose roles 4. Reduce standing access 5. Improve DevEx of alternatives 6. Add friction to risky access 6 1 5 2 3 4

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@ramimacisabird Developer Experience

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@ramimacisabird Browser Extension • Insert reminders to refresh Identity Center sessions • Improve the disgusting AWS SSO login flow / auto click • Manage browser tab containers for multiple simultaneous sessions

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@ramimacisabird Unified ( CLI ) Wrapper • You need something like aws-vault or granted early • Wrapping it allows company-specific customization: • Smart role selection & integration with JIT access tooling -> improved discoverability • Smarter guidance based on error messages (no access to role vs. role not having access to action) • Single entry point for all your various production access utilities, abstract away the underlying primitives • Allows you to make implementation changes without interface changes • Collect metrics!

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@ramimacisabird Metrics

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@ramimacisabird Metrics •Number of employees (or Access Hours) with active production shell access •Usage of legacy shell, as compared to shell alternatives •Mean time to approval (in JIT ) , & auto-approval rate •Incidents attributable to human action Goal Metrics

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@ramimacisabird Guardrail Metrics Metrics •Incident Mean Time To Repair ( MTTR ) •Break-glass frequency •Denied JIT access request rate •CSAT

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@ramimacisabird Outstanding Challenges

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@ramimacisabird Outstanding Challenges How do we offer users a single identity/role with a superset of their effective access?

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@ramimacisabird Outstanding Challenges How do we help AWS Console users navigate Access Denied errors?

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@ramimacisabird How do we bring JIT access inline to developer workflows? Outstanding Challenges

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@ramimacisabird Outstanding Challenges How do we improve discovery, especially with granular tools?

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@ramimacisabird Outstanding Challenges How do we make it easier to deploy a safe workbench?

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@ramimacisabird Takeaways

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@ramimacisabird Takeaways 1. Zero touch production should be your North Star for cloud access 2. But, zero touch production is rarely your highest ROI for security 3. With six capabilities, you can deprecate production shell access 4. JIT and a unified cloud access devex are critical enablers

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@ramimacisabird and thanks to Christophe Tafani-Dereeper, Daniel Grzelak, Shashwat Sehgal, Dhruv Ahuja, & Ian Mckay for early feedback on the CFP Thank you!