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M3.1 – Necessity, must, have to Off2Class Lesson Plan Lesson 1/6 ESL Lesson Plan © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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© 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc. Thank you for downloading your FREE Off2Class lesson plan! This teacher-led lesson plan is designed using the communicative approach - perfect for teaching students online or in any screen-enabled classroom. To access the Teacher Notes and Answer Key, or to assign homework, click here to set up your FREE Off2class account. Don’t forget to join the discussion on Facebook to get access to other great tools for online ESL instruction.

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Necessity is when you have to do something What do these people have to do? He has to go to the hospital. He must fasten his seatbelt. He has to hurry. © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Are these things necessary for you? Answer yes or no: You must eat vegetables every day. You must study hard to speak English well. 1 2 © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Are these things necessary for you? Answer yes or no: You must brush your teeth every night. You must study for an exam today. 3 4 © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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You are on a plane! About to take off! Answer true or false. Before take off: A. You must fasten your seatbelt. B. You must turn off electronic devices, like phones and computers. © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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You are on a plane! About to take off! Answer true or false. Before take off: A. You must speak English. B. You must put your seat up. C. You must say hello to the passenger next to you. © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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We use must to express necessity subject must verb without to … you I Alice and Zoe Diego must finish go take eat your vegetables! to the dentist. an exam. less sugar. © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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We use must for rules and instructions © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Opinions An opinion can be when someone says what they think is necessary. My dad thinks I need to eat my vegetables. This is your dad’s opinion. You must finish your vegetables or you won’t get any dessert. Your Dad © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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More opinions You must clean and floss your teeth every day. Your Dentist Your Teacher Your Friend You must stop talking so much in class. You must come to the party tonight. © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Use must + a verb below write study 5. I can’t come with you tonight. I have an exam tomorrow so I __________. 6. You ________ more neatly. I can’t read your answers to the exam questions. © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Use must + a verb below eat exercise 7. The doctor said to Noah, ‘You __________ more vegetables and less sugar.’ 8. Jon, you __________ at least twice a week. You are unfit and unhealthy. © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Use must + a verb below hand in take 9. You ________ a shower before entering the pool. 10.Everyone __________ their homework on Monday. © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Use must + a verb below return save 11. Morgan __________ more money if she wants to buy a house. 12. Mohammed and Sophie __________ to Australia at the end of the month. © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Match the examples of necessity and pictures You must slow down. You must be quiet. 13 14 You must wear modest clothing. You must stop. 15 16 A B C D © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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What must you do? Tell your teacher. What must you do in these places? A B C D E © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Give an opinion to your friend Tell your friend what they must do: 17.‘I want to lose weight.’ 18.‘I feel very sick today.’ 19. ‘I am so tired.’ 20.‘I feel lonely and sad.’ You must eat healthy food. © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Necessity with have to If you have to do something, you are obliged to do it. We also use have to for necessity: You have to eat healthy food. = You must eat healthy food. Sean has to go to the doctor today. We have to leave home by 6pm. The plane leaves at 8:30pm. © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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We use have to to express necessity subject have to verb without to … you she Jared and Carla he have to has to have to has to listen get take finish to your teacher! a job. a vacation. reading his book. subject must verb without to … you must finish your vegetables! Remember! We can also use must to express necessity. © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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21.Jonas has a meeting at 7pm. (he / go) He has to go soon. 22.Elle starts work in two hours. __________ soon. (she / get up) 23. Robin got 32% on his science exam. __________ more. (he / study) 24. Trish and Rob had a car accident. _______ to the hospital. (they / go) Complete the sentences © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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25. Ted and Noah want to go to the concert on Saturday. __________ tickets. (they / buy) 26. My mother says that __________ my teeth twice a day. (I / brush) 27. We are thinking about moving to Istanbul… but __________ a decision! (we / make) 28. If you really want to be healthy, __________ less sugar. (you / eat) Complete the sentences © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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must is similar to have to We use both have to and must for opinions: Sarah has to eat more vegetables. These are my opinions. Sarah must eat more vegetables. © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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must can be different from have to Sometimes, must ≠ have to We use have to for an obligation. We use must for rules and instructions. Sarah has to travel to London next week. Sarah must pay the traffic fine. This is a fact, not an opinion. (Sarah’s boss said this). This is a rule. © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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29. I failed my French exam last month so now I __________ private lessons. 30. Oh, it’s the end of the month. We __________ the rent. Use have to + a verb below take pay © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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31. Callum __________ on a diet because he gained too much weight. 32. Kids! Please… you __________ your rooms. Use have to + a verb below clean go © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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33.This city is so dry… surely, it __________ soon! 34.Molly’s car isn’t working so she __________ it to a mechanic. Use have to + a verb below take rain © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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35. I can’t come to the concert because I __________ this stupid report by tomorrow! 36. You __________ your car over there. You cannot park here. Use have to + a verb below finish park © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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must is stronger than have to People use must, to emphasize something People use must, to show that something is important Alexander… you must study harder or you will fail your exams. Where’s Tony? I must talk to him immediately. © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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must vs. have to You look sick. You have to see a doctor. John fell off the ladder! We must take him to Emergency immediately! I have to go because my plane leaves in two hours. We must leave now! We are going to miss the plane! © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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must and have to summary! Necessity Must Have to Example Opinions ✔ ✓ You have to exercise. Opinions with urgency / importance ✔ ✗ You must exercise! Obligation ✗ ✓ Jane has to work this weekend Rules and Instructions ✓ ✗ You must be silent © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Match the sentence to the use Tomorrow I have to travel to London for a meeting. I think Kyle has to exercise more. If you want to succeed, you must work hard. You must not say bad words! Obligation Opinion Opinion with importance Rule Students must hand in the homework tomorrow. © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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What do you have to do this week at work? What did your boss say that you have to do? Can you think of other things you have to do at work? Obligations at work Obligations are things that other people say we have to do: Examples: Do you have to write a report? Do you have to go to a meeting? Do you have to travel for work? Do you have to send an email today? © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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What family obligations do you have? For example: Do you have to go to a wedding this month? Do you have to go on a family picnic? Do you have to do chores around the house? Do you have to help your children or siblings with their homework? Obligations with your family We often have obligations with our family. These are responsibilities or duties: © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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What do you think? Give two opinions for each picture. One opinion with have to and a stronger opinion with must. Opinions A B C D © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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37.All passengers __________ a ticket before boarding the train. 38.Children. This house is a mess! Right… you __________ immediately. Use must or have to + a verb clean up purchase © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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39.I want to come with you but I __________ with my parents to a family picnic… 40.What do you think? I think he __________ eating so much… Use must or have to + a verb go stop © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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41. Jenny can’t come to our cottage this weekend because she __________. 42. For my new job, I __________ a suit and tie. Use must or have to + a verb below wear work © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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43.It’s 11:30pm! You ________ the music now or I will call the police. 44.I’m so hungry… I _____ something quickly before my meeting. Use must or have to + a verb below turn off eat © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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This is your office and you are the boss. Give five rules to your employees: 1. You must… 2. You must… 3. You must… 4. You must… 5. You must… Your rules! © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.