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1 Beyond the four most common DevOps metrics Michael Stahnke VP Engineering - CircleCI @stahnma

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@stahnma 8 Years 9 Years 3+ Years

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3 @stahnma

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4 @stahnma

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5 @stahnma

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6 @stahnma

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7 We are here. @stahnma

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8 Do I believe this? @stahnma

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9 @stahnma

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10 @stahnma

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11 Where Is my org? @stahnma

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12 We are here. @stahnma

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13 I don’t feel elite. @stahnma

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14 Why don’t I feel elite? @stahnma

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15 What truly is elite? @stahnma

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16 Moving fast with confidence. @stahnma

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17 Move from IC reported to aggregate. @stahnma

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19 What are the categories of things I care about? @stahnma

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20 Is engineering throughput good? @stahnma

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21 Is that throughput meaningful? @stahnma

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22 If I add more engineers, will we go faster? 
 Can I prove that? @stahnma

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23 Metric Thoughts Layer Cake Quality People Throughput @stahnma

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24 Throughput measurements @stahnma

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25 Deployments / week @stahnma

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26 Does adding more developers make things go faster? @stahnma

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27 Deploys / Dev / Week @stahnma

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28 Deploys / Dev / Week @stahnma

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29 1. … @stahnma

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30 Ratio of distraction action. @stahnma

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31 Narrow vs wide work. @stahnma

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32 1. … @stahnma

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33 People @stahnma

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34 Are our systems easy to work on? @stahnma

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35 @stahnma

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36 Fungible engineering? @stahnma

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37 @stahnma

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38 Normalization @stahnma

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39 % of code provided by Platform. @stahnma

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40 @stahnma

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41 How fast are they productive? @stahnma

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42 5th contribution (PR) @stahnma

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43 Deploys / Dev / Week @stahnma

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44 Quality @stahnma

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45 Successful Deployments / Week @stahnma

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46 Rollbacks 
 (or roll forwards) @stahnma

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47 Understanding changes happening all around you @stahnma

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48 @stahnma

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49 Metric Thoughts Layer Cake Throughput People Quality @stahnma

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50 Mental Model for Metrics Baseline DevOps Metrics I don’t feel elite. Move Quickly with Confidence Throughput Quality Normalization Fungibility Rollbacks (or forwards) Deployments per Week Deploys / Dev / Week Successful deploys Narrow vs Wide Time to 5th PR Changes Understood Start Status Questions Metric Metric Metric Themes @stahnma People

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51 Mental Model for Metrics Baseline DevOps Metrics I don’t feel elite. Move Quickly with Confidence Throughput Quality Normalization Fungibility Rollbacks (or forwards) Deployments per Week Deploys / Dev / Week Successful deploys Narrow vs Wide Time to 5th PR Changes Understood Start Status Questions Metric Metric Metric Themes @stahnma People

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52 Mental Model for Metrics Baseline DevOps Metrics I don’t feel elite. Move Quickly with Confidence Throughput Quality Normalization Fungibility Rollbacks (or forwards) Deployments per Week Deploys / Dev / Week Successful deploys Narrow vs Wide Time to 5th PR Changes Understood Start Status Questions Metric Metric Metric Themes @stahnma People

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53 Some References GitLab Engineering Metrics The Space of Developer Productivity We put customer experience over organization and architecture. Let 10,000 Flowers Bloom then rip 999 of them out by their roots. @stahnma

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54 Thank you Michael Stahnke CircleCI @stahnma Come find me in the break. @stahnma