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(Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 1

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whoami 㱺 CTO & Co-Founder at 47 Degrees, a global consulting agency & Typesafe Consulting Partner. @raulraja @47deg (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 2

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Build Tools (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 3

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SBT 㱺 Android SDK Plugin (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 4

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SBT 㱺 Android SDK Plugin — Supports all Android SDK tasks — dex — typedResourcesGenerator — proguard — buildConfigGenerator — (+ 20... more) (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 5

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SBT 㱺 Android SDK Plugin 㱺 typedResourcesGenerator object TR { val title = TypedResource[TextView]( object layout { val abc_screen_toolbar = TypedLayout[ActionBarOverlayLayout](R.layout.abc_screen_toolbar) } } class MyActivity extends TypedActivity { val titleTextView = findView(title) //titleTextView inferred as TextView, no casting needed } (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 6

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SBT 㱺 Android SDK Plugin 㱺 proguard Size Matters Scala byte code size reduced ~ (2.8M) (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 7

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SBT 㱺 Android SDK Plugin — — Active — Fast (incremental compilation and proguard caching) — Proguard + MultiDexApplication integration (Circumvents 65K method limit) — Supports AAR, JAR and APK artifact types (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 8

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IDE Support (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 9

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IntelliJ IDEA 㱺 Syntax Highlighting (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 10

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IntelliJ IDEA 㱺 Android + Scala + SBT (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 11

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IntelliJ IDEA — Active — Syntax Highlighting — Code assistance — Android Studio : Based on IntelliJ > Google says: If you have been using Eclipse with ADT, be aware that Android Studio is now the official IDE for Android (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 12

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Libraries (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 13

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Libraries 㱺 Scaloid 㱺 Simplifying the Android SDK //plain vanilla scala val button = new Button(context) button.setText("Greet") button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { def onClick(v: View) { Toast.makeText(context, "Hello!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() } }) layout.addView(button) (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 14

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Libraries 㱺 Scaloid 㱺 Simplifying the Android SDK //with Scaloid SButton("Greet", toast("Hello!")) (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 15

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Libraries 㱺 Scaloid 㱺 XML-less layouts (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 16

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Libraries 㱺 Scaloid 㱺 XML-less layouts //with scaloid new SVerticalLayout { STextView("Sign in").textSize(24.5 sp).<<.marginBottom(25 dip).>> STextView("ID") SEditText() STextView("Password") SEditText() inputType TEXT_PASSWORD SButton("Sign in") }.padding(20 dip) (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 17

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Libraries 㱺 Scaloid 㱺 Futures & Async //plain scala new AsyncTask[String, Void, String] { def doInBackground(params: Array[String]) = { doAJobTakeSomeTime(params) } override def onPostExecute(result: String) { alert("Done!", result) } }.execute("param") (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 18

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Libraries 㱺 Scaloid 㱺 Futures & Async //scaloid Future { val result = doAJobTakeSomeTime(params) runOnUiThread(alert("Done!", result)) } (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 19

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Libraries 㱺 Macroid 㱺 Functional UI with Macros import macroid._ import macroid.FullDsl._ class GreetingActivity extends Activity with Contexts[Activity] { override def onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle) = { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) // the layout goes here setContentView { getUi { l[LinearLayout]( w[Button], w[TextView] ) } } } } (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 20

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Libraries 㱺 Macroid 㱺 UI composition // ActivityContext is an Android Context obtained from an Activity import macroid.ActivityContext ... def layout1(implicit ctx: ActivityContext) = l[LinearLayout]( w[TextView] ) def layout2(implicit ctx: ActivityContext) = l[FrameLayout]( w[ProgressBar] ) def layout3(implicit ctx: ActivityContext) = l[FrameLayout]( layout1, layout2 ) ... (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 21

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Libraries 㱺 Macroid 㱺 Tweaks l[LinearLayout]( // set button caption w[Button] <~ text("Click me"), // set text and hide for the time being w[TextView] <~ text("Hello!") <~ hide // set layout orientation ) <~ vertical (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 22

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Libraries 㱺 Macroid 㱺 Tweaks Composition // AppContext is an Android Context obtained from getApplicationContext import macroid.AppContext // More tweaks import macroid.contrib.TextTweaks def greeting(greeting: String)(implicit appCtx: AppContext) = TextTweaks.large + text(greeting) + hide (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 23

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Libraries 㱺 Macroid 㱺 Events button <~ { ... } (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 24

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Libraries 㱺 Macroid 㱺 Slots // create a slot var greeting = slot[TextView] l[LinearLayout]( w[TextView] <~ // wire the view to the slot wire(greeting) <~ OurTweaks.greeting("Hello!"), w[Button] <~ text("Click me") <~ { // use the slot elsewhere greeting <~ show } ) <~ vertical (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 25

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Libraries 㱺 Macroid 㱺 Contexts class MyActivity extends Activity with Contexts[Activity] { // implicit access to AppContext & ActivityContext stored as a weak reference } class MyFragment extends Fragment with Contexts[Fragment] { // implicit access to AppContext & ActivityContext stored as a weak reference } (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 26

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Libraries 㱺 Macroid 㱺 Contexts class MyActivity extends Activity with Contexts[Activity] { // implicit access to AppContext & ActivityContext stored as a weak reference } class MyFragment extends Fragment with Contexts[Fragment] { // implicit access to AppContext & ActivityContext stored as a weak reference } No need to explicitly pass the context around! (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 27

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Libraries 㱺 Macroid 㱺 Snails val focusLoudly = Snail[View] { view 㱺 view.setFocus() playSound } (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 28

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Libraries 㱺 Macroid 㱺 Snails composition val wink = fadeIn ++ fadeOut (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 29

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Libraries 㱺 Macroid 㱺 Snails & Tweaks combined editText <~ text("foo") <~~ fadeIn <~ enable (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 30

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Libraries 㱺 Macroid 㱺 Easy workflows (myProgressBar <~~ fadeOut(400)) ~~ (myTextView <~~ blink) ~~ (myOtherTextView <~ text("’Scala at the Sea!")) (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 31

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Libraries 㱺 Macroid 㱺 Transformers linearLayout <~ Transformer { case t: TextView 㱺 t <~ text("foo") case i: ImageView 㱺 i <~ hide } (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 32

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Libraries 㱺 Macroid 㱺 Adaptive (Media queries) object OurTweaks { def orient(implicit appCtx: AppContext) = landscape ? horizontal | vertical } ... // in layout l[LinearLayout]( ... ) <~ OurTweaks.orient (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 33

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Libraries 㱺 Macroid 㱺 Viewable Brings the power of Typeclasses to UI composition. How to display A using W. libraryDependencies += aar("org.macroid" %% "macroid-viewable" % "2.0.0-M3") trait Viewable[A, +W <: View] (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 34

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Libraries 㱺 Macroid 㱺 Viewable import macroid.viewable.Viewable case class User(name: String) def userViewable( implicit ctx: ActivityContext, appCtx: AppContext): Viewable[User, TextView] = Viewable[User] { user 㱺 w[TextView] <~ TextTweaks.large <~ text( } (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 35

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Libraries 㱺 Macroid 㱺 Akka Fragments Handling Fragment events & messaging with Actors. class MyActor extends FragmentActor[MyFragment] { def receive = receiveUi andThen { case MyMessage(x) 㱺 ... case MyOtherMessage 㱺 withUi(fragment 㱺 Ui { // do some cool ui stuff here }) case FragmentActor.AttachUi(_) 㱺 ... case FragmentActor.DetachUi(_) 㱺 ... } } (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 36

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OS Apps 㱺 Translate Bubble (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 37

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OS Apps 㱺 Scala Days Official App (source code available on March 15th) (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 38

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OS Apps 㱺 Scala API Demos (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 39

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Thank you @raulraja @47deg raul at affairs (Scala on Android) 㱺 The current state of affairs 40