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Kotlin Multiplatform in Production Kevin Galligan

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Kotlin Multiplatform in Production hmm

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What are KMP/KMM?

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Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP)

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Common JVM JS Native

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It’s the interop generally very good

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Common JVM JS Native

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Common JVM JS Native iOS Mac Linux Windows Android/NDK Wasm Others… Java-6 Java-8 Android Browser Node Typescript(?)

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Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM)

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KMM •is mostly a branding designation (it’s still KMP) •has a dedicated website and docs to help get started •has an Android Studio plugin built just for mobile (ish)

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kot·lin mul·ti·plat·form /ˌkätˈlin məltiˈplatfôrm,ˌkätˈlin məltīˈplatfôrm/ noun noun: kotlin multiplatform 1.optional, natively-integrated, open-source, code sharing platform, based on the popular, modern language kotlin. facilitates non-ui logic availability on many platforms.

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kot·lin mul·ti·plat·form /ˌkätˈlin məltiˈplatfôrm,ˌkätˈlin məltīˈplatfôrm/ noun noun: kotlin multiplatform 1.optional, natively-integrated, open-source, code sharing platform, based on the popular, modern language kotlin. facilitates non-ui logic availability on many platforms. Oh, and JetBrains!

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Shared Native Code not “cross platform”

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Android is Kotlin half of it isn’t “cross platform”

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Not (necessarily) UI Compose and Swift UI compatible!

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Low Risk bigger orgs worry about such

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Who’s shipping? Cash (Square), Plangrid, Careem, Quizlet, Down Dog, Target, VMWare, Wayfair, Clue, Skip the Dishes

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mParticle shipping a library generator

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Covid-related App still in “need to know” status

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Getting Started

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Production? seems intro to me…

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Intellij the safe choice

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Android Studio Plugin!

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Xcode Plugin

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All use lldb deep in the weeds, but…

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Crash Reporting CrashKiOS

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Package Managers (here be dragons)

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JS Stuff npm? Typescript?

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Check out KaMP KIt mostly what we’re using in prod

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What’s missing? bad news section

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expect class Date { fun toLongMillis(): Long } expect class DateFormatHelper(format: String) { fun toConferenceDate(s: String): Date fun toLocalDate(s: String): Date fun formatConferenceTZ(d: Date): String fun formatLocalTZ(d: Date): String }

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Great Time To Start! still lots of stuff to make

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“Selling” KMP/KMM not everybody loves it

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Start with Empathy “Javascript can do everything!”

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Find Allies iOS build config is difficult

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Modifying an iOS any prod build is tough recruit the experts

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kot·lin mul·ti·plat·form /ˌkätˈlin məltiˈplatfôrm,ˌkätˈlin məltīˈplatfôrm/ noun noun: kotlin multiplatform 1.optional, natively-integrated, open-source, code sharing platform, based on the popular, modern language kotlin. facilitates non-ui logic availability on many platforms. Oh, and JetBrains! not “cross platform”

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Pick Something Nobody Likes few love core data

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“Selling” KMP/KMM Links • Starter Kit: Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) for iOS Developers • Introduce your team to KMM kmm.html

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Actually Integrating what I thought this talk would be about

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Common Android iOS Framework Android Stuff iOS Stuff

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Greenfield Common Android iOS Framework Android Stuff iOS Stuff

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Ship Binary Common Android iOS Framework Android Stuff iOS Stuff

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Kotlin Xcode Plugin intro to Kotlin for iOS devs

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Why not both? Common Android iOS Framework Android Stuff iOS Stuff

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Big Topic every team is different

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Assorted Info and “Bad News”

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Concurrency it’s different, but changing

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Two Rules one thread == mutable many threads == immutable (frozen)

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That is Changing realistically 2nd half of next year

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Your Code Won’t Change (much) unless you do a lot of concurrency management

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Concurrency Links • KMM Concurrency Overview • Kotlin/Native Concurrency Handson Kotlin%20Native%20Concurrency/00_Introduction • Thoughts on the changes changes-bbb1a5147e6 • More deep dive video

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You must learn it or wait till late 2021

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Kotlinx Coroutines two libraries

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Ktor and iOS

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Simple Answer Kotlin 1.4.* and MT coroutines

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Single Xcode Framework this is a big one

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DB KT Framework iOS Stuff Contacts Products Analytics stdlib

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DB KT Contacts iOS Stuff Contacts Products Analytics stdlib KT Products KT Analytics KT stdlib

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DB KT Contacts/ Products iOS Stuff Contacts Products Analytics stdlib KT Analytics

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Single Framework Links • Multiple Kotlin Frameworks in an Application • Kotlin team tickets

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Binary Size generally OK, but complicated

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Simple Logic 150k DL/500k DI

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KaMP Kit ~1m DL/~4m DI

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just kotlin vs swift

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KT SW KT-objc

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KT SW KT-objc KT KT-objc KT KT-objc KT KT-objc KT KT-objc KT KT-objc KT KT-objc KT KT-objc KT KT-objc KT KT-objc KT KT-objc KT KT-objc SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW

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What to do? mark them internal

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DB KT Framework iOS Stuff Contacts Products Analytics stdlib

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DB KT Framework iOS Stuff Contacts Products Analytics stdlib iOS Adapter

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Size Best Practice a work in progress

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TL;DR ~1m DL/~4m DI

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Direct Swift Interop maybe 2021

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Still Early Apopter-ish alpha in 1.4

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What’s coming? 2021

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• Compiler Plugins • Super-solid IDE and tooling support • Post-alpha (GA maybe?) • Proper WASM :) • New memory model • Way more library support (date format, file, mock, etc) • Compose for iOS? (probably not, but at some point)

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Join the Kotlin Slack

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Thanks! @kpgalligan

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Thanks! @kpgalligan Join the team !