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Getting Started with ARCore 1.7 #AR_Fukuoka

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Name: Takashi Yoshinaga Affiliation: Institute of Systems,Information Technologies and Nanotechnologies Field of work: Application of AR for med. and edu. SNS: Twitter -> @Tks_Yoshinaga LinkedIn -> tks-yoshinaga

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ARCore 【Features】 (1) Motion Tracking for realize marker less AR. (2) Light Estimation which can estimate light strength and color. (3) Environmental Understanding to recognize floor and wall. (4) Augmented Image to recognize predefined image marker. (5) Cloud Anchor for sharing AR experience among multiple users. (6) Augmented Faces to recognize face & pose estimation.

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Today’s Tutorial 【Features】 (1) Motion Tracking for realize marker less AR. (2) Light Estimation which can estimate light strength and color. (3) Environmental Understanding to recognize floor and wall. (4) Augmented Image to recognize predefined image marker. (5) Cloud Anchor for sharing AR experience among multiple users. (6) Augmented Faces to recognize face & pose estimation.

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See also below if you want to know Augmented Image and Cloud Anchor. aga/lets-start-ar-with-arcore-and-unity

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Today’s Tutorial ① Superimposing CG ② Plane Detection and Placing CG ③ 3D Drawing with Motion Tracking ④ How to Use Augmented Faces

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Preparation • Unity2017.4.15 or later • ARCore SDK 1.7 unity-sdk/releases/tag/v1.7.0 • Sample asonic/

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Creating Unity Project (1/2) Click New button after starting Unity New

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Creating Unity Project (2/2) Click Create Project button after inputting project name. 3D Project Name Save Directory Create Project

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Importing ARCore SDK to Unity ①Assets ②Import Package → Custom Package ③arcore-unity-sdk-xxx ④開く

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Tutorial 1: Motion Tracking

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Setting up the Camera for ARCore (1/2) Delete Main Camera

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Setting up the Camera for ARCore (2/2) ①GoogleARCore → Prefabs ② ARCore Device ③Drag & Drop

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Putting a Virtual Object (1/2) ①GoogleARCore → Examples → Common → Prefabs ② Andy Green Diffuse ③Drag & Drop

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Putting a Virtual Object (2/2) ①AndyGreenDiffuse ※Origin of the CG is position of smartphone when application was launched ②Put Andy in front of user. Position (x,y,z)=(0,0,0.5)[m]

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Save the Project ①File ②Save Scene as...

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Save the Project ①New Folder ③Open Sample1 folder and save as sample1 ④Save After this operation the content can be saved with Ctrl + S ②Name new folder as Sample1

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Let’s install app to smartphone

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Build Setting ①File ② Build Settings

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Build Setting ②Switch Platform ① Android

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Build Setting ②Player Settings ① Internal

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Build Setting ①Input Product Name ② Other Settings ③Disable Multithreaded Rendering

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Build Setting ①Input Package Name 例) com.yourname.test1 ② Set Minimum API Level to Android 7.0

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Build Setting ①XR Settings ② Enable ARCore Supported

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Build and Install ①File ② Build & Run

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Build and Install ①Input a name of apk ② Save

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Run & Confirm

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Tutorial 2: Environmental Understanding

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Environmental Understanding (1/5) ①Sample1

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Environmental Understanding (2/5) ①Right Click ②Create ③GoogleARCore ④SessionConfig

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Environmental Understanding (3/5) Change the file name (ex. sample1)

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Environmental Understanding (4/5) ①Click sample1.asset 【Plane Finding Mode】 (1)Disabled (2)Horizontal And Vertical (3)Horizontal (4)Vertical Choose a mode from(2)~(4)

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Environmental Understanding (5/5) ②Click ARCore Device ①Sample1 ③sample1.asset ④Drag & Drop to Session Config

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Visualization of Detected Planes (1/4) ①Right Click ② Create Empty

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Visualization of Detected Planes (2/4) Change the name of GameObject to Controller

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Visualization of Detected Planes (3/4) ①Click Controller ②AddComponent ③Detected Plane Generator

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Visualization of Detected Planes (4/4) ①GoogleARCore → Examples → Common → Prefabs ③DetectedPlaneVisualizer ②Controller ④Drag & Drop to Detected Plane Prefab

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Run & Confirmation Horizontal Plane Vertical Plane

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Putting Object to the Tapped Place ①Controller ②Add Component

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Putting Object to the Tapped Place ①New Script ③Create and Add ②PutScript

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Putting Object to the Tapped Place ①Controller ②Double Click PutScript

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Script using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using GoogleARCore; public class PutScript : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject andy; //Variable to handle CG(Andy) void Start () { } void Update () { //(1) Detect tap. //(2) Transform 2D position to 3D position of real world. //(3) Put Andy there. } }

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Script void Update () { //Return if screen touch is not detected if (Input.touchCount < 1 ){ return; } Touch touch = Input.GetTouch(0); //Return if touch state is not swipe. if (touch.phase != TouchPhase.Moved ){ return;} //Calculate touched position of detected plane. TrackableHit hit; TrackableHitFlags filter = TrackableHitFlags.PlaneWithinPolygon; if (Frame.Raycast(touch.position.x, touch.position.y, filter, out hit)) { //Move Andy to pointed position. (Next page) } } touch.position hit

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Script if (Frame.Raycast(touch.position.x, touch.position.y, filter, out hit)) { // If pointed trackable is plane if (hit.Trackable is DetectedPlane ) { //Set the position and the angle of Andy andy.transform.position = hit.Pose.position; andy.transform.rotation = hit.Pose.rotation; andy.transform.Rotate(0, 180, 0, Space.Self); //Set the anchor to fix Andy object to real space. var anchor = hit.Trackable.CreateAnchor(hit.Pose); andy.transform.parent = anchor.transform; } }

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Coupling Virtual Object and Variable ②AndyGreenDiffuse ①Controller ③ Drag & Drop to Put Script’s Andy

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Run & Confirm You can place Andy on the touched position of a detected plane.

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Save this project by Ctrl+S

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Tutorial 3: 3D Drawing with Motion Tracking

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Preparation for Next Tutorial (1/6) Select Sample1 & Ctrl +D

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Preparation for Next Tutorial (2/6) ②Rename each file to sample2 ①sample2

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Preparation for Next Tutorial (3/6) ①Double click sample2.unity ②sample2 will appear

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Preparation for Next Tutorial (4/6) ①ARCoreDevice ②sample2.asset ③Drag & Drop into Session Config

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Preparation for Next Tutorial (5/6) Delete Andy Dffuse

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Preparation for Next Tutorial (6/6) ①Controller ②Click of PutScript ③Remove Component

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Run & Confirmation Horizontal Plane Vertical Plane

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Making Material of Line ①Right Click ②Create ③Material

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Making Material of Line ①New Material ②Create white box and choose color

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Drawing 3D Line with TrailRenderer ①Right Click ②Create Empty

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Drawing 3D Line with TrailRenderer ①GameObject ②Add Component

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Drawing 3D Line with TrailRenderer Search “trail” 【Trail Renderer】 ■Material Drag & Drop NewMaterial into Element0 ■Time Change to Infinity ■MinVertexDistance 0.03 ■Width 0.01 Double click Trail Renderer

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Drawing 3D Line with TrailRenderer Change Shader to Sprites/Default ①GameObject

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Run & Confirm ①Scene Line appears while dragging & moving GameObject ②GameObject

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Enable Drawing Multi-line ②GameObject ①Sample2 ③Drag & Drop

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Enable Drawing Multi-line Delete GameObjec

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Enable Drawing Multi-line ①Controller ②AddComponent

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Enable Drawing Multi-line ②New Script ④Create and Add ③DrawScript ①Clear form

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Enable Drawing Multi-line ①Controller ②Double Click DrawScript

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Script using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using GoogleARCore; public class DrawScript : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject obj; //Template of trail drawing object GameObject drawObj; // Object used for actual trail drawing void Start () { } void Update () { //Detect Tap //Instantiate drawing object when screen touch is started. //Draw trail line while user touching screen. } }

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Script void Update () { if (Input.touchCount == 1) { //Calculate relative position from camera. 0 0 0.1 [m] Vector3 p = Camera.main.transform.TransformPoint(0,0,0.1f); //Touch is started if ( Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Began) { drawObj = GameObject.Instantiate(obj, p, Quaternion.identity); } //While touching. else if (Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Stationary){ drawObj.transform.position = p; } } }

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Coupling Virtual Object and Variable ②Controller ①Sample2 ④Drag & Drop into Obj ③GameObject

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Run & Confirmation

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Enable Deleting Line List lines = new List(); void Update () { if (Input.touchCount == 1) {//カメラ手前10cmの位置を取得 Vector3 p = Camera.main.transform.TransformPoint(0,0,0.1f);//タ if ( Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Began) { drawObj = GameObject.Instantiate(obj, p, Quaternion.identity); GameObject tmp = GameObject.Instantiate(obj, p, Quaternion.identity); lines.Add(tmp); drawObj = tmp; } //押下中 else if (Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Stationary){ drawObj.transform.position = p; } } }

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Enable Deleting Line void Update () { if (Input.touchCount == 1) { //Code for writing trail lines./カメラ手前10cmの位置を取得 } else if (Input.touchCount == 2) { if (Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Ended) { for(int i = 0; i < lines.Count; i++) { Destroy(lines[i]); lines[i] = null; } lines.Clear(); } } }

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Lines will be deleted when you tap a screen of smartphone with two fingers!

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Save the project by Ctrl+S

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Tutorial 4:Augmented Faces

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Preparation for Next Tutorial (1/6) Select Sample2 & Ctrl +D

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Preparation for Next Tutorial (2/6) ②Change each name to sample3 ①sample3

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Preparation for Next Tutorial (3/6) ①Double click sample3.unity ②sample3 will appear

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Preparation for Next Tutorial (4/6) ①ARCoreDevice ②sample3.asset ③Drag & Drop to Session Config

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Preparation for Next Tutorial (5/6) Delete GameObject

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Preparation for Next Tutorial (6/6) Delete Controller

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Enable Front Camera ①ARCoreDevice ②Chanbe Device Camera Direction to Front Facing

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Enable Face Detection ②sample3.asset ①sample3 ③Augmented Face Mode

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Attach a Mesh to Face ②CreateEmpty ①右クリック

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Attach a Mesh to Face Change the name of GameObject to FaceMesh

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Attach a Mesh to Face ①FaceMesh ②Add Component

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Attach a Mesh to Face ①Search Face ②ARCore Augmented Face Mesh Filter

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Attach a Mesh to Face Check Auto Bind ※Enable auto attachment of mesh to face

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Adding Mesh Renderer ①FaceMesh ②Add Coponent

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Adding Mesh Renderer ②Mesh ③MeshRenderer ①Clear form

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Setting Up Material of Face Mesh ①Sample3 ③Create ②Right Click ④Material

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Setting Up Material of Face Mesh ①NewMaterial ②Shader

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Augmented Faces ②NewMaterial ①FaceMesh ②Materials内のElement0にドラッグ&ドロップ

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Run & Confirm

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Applying a Texture Image to Material ②Texture ※You can use image with alpha channel by choosing Transparent ①Unlit

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Applying a Texture Image to Material ③Drag&Drop ①Sample Folder ①Sample3

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Applying a Texture Image to Material ①NewMaterial

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Applying a Texture Image to Material ②Drag&Drop ①Mesh

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Run & Confirm You can estimate positional relationship between face & texture image.

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Using Position of Face Parts FOREHEAD_LEFT FOREHEAD_RIGHT NOSE_TIP 3 parts, named FOREHEAD_LEFT/RIGHT & NOSE_TIP, are available in SDK.

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Using Position of Face Parts ②CreateEmpty ①Right Click

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Using Position of Face Parts ①Change name of GameObject to FaceParts

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Using Position of Face Parts ①FaceParts ②Add Compornent

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Using Position of Face Parts ①Search “Face” ②ARCore Augmented Face Rig

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Using Position of Face Parts ①Auto Bind

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Augmented Faces ①Open FaceParts ②You can see NOSE_TIP, FOREHEAD_LFT/RIHGT

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Using Position of Face Parts ①Right click NOSE_TIP ②3D Object ③Sphere

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Using Position of Face Parts ①Sphere ②Edit Transform Position: all 0 Scale: all 0.04

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Using Position of Face Parts Add sphere as child of FOREHEAD_RIGHT and LEFT by the same procedure

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Using Position of Face Parts

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Modification of Sphere’s Position ① Select Sphere being child of FOREHEAD_LEFT ② PositionのY=-0.04

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Modification of Sphere’s Position ① Select Sphere being child of FOREHEAD_RIGHT ② PositionのY=-0.04

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