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The Next Steps Where to go from here Sunday, February 2, 14

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There’s lots going on in the area! 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every month from 7:30-9. Optional socializing afterwards. Presentations with Q&A. IRC Channel: #arlingtonruby Arlington Ruby Sunday, February 2, 14

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2nd Thursday of every month from 7-9. Presentations with Q&A. Also starting to do hacknights now. Check site for dates. DC Rug Sunday, February 2, 14

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2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month from ~6-9. All levels, all genders, open hacksession/study hall style Rails Girls DC Sunday, February 2, 14

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Alternating mondays and Fridays in Loudon county. Social lunches and hacksessions. Ruby Loco Sunday, February 2, 14

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Meets periodically. No set schedule right now. novarug/ NoVa Rug Sunday, February 2, 14

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3rd Thursday of every month. Only Women. Presentation with Q&A. Not Ruby specific Who-Code-Washington-DC/ Ladies Who Code Sunday, February 2, 14

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On hiatus right now, but google group list is still a good resource for questions. ScrappyAcademy/welcome Scrappy Academy Sunday, February 2, 14

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Developer chat rooms. Lots of options. Some rooms are great, some are scary. Lots of way to access. http:// allisonsherenmcmillan.blogspot.c om/2013/12/irc-101.html IRC Sunday, February 2, 14

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Outside of Meetups What Else can you do?! Sunday, February 2, 14

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Tutorials Local people and blogs can offer suggestions on what to learn, read, and which tutorials to do Sunday, February 2, 14

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Ask People Ask people things!! Get coffee Ping them with questions Learn stuff Sunday, February 2, 14

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Advice on Learning suggestions for learning well and being an effective mentee Sunday, February 2, 14

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Say Thank You People take their time to help you. Sunday, February 2, 14

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Get Involved You’ll learn lots and get to know the people who can help you when you’re learning and after. The community is amazing. Sunday, February 2, 14

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Find a Mentor Not a random person though! Make sure you work well with them! And build the relationship before making it official. Sunday, February 2, 14

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Be Consistent Do something every day Sunday, February 2, 14

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Set Goals They’ll keep you focused and on track Sunday, February 2, 14

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Resources Mentioned During the Day - Learn Command Line the Hard Way - Git Immersion - - Nell’s talk on Regular Expressions: http:// Sunday, February 2, 14

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Thank You Questions? @allie_p @kalimar Sunday, February 2, 14