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© 2018, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved.
10:00AM - 12:00PM
Frank Munz, Technical Evangelist, AWS
In this Kubernetes introductory workshop, you will learn about the features of Amazon's managed
Kubernetes EKS. Background in EKS, Kubernetes, Docker, and container workflows are not required, but
recommended. We will spend 2 hours hands-on exploring Kubernetes, EKS and open-source tools. Please
bring your own laptop and sign up for a free trial account at In the
workshop we will create an EKS cluster with eksctl, deploy the Kubernetes dashboard and a
microservices based application. Then we will look into Helm to install a more complex application. In
the last part of the workshop we will dive deeper into service meshes, install Istio with Envoy to apply
cross cutting concerns to a polyglot application. To conclude, I will present a summary with a 5-minute
outlook into the AWS App Mesh.