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Scene 1_A Panel 1 Dialog Notes

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Scene 1 Panel 1 Dialog Notes

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Scene 1 Panel 2 Dialog Notes

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Scene 1 Panel 3 Dialog Notes

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Scene 1 Panel 4 Dialog Notes

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Scene 1 Panel 5 Dialog Notes

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Scene 2 Panel 1 Dialog Notes

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Scene 3 Panel 1 Dialog Mac: Oh Darcy, your name is like a sweet melody for my heart. Notes

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Scene 3 Panel 2 Dialog Mac: Your name is like a sweet melody for my heart. Notes

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Scene 3 Panel 3 Dialog Notes

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Scene 3 Panel 4 Dialog Notes

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Scene 4 Panel 1 Dialog Mac's heart sings: DAR... CY... Notes

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Scene 5 Panel 1 Dialog Notes

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Scene 5 Panel 2 Dialog MAC: Ugh I miss her so much! Notes

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Scene 5 Panel 3 Dialog Mac: What if she never replies?! Notes

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Scene 5 Panel 4 Dialog SFX: DING (text alert) Notes

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Scene 5 Panel 5 Dialog Notes

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Scene 6 Panel 1 Dialog Notes

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Scene 7 Panel 1 Dialog Notes

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Scene 7 Panel 2 Dialog Mac: D'awwwww Notes

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Scene 7 Panel 3 Dialog Mac: Mac, you still got some game! Notes

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Scene 7 Panel 4 Dialog Mac: Well, time for some beauty sleep... Notes

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Scene 7 Panel 5 Dialog Notes

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Scene 7 Panel 6 Dialog Mac: ... and dream about Darcy! Notes

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Scene 7 Panel 7 Dialog Notes

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Scene 7 Panel 8 Dialog Notes

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Scene 8 Panel 1 Dialog Notes

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Scene 8 Panel 2 Dialog Mac: Night, Elton! Ease up on the milk tonight, bud! Notes

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Scene 8 Panel 3 Dialog Mac: Night, Elton! Ease up on the milk tonight, bud! Notes

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Scene 8 Panel 4 Dialog Mac: Night, Elton! Ease up on the milk tonight, bud! Notes

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Scene 8 Panel 5 Dialog Mac (OS): Wait a minute! Notes

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Scene 8 Panel 6 Dialog Notes

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Scene 8 Panel 7 Dialog Notes

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Scene 8 Panel 8 Dialog Mac: For the last time, Elton... Notes

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Scene 8 Panel 9 Dialog Notes

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Scene 8 Panel 10 Dialog Notes

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Scene 9 Panel 1 Dialog Mac (OS) Stop using Darcy's special milk bowl! Notes

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Scene 9 Panel 2 Dialog Elton: Uhhhhh. Notes

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Scene 10 Panel 1 Dialog Mac (OS): That bowl has touched Darcy's lips... Notes

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Scene 10 Panel 2 Dialog Mac: ...which means... Notes

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Scene 10 Panel 3 Dialog Mac: ...Only my lips can touch it! Notes

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Scene 11 Panel 1 Dialog Elton: But Mac! It's the best bowl to drink my soy tuna milk tea with. Notes

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Scene 12 Panel 1 Dialog Notes

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Scene 13 Panel 1 Dialog Elton: And we're out of bowls. Notes

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Scene 13 Panel 2 Dialog Mac: Cuz you don't was your dishes! Notes

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Scene 13 Panel 3 Dialog Mac: Cuz you don't was your dishes! Notes

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Scene 14 Panel 1 Dialog Elton: That's not true! Notes

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Scene 15 Panel 1 Dialog Notes

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Scene 15 Panel 2 Dialog Notes

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Scene 15 Panel 3 Dialog Notes

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Scene 15 Panel 4 Dialog Notes

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Scene 15 Panel 5 Dialog Notes

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Scene 16 Panel 1 Dialog Elton: I was about to do those. Notes

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Scene 17 Panel 1 Dialog Notes

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Scene 17 Panel 2 Dialog Notes

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Scene 17 Panel 3 Dialog Notes

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Scene 18 Panel 1 Dialog Elton: How did those get there??? Notes

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Scene 19 Panel 1 Dialog Notes

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Scene 19 Panel 2 Dialog Notes

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Scene 19 Panel 3 Dialog Notes

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Scene 19 Panel 4 Dialog SFX: crunchy note Notes

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Scene 19 Panel 5 Dialog Notes

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Scene 19 Panel 6 Dialog Notes

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Scene 19 Panel 7 Dialog Notes

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Scene 19 Panel 8 Dialog Notes

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Scene 19 Panel 9 Dialog Notes

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Scene 20 Panel 1 Dialog Elton: I thought those were yours. Notes

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Scene 20 Panel 2 Dialog Elton: Wait..., Darcy doesnt even live here! Notes

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Scene 21 Panel 1 Dialog Notes

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Scene 21 Panel 2 Dialog Mac: Darcy.. doesnt... Notes

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Scene 21 Panel 3 Dialog Mac Don't blame this on Darcy! Notes

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Scene 21 Panel 4 Dialog Mac: Alright you asked for it... Notes

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Scene 21 Panel 5 Dialog Mac: GIVE IT... Notes

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Scene 21 Panel 6 Dialog Mac: BAAAAAACCCKKKK!!! Notes

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Scene 21 Panel 7 Dialog Mac: BAAAAAACCCKKKK!!! Notes

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Scene 21 Panel 8 Dialog Mac: BAAAAAACCCKKKK!!! Notes

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Scene 22 Panel 1 Dialog Mac: Ahhhh! Notes

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Scene 22 Panel 2 Dialog Notes

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Scene 22 Panel 3 Dialog Notes

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Scene 22 Panel 4 Dialog Notes

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Scene 22 Panel 5 Dialog Notes

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Scene 23 Panel 1 Dialog Notes

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Scene 23 Panel 2 Dialog Notes

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Scene 23 Panel 3 Dialog Notes

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Scene 23 Panel 4 Dialog Notes

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Scene 23 Panel 5 Dialog Notes

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Scene 23 Panel 6 Dialog Notes

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Scene 24 Panel 1 Dialog Notes

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Scene 24 Panel 2 Dialog Notes

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Scene 24 Panel 3 Dialog Notes

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Scene 24 Panel 4 Dialog SFX: Bowl breaking Notes

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Scene 24 Panel 5 Dialog Notes

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Scene 24 Panel 6 Dialog Mac: Put me down right now!!! Notes

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Scene 24 Panel 7 Dialog Elton: Oh, sorry. Notes

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Scene 25 Panel 1 Dialog Notes

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Scene 25 Panel 2 Dialog Notes

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Scene 25 Panel 3 Dialog Notes

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Scene 25 Panel 4 Dialog Notes

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Scene 26 Panel 1 Dialog Notes

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Scene 26 Panel 2 Dialog Notes

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Scene 26 Panel 3 Dialog Mac: Darcy used that bowl on our first date. Notes

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Scene 26 Panel 4 Dialog Mac: I can't believe I'm sad over a bowl. Notes

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Scene 26 Panel 5 Dialog Mac: It's just... Notes

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Scene 26 Panel 6 Dialog Mac: I'm not sure she likes me... Notes

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Scene 26 Panel 7 Dialog Mac:... the way she did back then. Notes

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Scene 26 Panel 8 Dialog Mac: And that bowl reminded me of back then. Notes

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Scene 26 Panel 9 Dialog Notes

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Scene 27 Panel 1 Dialog Notes

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Scene 27 Panel 2 Dialog Elton: I'm really sorry, Mac. Notes

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Scene 27 Panel 3 Dialog Elton: Let me make it up to you. Notes

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Scene 28 Panel 1 Dialog Mac: No, Elton. Notes

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Scene 28 Panel 2 Dialog Mac: You've done enough. Notes

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Scene 28 Panel 3 Dialog Mac (OS): I'm going to bed. Notes

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Scene 28 Panel 4 Dialog Notes

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Scene 28 Panel 5 Dialog Notes

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Scene 28 Panel 6 Dialog Notes

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Scene 28 Panel 7 Dialog Notes

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Scene 29 Panel 1 Dialog Notes

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Scene 29 Panel 2 Dialog Notes

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Scene 30 Panel 1 Dialog Notes

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Scene 31 Panel 1 Dialog Notes

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Scene 31 Panel 2 Dialog Notes

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Scene 32 Panel 1 Dialog Notes

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Scene 32 Panel 2 Dialog Notes

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Scene 32 Panel 3 Dialog Notes

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Scene 32 Panel 4 Dialog Notes

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Scene 32 Panel 5 Dialog Notes

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Scene 32 Panel 6 Dialog Notes

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Scene 33 Panel 1 Dialog Notes

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Scene 33 Panel 2 Dialog Notes

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Scene 33 Panel 3 Dialog Notes

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Scene 34 Panel 1 Dialog Notes

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Scene 35 Panel 1 Dialog Notes

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Scene 35 Panel 2 Dialog Notes

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Scene 35 Panel 3 Dialog Notes

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Scene 35 Panel 4 Dialog Notes

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Scene 35 Panel 5 Dialog Notes

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Scene 35 Panel 6 Dialog Notes

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Scene 36 Panel 1 Dialog SFX: Hammering Notes

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Scene 36 Panel 2 Dialog SFX: Hammering Notes

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Scene 36 Panel 3 Dialog SFX: Hammering Notes

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Scene 36 Panel 4 Dialog SFX: Hammering Notes

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Scene 36 Panel 5 Dialog Notes

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Scene 37 Panel 1 Dialog Notes

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Scene 37 Panel 2 Dialog Notes

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Scene 37 Panel 3 Dialog SFX: knocking Notes

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Scene 37 Panel 4 Dialog Notes

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Scene 37 Panel 5 Dialog Notes

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Scene 38 Panel 1 Dialog Notes

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Scene 38 Panel 2 Dialog Elton: I tried to fix Darcy's bowl. Notes

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Scene 38 Panel 3 Dialog Elton: But I couldnt. Notes

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Scene 38 Panel 4 Dialog SFX: wind blowing through Notes

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Scene 38 Panel 5 Dialog SFX: wind blowing through Notes

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Scene 38 Panel 6 Dialog Notes

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Scene 38 Panel 7 Dialog Elton: I'm really sorry, Mac. Notes

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Scene 39 Panel 1 Dialog Notes

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Scene 39 Panel 2 Dialog Mac: Oh, Elton. Notes

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Scene 39 Panel 3 Dialog Mac: Do you think my love for Darcy can be contained by just one bowl? Notes

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Scene 39 Panel 4 Dialog Notes

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Scene 39 Panel 5 Dialog Mac: My sweet Darcy bowl collection. Notes

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Scene 40 Panel 1 Dialog Mac: Most of these bowls were from Darcy's 85th birthday party. I love me a woman in her prime. And her bowls are magnificent. Notes

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Scene 40 Panel 2 Dialog Mac: Most of these bowls were from Darcy's 85th birthday party. I love me a woman in her prime. And her bowls are magnificent. Notes

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Scene 40 Panel 3 Dialog Mac: Most of these bowls were from Darcy's 85th birthday party. I love me a woman in her prime. And her bowls are magnificent. Notes

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Scene 40 Panel 4 Dialog Mac: Most of these bowls were from Darcy's 85th birthday party. I love me a woman in her prime. And her bowls are magnificent. Notes

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Scene 40 Panel 5 Dialog Mac: Most of these bowls were from Darcy's 85th birthday party. I love me a woman in her prime. And her bowls are magnificent. Notes

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Scene 41 Panel 1 Dialog Notes

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Scene 41 Panel 2 Dialog Elton: ugh... Notes

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Scene 41 Panel 3 Dialog Notes

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Scene 41 Panel 4 Dialog Elton: Oooh! More bowls for tuna milk tea! Notes

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Scene 41 Panel 5 Dialog Elton: Oooh! More bowls for tuna milk tea! Notes

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Scene 41 Panel 6 Dialog Mac: Elton, no! Notes