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@Guardiola31337 @Guardiola31337 Manual documentation is dead. Long live automated documentation! Automated documentation with ΛNK Pablo Guardiola

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@Guardiola31337 ΛNK Compile time docs verification and evaluation for Kotlin and Java

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@Guardiola31337 ΛRROW Functional companion to Kotlin's Standard Library

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@Guardiola31337 Option

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@Guardiola31337 ```kotlin:ank import arrow.* import arrow.core.* val someValue: Option = Some("I am wrapped in something") someValue ``` Option

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@Guardiola31337 Option output ```kotlin import arrow.* import arrow.core.* val someValue: Option = Some("I am wrapped in something") someValue // Some(I am wrapped in something) ```

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@Guardiola31337 ```kotlin:ank val emptyValue: Option = None emptyValue ``` Option

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@Guardiola31337 ```kotlin val emptyValue: Option = None emptyValue // None ``` Option output

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@Guardiola31337 ```kotlin:ank:silent fun maybeItWillReturnSomething(flag: Boolean): Option = if (flag) Some("Found value") else None val itWillReturn = maybeItWillReturnSomething(true) itWillReturn ``` Option

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@Guardiola31337 Option output ```kotlin fun maybeItWillReturnSomething(flag: Boolean): Option = if (flag) Some("Found value") else None val itWillReturn = maybeItWillReturnSomething(true) itWillReturn ```

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@Guardiola31337 Option supported type classes ```kotlin:ank:replace import arrow.reflect.* import* import arrow.core.* DataType(Option::class).tcMarkdownList() ```

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@Guardiola31337 Output

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@Guardiola31337 MonadDefer Hierarchy ```kotlin:ank:outFile(diagram.nomnol) import arrow.reflect.* import arrow.effects.typeclasses.* TypeClass(MonadDefer::class).hierarchyGraph() ```

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@Guardiola31337 Output

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@Guardiola31337 Java ```java:ank int n = 3 + 3; return n; ```

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@Guardiola31337 Java output ```java int n = 3 + 3; return n; // 6 ```

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@Guardiola31337 Errors output

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@Guardiola31337 ./gradlew :arrow-docs:runAnk cd modules/docs/arrow-docs/build/site jekyll serve Demo

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@Guardiola31337 Setup buildscript { repositories { // ... maven { url "" } } dependencies { // ... classpath 'io.arrow-kt:arrow-ank-gradle:' } }

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@Guardiola31337 Setup apply plugin: 'ank-gradle-plugin' dependencies { implementation 'io.arrow-kt:arrow-ank:' // ... } ank { source = file("src/main/docs") target = file("build/site") classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath }

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@Guardiola31337 Pitfalls Kotlin Script Engine becomes incrementally slower

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@Guardiola31337 Pitfalls Annotations kapt can’t run over Markdown

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@Guardiola31337 Pitfalls Android JSR implementation lacks some extra classes

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@Guardiola31337 Pitfalls Slow? imports

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@Guardiola31337 Run Λnk ./gradlew :module-name:runAnk

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@Guardiola31337 Publish Docs buildscript { repositories { jcenter() } dependencies { classpath 'org.ajoberstar:gradle-git-publish:' } } apply plugin: 'org.ajoberstar.git-publish'

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@Guardiola31337 Publish Docs gitPublish { repoUri = '' branch = 'gh-pages' contents { from 'build/site' } commitMessage = '' } ./gradlew :module-name:gitPublishPush

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@Guardiola31337 What’s cooking? Dokka + Kotlin Playground

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@Guardiola31337 What’s cooking? Android support

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@Guardiola31337 What’s cooking? New modifiers ```kotlin:ank:compile```

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@Guardiola31337 What’s cooking? Clean up resources when run fails

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@Guardiola31337 What’s cooking? Automate all the things!

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@Guardiola31337 KEEP-87

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@Guardiola31337 Contributions welcome! Gitter Kotlinlang Slack #arrow channel

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@Guardiola31337 @Guardiola31337 Thanks! Questions?