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The disclaimer @nisrulz 3

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Where it started @nisrulz 4

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What happened ● Trying to build an Android Project ○ Typical project ○ Multi module 5 @nisrulz

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What happened ● Trying to build an Android Project ○ Native code (NDK) ○ Common dependencies: Retrofit, Dagger, Rx, Support Libraries, etc 6 @nisrulz

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What happened ● Laptop: Macbook Air (early 2014) ○ Core i5(1.4 Ghz) ○ 4GB DDR3 RAM ○ 128GB SSD ○ Intel HD Graphics (1.5GB) 7 @nisrulz

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What happened My build times: ~37 min 8 @nisrulz

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What happened My build times: ~37 min Not just the first time, but every other build after that too 9 @nisrulz

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What happened My build times: ~37 min …and not only that 10 @nisrulz

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What happened ...but also 11 @nisrulz

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What happened With a few gradle tweaks in the project. 12 @nisrulz

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What happened Build times down to ~28 min With a few gradle tweaks in the project. 13 @nisrulz

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What happened 14 @nisrulz After exhausting all possibilities.

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What happened Switched to Terminal builds and VS Code Editor. 15 @nisrulz + After exhausting all possibilities.

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What happened 16 @nisrulz +

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What happened 17 @nisrulz + Final result.

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What happened 18 @nisrulz + Build times down to ~3 minutes( 89% reduction) Final result.

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19 @nisrulz How I reduced my Android build times by 89%

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20 @nisrulz I was just happy that I was not in a spot like this guy

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The experience. @nisrulz 21

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The experience State of speed: Slow 22 @nisrulz

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The experience Basically this... State of speed: Slow 23 @nisrulz

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The experience State of speed: Slow 24 @nisrulz

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The experience State of reliability: Critical issues 25 @nisrulz

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The experience State of reliability: Critical issues 26 @nisrulz

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The experience State of reliability: Critical issues 27 @nisrulz

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The experience State of reliability: Critical issues 28 @nisrulz ~3 months

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The experience State of reliability: Finicky 29 @nisrulz

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The experience State of reliability: Finicky 30 @nisrulz

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The experience To a point where someone had to build this: A nuke script! 31 @nisrulz

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The experience - Tweet dated: 26 July 2019 - Android Studio 3.5 Stable (released): 20 August 2019 > Was already on bleeding edge 32 @nisrulz 114026532864

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The experience 33 @nisrulz

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The experience State of polish: 34 @nisrulz omments/d271hc/wildly_infuriating/

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The experience State of choice: Forced, deviates from base 35 @nisrulz

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The experience State of memory consumption: Not suitable 36 @nisrulz

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The experience State of memory consumption: Not suitable 37 @nisrulz

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The experience State of memory consumption: Not suitable 38 @nisrulz

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The experience State of CPU consumption: Unacceptable 39 @nisrulz

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The experience State of CPU consumption: Unacceptable 40 @nisrulz

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The experience State of updates: Unreliable 41 @nisrulz

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The experience State of result: false-positives 42 @nisrulz

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The experience State of result: false-positives 43 @nisrulz

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The experience State of tools: Limited 44 @nisrulz Energy Profiler

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The experience State of tools: Limited 45 @nisrulz Constraint Layout Editor

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The experience State of tools: Limited 46 @nisrulz Resource Manager

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The experience State of tools: Limited 47 @nisrulz Apply Changes

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The experience State of tools: Limited 48 @nisrulz Apply Changes ject-marble-apply-changes-e3048662e8cd

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The experience State of tools: Limited 49 @nisrulz Apply Changes y-changes-ki-verification-errors

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The experience State of tools: Limited 50 @nisrulz Deployments

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The experience To summarize, Android Studio is ● Slow ● Finicky ● Forces its defaults and deviates from its base 51 @nisrulz

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The experience To summarize, Android Studio is ● New tools are limiting ○ Energy Profiler ○ Constraint Layout Editor ○ Resource Manager ○ Apply Changes ○ Deployments options 52 @nisrulz

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The experience To summarize, Android Studio is ● Uses a lot of Memory and CPU ● Has versioning quality problem (Stable, Beta, Alpha) 53 @nisrulz

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and Workarounds. @nisrulz 54

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Slow, but why? ● Gradle Configuration ● Indexing changes in code ● Plugins ● Code Insight: Inplace analysis/inspections 55 @nisrulz

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Configuring Gradle for speed Use the latest Gradle release. 56 @nisrulz Incremental compile 1000-module Java project

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Configuring Gradle for speed Use the latest Gradle release. Caveat: Update to latest Canary release of Android Studio, since the support for latest Gradle is tied to Android Studio release. 57 @nisrulz

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Configuring Gradle for speed Build Cache: Reuse outputs from any previous invocation of Gradle // Add this in your global file // at ~/.gradle/ // Enable Build Cache android.enableBuildCache=true 58 @nisrulz

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Configuring Gradle for speed Daemon: Dedicated background process to improve performance of Gradle // Add this in your global file // at ~/.gradle/ // Enable Gradle Daemon org.gradle.daemon=true 59 @nisrulz

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Configuring Gradle for speed Allocate memory: Increase the memory provided to JVM // Add this in your global file // at ~/.gradle/ // Configure allocated memory org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m 60 @nisrulz

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Configuring Gradle for speed Parallel builds: Force Gradle to execute tasks in parallel as long as those tasks are in different projects. // Add this in your global file // at ~/.gradle/ // Enable Parallel builds org.gradle.parallel=true 61 @nisrulz

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Configuring Gradle for speed Execution: Prefer running specific task over general ones // Creates AAR for every module and all variants! ./gradlew assemble // Creates AAR for every module’s debug variant ./gradlew assembleDebug // Creates AAR for only `mymodule` in debug variant! ./gradlew :mymodule:assembleDebug 62 @nisrulz

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Reducing Indexing If your codebase has files changing on each build, it will trigger indexing. 63 @nisrulz

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Reducing Indexing Suggestions: ● Avoid using annotation processors Or use incremental annotation processors ● Using implementation as much as possible, instead of api. ● Use static build config values i.e version code, version name, resources 64 @nisrulz

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Plugins: Inspect what you use Android Studio comes with a lot of Plugins enabled, which contribute to its sluggishness. 65 @nisrulz

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Plugins: Inspect what you use Solution: Check and disable what you don’t need. 66 @nisrulz

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Code Insight Although required, it does make Android Studio slow. Solution: Enable Power Save Mode 67 @nisrulz

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Terminal to the rescue. @nisrulz 68

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ADB: Android Debug Bridge ● Command Line tool ● Shipped with Android SDK ● Allows interacting with debuggable Android devices ● Client-Server program ● Available as: adb 69 @nisrulz

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ADB: Android Debug Bridge ● Install App ○ adb install path_to_apk ● Uninstall App ○ adb uninstall 70 @nisrulz

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ADB: Android Debug Bridge ● Copy a file from System to Android device ○ adb push path_to_file /path_to_dir_on_device ● Copy a file from Android device to System ○ adb pull /path_to_dir_on_device/file.png ~/path_on_system/ 71 @nisrulz

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Other tools via ADB shell ● Activity Manager: am ● Emulator: emulator ● Package Manager: pm ● Device Policy Manager: dpm ● Logcat: logcat ● Dumpsys: dumpsys ...and many more. 72 @nisrulz

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Gradle Android projects use Gradle as the build system. Each Android project has a gradle wrapper, which is a proxy to local Gradle binary. Android Studio invokes Gradle to execute tasks 73 @nisrulz

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Gradle The same can be done via terminal: ./gradlew assembleDebug > is equivalent to Make in Android studio 74 @nisrulz

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Lint This is part of the gradle tasks, which checks the code for structural inconsistencies, thus allowing to write more maintainable code. // Execute lint in project ./gradlew lint > Similar to executing via Android Studio 75 @nisrulz

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Lint 76 @nisrulz

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Detekt ● Static code analyzer for Kotlin language. ● Helps to detect code smell in kotlin codebase 77 @nisrulz

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Detekt ● Highly configurable ● Enables complexity analysis of the code ● Also has a gradle plugin to setup in the project 78 @nisrulz

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Detekt // Execute at the root of the project java -jar /path_to/detekt-cli.jar --debug 79 @nisrulz

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Detekt // Execute at the root of the project java -jar /path_to/detekt-cli.jar --debug // Output Complexity Report: - 686 lines of code (loc) - 563 source lines of code (sloc) - 425 logical lines of code (lloc) - 32 comment lines of code (cloc) ... - 218 code smells per 1000 lloc Project Statistics: - number of properties: 73 - number of functions: 22 - number of classes: 5 - number of packages: 3 - number of kt files: 5 80 @nisrulz

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Classyshark oid-classyshark Tool for decompiling and analyzing internals of an APK such as dex Count. Works with .apk, .jar, .aar, .class, .dex or .so files. 81 @nisrulz

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Classyshark oid-classyshark Execute: java -jar ClassyShark.jar 82 @nisrulz

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Classyshark 83 @nisrulz

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Classyshark 84 @nisrulz

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AVD Manager ● Command line tool to create and manage Android Virtual Devices (AVD) ● Located in android_sdk/tools/bin/ 85 @nisrulz

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AVD Manager // List all avd avdmanager list // Create a new avd avdmanager create avd -n myavd -k "system-images;android-29;google_apis;x86" // Remove avd avdmanager delete avd -n myavd 86 @nisrulz

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Scrcpy Command-line tool for mirroring and controlling your device. // Start mirroring the device scrcpy //Record while mirroring scrcpy --record file.mp4 87 @nisrulz

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Scrcpy Command-line tool for mirroring and controlling your device. // Show touches scrcpy --show-touches // Switch off screen scrcpy --turn-screen-off 88 @nisrulz

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SDK Manager ● Command line tool to manage Android SDK ● Used to view, install, remove packages in Android SDK ● Located in android_sdk/tools/bin/ 89 @nisrulz

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SDK Manager // List all available packages sdkmanager --list // Install packages sdkmanager packages // Remove packages sdkmanager --uninstall packages // Update all packages sdkmanager --update 90 @nisrulz

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Battery Historian ● Python based tool ● Used to inspect battery related information and events, while the device was not plugged in 91 @nisrulz

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Battery Historian ● For Android device running Android 5.0 Lollipop (API level 21) and later. ● Useful since the new Energy Profilers are Android Studio only. 92 @nisrulz

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Battery Historian 93 @nisrulz

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Battery Historian 94 @nisrulz

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IntelliJ Idea ● Android Studio is based on IntelliJ Idea ○ IntelliJ Idea can be used for Android Development ● Faster for development 95 @nisrulz

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IntelliJ Idea ● Consumes less memory/CPU than Android Studio ● Full plugin support ● More frequent updates 96 @nisrulz

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IntelliJ Idea ● Doesn’t have the Android Studio specific tools ○ Constraint Layout Editor ○ Profilers ○ Resource Manager ○ Apply Changes 97 @nisrulz

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Mainframer ● Build your project remotely on a better hardware ● Uses rsync to sync changes over ssh and then builds the project, syncs the apk back. 98 @nisrulz

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Automation ● Alias creation enables executing complex tool configuration as a simple command. Example: // Create alias to push release apk to Downloads folder in Device alias pushReleaseToDevice="adb push ./apk-release.apk /sdcard/Downloads" // Execute pushReleaseToDevice ↵ 99 @nisrulz

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Automation ● Command line tools enable ability to include in scripts. Using alias simplify the process. # Install APK to device # Use: apkinstall app-debug.apk alias apkinstall="adb devices | tail -n +2 | cut -sf 1 | xargs -I X adb -s X install -r $1" 100 @nisrulz

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Automation ● Command line tools enable ability to include in scripts. Using alias simplify the process. # As an alternative to apkinstall, you can also do just ./gradlew installDebug # # Alias for building and installing the apk to connected device # Run at the root of your project # Usage: buildAndInstallApk alias buildAndInstallApk='./gradlew assembleDebug && apkinstall ./app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk' 101 @nisrulz

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Automation ● Command line tools enable ability to include in scripts. Using alias simplify the process. # Launch your debug apk on your connected device # Execute at the root of your android project # Usage: launchDebugApk function launchDebugApk(){ local APP_PACKAGE_NAME=$(getPackageName ./app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk) adb shell monkey -p $APP_PACKAGE_NAME 1 1>/dev/null 2>&1; } 102 @nisrulz

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Automation ● Command line tools enable ability to include in scripts. Using alias simplify the process. # ------------- Single command to build+install+launch apk------------# # Execute at the root of your android project # Use as: buildInstallLaunchDebugApk alias buildInstallLaunchDebugApk="buildAndInstallApk && launchDebugApk" 103 @nisrulz

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Automation ● Command line tools enable ability to include in scripts. Using alias simplify the process. # Take screenshot alias screenshot="adb exec-out screencap -p > screen-$(nowdate).png" # Remove app alias rmapp="adb devices | tail -n +2 | cut -sf 1 | xargs -I X adb -s X uninstall $1" # Clear data for app alias clearapp="adb devices | tail -n +2 | cut -sf 1 | xargs -I X adb -s X shell pm clear $1" More automation aliases: 104 @nisrulz

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Automation++ ● adbe : ADB Enhanced - Script to execute adb commands on all connected devices. # Usage # Run any command you would run with adb for all the connected devices # ./adbe is the equivalent of ./adb -s # # Examples # ./adbe version ./adbe install demo_app.apk 105 @nisrulz

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Automation++ ● adbe : ADB Enhanced // Script body adb devices | while read line do if [ ! "$line" = "" ] && [ `echo $line | awk '{print $2}'` = "device" ] then device=`echo $line | awk '{print $1}'` echo "$device $@ ..." adb -s $device $@ fi done 106 @nisrulz

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Automation ● Use gradle plugin to setup all the automation commands Novoda’s Gradle Android command plugin creates handy gradle tasks in the project itself. 107 @nisrulz

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Automation ● Use gradle plugin to setup all the automation commands Some commands available: ● installDevice - installs the app on a specific device. ● uninstallDevice - uninstalls the app from a specific device. ● run - installs and launches the app on a specific device. and many more. Execute: ./gradlew installDeviceDebug 108 @nisrulz

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The experience. @nisrulz 109

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The experience ● Project Marble Project Marble is a multi-release and focused effort on making fundamental features of the IDE rock-solid and polished. 110 @nisrulz

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The experience ● Project Marble Already made improvements under: 1. UX and performance in Layout Editor 2. Instant Run has been replaced by Apply Changes 3. Emulator performance, Snapshots 4. Lint performance 111 @nisrulz

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The experience ● Project Marble Issues: 112 @nisrulz

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The experience {Command line tools} 113 @nisrulz

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The experience ● APK Analyzer(GUI) 114 @nisrulz

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The experience ● APK Analyzer(Command line) // To print the file size of the apk in a human readable format //Output: 1.7MB 115 @nisrulz

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The experience ● APK Analyzer // Prints the application ID, version code, and version name. // Output: in.excogitation.deviceinfo 17 2.0.1 apkanalyzer apk summary myapp.apk 116 @nisrulz

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The experience ● APK Analyzer // Prints an estimate of the download size of the APK. // Output: 1.4MB apkanalyzer -h apk download-size myapp.apk More info: 117 @nisrulz

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The experience ● APK Analyzer // Get package name of the passed apk file // Usage: getPackageName app-debug.apk alias getPackageName="apkanalyzer -h manifest application-id $1" More info: 118 @nisrulz

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The experience ● Size Analyzer // Tool to understand the size of Android application. size-analyzer check-bundle size-analyzer check-project More info: 119 @nisrulz

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The experience ● Size Analyzer 120 @nisrulz

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The experience ● Android Studio Poet // Create a real life complexity Android project that // mimics your own and observe the build times java -jar as-poet.jar MyConfig.json More info: 121 @nisrulz

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The experience ● Android Studio Poet 122 @nisrulz

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The experience ● Simpleperf A versatile command-line CPU profiling tool included in the NDK for Mac, Linux, and Windows. 123 @nisrulz

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The experience ● Simpleperf # Find the percentage of time spent in each thread simpleperf report --sort tid,comm # See how function calls are related, call-graph simpleperf report -g More info: 124 @nisrulz

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The experience ● NDK-Stack It allows you to symbolize stack traces from adb logcat It replaces any address inside a shared library with the corresponding : from your source code, making debugging easier. 125 @nisrulz

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The experience ● NDK-Stack # Live mapping adb logcat | $NDK/ndk-stack -sym $PROJECT_PATH/obj/local/armeabi-v7a More info: 126 @nisrulz

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The experience ● Other tools ○ NDK-GDB: Tool to start a command-line native debugging session. ○ ASan (Address Sanitizer): Memory error detector for C/C++ 127 @nisrulz

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The experience ● Other tools ○ systrace: Tool to collect and inspect timing information across all processes running on your device at the system level. ○ dumpsys: Tool to View the Java heap and memory allocations with Memory Profiler 128 @nisrulz

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The experience ● Other tools ○ bundletool: To recreate, inspect, and verify Google Play’s server-side build of your app’s APKs. ○ perfetto: collect performance information from your Android devices via the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) 129 @nisrulz

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The experience ● Other tools 130 @nisrulz

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The experience ● Improving on-demand dependency inclusion 131 @nisrulz

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The experience … and a lot of cool new things the Android Tools team builds 132 @nisrulz

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Links/References Gradle Performance Tips: Project Marble: Blog Post: ce946 Disable Plugins: en_using_kotlin/dt88pgn/ Battery Historian: 133 @nisrulz

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Credits Icon made by Freepik from 134 @nisrulz

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