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@robdcrowley | robdcrowley Service Meshes Powering the next wave of microservice architectures

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So who has heard of the Service Mesh pattern? @robdcrowley

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Is anyone using a Service Mesh in production? @robdcrowley

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Goals for the session ▪ Explore the motivation behind the Service Mesh Pattern and the category of problems it helps to solve. ▪ Contrast Service Meshes with API Gateways and our old favourite the Enterprise Service Bus. ▪ Investigate some of the advanced capabilities Service Meshes provide to enable low friction releases at scale. ▪ Starting a conversation in the Sydney technical community about the potential value of Service Meshes. @robdcrowley

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A smart person once told me that every good presentation has a story… @robdcrowley

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Service A Service B A ♥ story of when service A met service B… Host A @robdcrowley

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Service A Service B As part of a Digital Transformation Service B is rehosted Host A Host B @robdcrowley

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Distributed computing is easy, right? @robdcrowley

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Service A Service B Long distance relationships are complicated Host A Host B @robdcrowley

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The 8 Fallacies of Distributed Computing highlight common false assumptions we programmers make when starting out with distributed systems @robdcrowley

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Service A Service B Long distance relationships are complicated Host A Host B Flow Control Flow Control Networking Networking @robdcrowley

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Hmmm, maybe this distributed computing thing is a little harder than we thought @robdcrowley

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Traffic Management Observability Reliability Wait, there’s more… @robdcrowley

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Traffic Management ▪ Load balancing (bonus points for being latency based) ▪ Service discovery (DNS alone is often insufficient) ▪ Access control ▪ Per request routing ▪ Shadowing ▪ Fault injection @robdcrowley

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Observability ▪ Success rates ▪ Latency logs ▪ Request volumes ▪ Distributed tracing (e.g. Open Tracing) @robdcrowley

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Reliability (not anti-fragility! ) ▪ Health checks ▪ Circuit breakers ▪ Retry policies (your services are idempotent right?) ▪ Timeouts @robdcrowley

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Hmmm, maybe this distributed computing thing is a lot harder than we thought @robdcrowley

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Service A Service B Making long distance relationships work Host A Host B Networking Networking Flow Control @robdcrowley Flow Control

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TCP/IP as applied to OSI 7. Application 6. Presentation 5. Session 4. Transport 3. Network 2. Data Link 1. Physical Network Access Internet (IP) Transport (TCP) Application (HTTP) OSI TCP/IP @robdcrowley

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As application requirements became more sophisticated we again looked to abstract these capabilities @robdcrowley

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Centralised management of your services Enterprise Service Bus Service E Service H Service F Service G Service A Service D Service B Service C @robdcrowley

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centralised architecture == single point of failure @robdcrowley

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Over time these centralised architectures tend to become complex and atrophy change @robdcrowley

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Continuous Delivery Microservices Cloud Native DevOps Containers @robdcrowley

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Life in a microservices world… @robdcrowley

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Smart endpoints, dumb pipes @robdcrowley

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Service A Service B Very long distance relationships are even worse Host A Host B Networking Networking Service Discovery Flow Control Flow Control Circuit Breakers Service Discovery Circuit Breakers @robdcrowley

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Wait, I thought one of the benefits of microservices is the ability to match the language to the specific problem domain? @robdcrowley

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Sidecar Proxy Service A Making very long distance relationships work Host A Networking Flow Control Service B Host B Networking Flow Control Sidecar Proxy Service Discovery Circuit Breakers Service Discovery Circuit Breakers @robdcrowley

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Life in a better microservices world… @robdcrowley

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A service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer for handling service-to-service communication. It’s responsible for the reliable delivery of requests through the complex topology of services that comprise a modern, cloud native application. In practice, the service mesh is typically implemented as an array of lightweight network proxies that are deployed alongside application code, without the application needing to be aware. - William Morgan @robdcrowley

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The goal of service meshes is not to introduce new functionality, but rather to enable a shift in where functionality is located @robdcrowley

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Service meshes comprise both a data plane and a control plane @robdcrowley

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Decentralised management of your services Service Mesh Control Plane @robdcrowley

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Decentralised management of your services Service Mesh Control Plane @robdcrowley

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The control plane provides the same authoritative source of policies and routing decisions as with an ESB, without being on the critical path of every request @robdcrowley

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Istio @robdcrowley

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A high level view of Istio Service A Sidecar @robdcrowley Service B Sidecar HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, gRPC or TCP . mTLS is optional Pilot Citadel Mixer

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A high level view of Istio Service A Sidecar @robdcrowley Service B Sidecar HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, gRPC or TCP . mTLS is optional Pilot Citadel Mixer

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A high level view of Istio Service A Sidecar @robdcrowley Service B Sidecar HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, gRPC or TCP . mTLS is optional Pilot Citadel Mixer Policy checks & telemetry

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A high level view of Istio Service A Sidecar @robdcrowley Service B Sidecar HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, gRPC or TCP . mTLS is optional Pilot Citadel Mixer

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Istio in Action @robdcrowley

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Family dynamics Service A @robdcrowley Service B Service C V2 Service C V3 Service C V1 Service D

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Testing in production is not just for hipsters… …the trick is doing it safely

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Traffic Mirroring @robdcrowley

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Service meshes simplify some advanced use cases Service A Service B V1 Service B V2 Envoy Envoy Envoy @robdcrowley

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Canary Releases @robdcrowley

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@robdcrowley Service A Service B V1 Service B V2 Envoy Envoy Envoy Service meshes simplify some advanced use cases Pilot Push traffic routing rules to sidecar proxy

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Circuit Breakers @robdcrowley

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@robdcrowley Service A Envoy Service meshes simplify some advanced use cases Service C V1 Envoy Service C V2 Envoy Service C V3 Envoy

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@robdcrowley Service A Envoy Service meshes simplify some advanced use cases Eject host from connection pool Service C V1 Envoy Service C V2 Envoy Service C V3 Envoy X

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Chaos Engineering @robdcrowley

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@robdcrowley Service A Envoy Service C V1 Envoy Service C V2 Envoy Service D Envoy

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@robdcrowley Service A Envoy Service C V1 Envoy Service C V2 Envoy X Service D Envoy Inject faults for 25% traffic to D

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Per Request Overrides @robdcrowley

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@robdcrowley Service meshes decouple traffic management from infrastructure scaling

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Service meshes are typically supported by a platform team within an enterprise @robdcrowley

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Pop Quiz: So do application service developers even need to be aware of the service mesh? @robdcrowley

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So, how should you approach introducing a service mesh into your architecture? @robdcrowley

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Start with a single capability, say instrumentation, and support that via the service mesh @robdcrowley

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Takeaways @robdcrowley

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A service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer for making service-to-service communication safe @robdcrowley

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If the operability of your services is posing a significant challenge, then a Service Mesh will help @robdcrowley

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Service Meshes afford gradual adoption. Start with single use case. @robdcrowley

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Questions @robdcrowley

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Thank You! @robdcrowley | robdcrowley

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Resources ▪ 8 Fallacies of Distributed Computing: ▪ Overview: ▪ Service Mesh: ▪ Overview: ▪ InfoQ Panel: service-mesh ▪ InfoQ Podcast: ▪ Istio: ▪ Overview: ▪ Kelsey Hightower Velocity Talk: ▪ Istio Demo Application: @robdcrowley

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Slides are available at @robdcrowley

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Appendices @robdcrowley

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Linkerd as daemon set on Kubernetes Linkerd Service A Service B Service C Service E Service D Service F Linkerd Service G Service H Service I Service K Service J Service L Host A Host B Pod Pod Pod Pod Pod Pod Pod Pod Pod Pod Pod Pod