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Design Principles for a High School Coding Curriculum John Wark Nashville Software School 1 Saturday, March 8, 14

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Accidental Educator • Started programming in 1971 • Founded Nashville Software School 2012 • Advisory boards for NACS, Overton H.S. IT Academy, Stratford H.S. Gaming/Simulation Academy • Consulting with Williamson Co Schools to design a four year multi-track cross-disciplinary curriculum integrating Apps and Arts into regular h.s. curriculum for reboot of MCHS • contact: [email protected] 2 Saturday, March 8, 14

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HANDS ON 3 Saturday, March 8, 14 learn by doing constructionism over instructionism get kids coding - the sooner the better deal with the boring stuff later big influence on selection of tools

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MAKE IT FUN 4 Saturday, March 8, 14 Hard fun - fun is not a synonym for easy it ain’t math coding games is still coding get them hooked - there’s lots of time for the comp sci/abstract stuff later

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MAKE SOMETHING 5 Saturday, March 8, 14 Programming is for building things - so build something Solve problems Do projects - problem-based learning build students’ portfolios

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MISTAKES ARE GOOD 6 Saturday, March 8, 14 you can’t get it right without getting it wrong

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BLENDED LEARNING 7 Saturday, March 8, 14 use online tools/sites for core content instruction flipped classroom and/or station rotation - see blended-learning-model-definitions/ let kids self-pace as much as possible use multiple modalities - let’s kids explore how they best learn (so they can learn to learn)

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Problems • A lot of what I just said is very hard within the top-down mandated curriculum guidelines and approved course standards • K-12 education establishment is not familiar with and in some cases very uncomfortable with technology • School bureaucracy moves very slowly and has huge impedance mismatch with the pace of change in technology • Any programmer worth a darn can make two or three times more money coding than teaching 8 Saturday, March 8, 14