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From data industrialization through APIs towards IT decarbonization David Heinzer GreenIT promoter, Head of API architecture Edenred Julien Rouzé Co-Founder & COO/CPO Sopht

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Edenred context 1 million Corporate clients 2+ million Partner merchants Purchasing power + Attractiveness for employees + Business and traffic + 60+ million Users €41bn Business volume OUR BUSINESS: BEING EMPLOYEE EVERYDAY COMPANION Benefits & Engagement Mobility Complementary solutions 26 countries with smartphone payments 100% New solutions are digital 200+ Foodtech and Mobility programs

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Edenred Science-Based Targets Edenred announced in 2022 its ambition to achieve Net Zero Carbon by 2050 and obtained in 2024 the approval of the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi)1 for its 2030 and 2050 targets. By obtaining SBTi's approval of these targets, Edenred joins over 5,000 companies pioneering this approach. Edenred is committed to: ● Reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 51.4% by 2030, and 90% by 2050, from a 2019 base year2; ● Reduce its scope 3 GHG emissions 55% per million EUR value added by 2030 and 97% by 2050, from a 2019 base year. 1. The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) is a collaboration between CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). SBTi defines and promotes best practice in science-based target setting and independently assesses companies’ GHG emission reduction targets. 2. The target boundary includes land-related emissions and removals from bioenergy feedstocks. More details in the press release:

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Focus on Edenred’s emission from IT landscape 41% of Edenred’s carbon footprint is due to our digital usage and electronic devices This includes emissions from our usage of cloud, SaaS, telecommunications, and the manufacturing of electronic devices. More details in the Edenred 2023-2024 Integrated report.

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IT strategy has to be compliant with our ESG ambitions HOW ? WHY ? Measure carbon footprint of our IT landscape Train Edenred employees Define KPIs to have a WW efficient reduction strategy Cost optimization eqCO2 Carbon footprint reduction Happy clients Reputation

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IT ecosystem can be (very) complex and a barrier for Sustainable IT • Data collection often manual and time consuming • Risk of double counting and imprecise measures • Low observability limiting data insights & actionability • No live data hence difficulty to track impact • Lack of reconciliation between CO2 & € impacts Results : Fragmented or siloed internal IT ecosystem can make data collection painful

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Sopht mission Leverage data and APIs to measure, pilot and automate IT decarbonization while guaranteeing IT operations efficiency

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Measure our IT impact at Edenred

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What are our requirements ? Based on physical data (vs spend based) (Almost) Real time & automated measures Consolidated & comparable data for all the IT ecosystem

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Sopht native integrations with Edenred IT ecosystem Websites Collect employee devices & equipments Collect Azure usage based on billing & infra data Collect AWS usage based on CURs & metrics Collect M365 usage based on Microsoft graph report API Edenred IT landscape Analyze periodically Edenred websites

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Example : Digital Workplace

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Data collection challenges Data quality in input Complex to cover IT ecosystem at scale when not managed centrally How to easily complete Sopht perimeter with monetary data to have the full picture

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Build our IT emission reduction trajectory

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Define the right decarbonization journey CSR team responsability ● Define baseline ● Define middle & long term objectives ● Follow up macro KPIs A strong governance between CSR & IT teams is helpful to coordinate our actions For Edenred, our SBTi commitment provides clear milestones. IT team responsability ● Explore scenario & levers ● Raise awareness IT teams ● Build an action plan contextual to the global, regional & local level

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Set clear baseline

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Set target & objectives

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Identify levers

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Simulate impact of actions in our context

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Septembre 2024 19 Confidentiel Decarbonation : simulateurs

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Septembre 2024 20 Confidentiel Decarbonation : simulateurs

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Build an action plan Respecting the trajectory

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Decarbonization journey challenges Current Sopht limitation to define Edenred exact baseline & objectives Top-down decisions has to be avoided to make local teams aware of their environmental responsabilities Individual objectives need to be aligned with corporate sustainable strategy

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