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DesignOps: Removing friction from your front-end development workflow Jessica Allen by

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Title Text san francisco

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beep! beep

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I do like comics

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Title Text macarons + photodecora

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kitty cats I’m going to pair with you today. Problem?

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decora + kitty cats??

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baby unicorns

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Get excited and make things!

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jessconf for developers named Jessica

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@jessicard @jlsuttles @jessicag me (in disguise)

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*not pictured @jessicaspacekat*

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Engine Yard is a place to host and scale your web apps.

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Business Time

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This place is f’reals

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@ejgreenberg “omg I stayed there!”

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why is this so hard?!

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there are... ways to make it better

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keeping it real

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small tweaks & as-you-go improvements

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design-friendly dev environment

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Production Development &

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Development UI Production UI application real user data

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Development UI Production UI application real user data

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Development UI Production UI application real user data

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mocked data Development UI + Application Production UI + Application real user data

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mocked data Development UI + Application Production UI + Application real user data

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mocked data Development UI + Application Production UI + Application real user data

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mocked customers

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mocked customers new user

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mocked customers new user small customer

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mocked customers new user small customer medium customer

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mocked customers new user small customer medium customer large customer

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mocked customers new user small customer medium customer large customer crazy customer

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⌘S ⌘tab ⌘R

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save on your way out

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save on your way out “[text editor] save on focus lost”

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gem ‘xray-rails’

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don’t break production

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(unobtrusive) safety goggles.

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// before // after %body{:class => Rails.env} %body Rails app haml

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resulting page html

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body { min-width: 960px; background: transparent url(/images/layout/bg_sky.png) top left repeat-x; // Add a visual banner to the top corner for dev mode &.development { &:after { position: fixed; content: 'development'; background-color: hsl(295, 77%, 74%); @include rotate(-45deg); white-space: nowrap; top: 26px; left: -50px; width: 200px; padding: 10px 0; text-align: center; color: $color_white; font-size: 14px; } } } Rails app sass

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- if Rails.env.development? %link(rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon-dev.png") - else %link(rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico") Rails app haml

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kid gloves.

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tests that don’t suck.

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new hotness

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you got this

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test breaker

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all. the. time.

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ul.block.instance-role Rails app haml

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ul.block.instance-role Rails app haml what is this class “.instance-role” ?

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ul.block.instance-role Rails app haml // before // after ul.block

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ul.block.instance-role Rails app haml // before // after ul.block heck yeah concise!

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Failure/Error: response.should have_selector(".instance-role") expected css ".instance-role" to return something

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Failure/Error: response.should have_selector(".instance-role") expected css ".instance-role" to return something oh come on!

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html css tests page.should have_selector(".instance-role")
.instance-role { padding: 10px; } .instance-role gets around

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html css tests
.header { padding: 10px; } .instance-role gets around page.should have_selector(".instance-role")

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html css tests page.should have_selector( "[data-purpose='instance-role']")
.header { padding: 10px; } data-purpose for tests

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surviving the sprite-pocalypse

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ahhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhh!

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photoshop? no thank you

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webfont icons

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color size crispness

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%button %span.picons-settings Settings Rails app haml

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old new!

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.arrow-down { display: inline-block; width: 0; height: 0; border-left: 5px solid transparent; border-right: 5px solid transparent; border-top: 5px solid grey; border-bottom: none; } css

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CSS frameworks

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the good parts

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the good parts •hell yeah grid systems

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the good parts •hell yeah grid systems •mobile-responsive

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the good parts •hell yeah grid systems •mobile-responsive •prototyping

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the good parts •hell yeah grid systems •mobile-responsive •prototyping •living style guide

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the good parts •hell yeah grid systems •mobile-responsive •prototyping •living style guide •great starting point

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less good parts

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less good parts •xtra css

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less good parts •xtra css •limits your expression

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less good parts •xtra css •limits your expression •looks familiar

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style guide maintenance

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live demo JavaScript

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live demo code snippet JavaScript

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live demo code snippet JavaScript variations

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sharing tools with your back-end comrades

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$ git branch moar-sparklez

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$ git pull $ git checkout -b “moar-sparklez” make rad design changes here $ git add -p $ git commit -m “sparklier pages” $ git push origin moar-sparklez

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Propane for Campfire + CloudApp + Dropbox sharing images

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ye olde whiteboard

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@lanejoshlane “Hey that looks... familiar”

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big picture feedback

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details in code

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like form interaction

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...and integration

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big small

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Make it pretty

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Make it pretty

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everyone has an opinion, but...

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customers are experts in what sucks about your UI everyone has an opinion, but...

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colleagues doing customer support

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colleagues doing customer support are experts in what sucks about your UI

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UX Office Hours

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•stay user-centric

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•stay user-centric •prioritize customer needs

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•stay user-centric •prioritize customer needs •new feature planning

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quick recap

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clean up as you go

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develop with real(alistic) users

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“save on focus lost”

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visual difference development

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flexible tests with data attributes

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web fonts Ps

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CSS frameworks 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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tend your style guide

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shared tools

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new feature planning

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@jessicaspacekat thanks! Office Hours at 1:45pm East Lounge (Table A)