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Derivatives of Floor of Pharynx Dr. Sherif Fahmy

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Forebrain bulge Pericardial bulge Stomodeum Bucco-pharyngeal membrane Pharynx Floor of pharynx

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Dr. Sherif Fahmy Laryngeo-trachial groove Site of developing tongue, epiglottis and thyroid gland in the floor of pharynx

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Development of Tongue (Page 17)

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Dr. Sherif Fahmy 2 lingual swellings Tuberculum impar Foramen ceacum Copula Hypobranchial eminence 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

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Dr. Sherif Fahmy Lingual swellings Tuberculum impar Foramen caecum Hypobranchial eminence

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Lingual swelling Anterior 2/3 of tongue Hypobranchial eminence Posterior 1/3 of tongue Foramen caecum Epiglottis Tuberculum impar

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A- Muscles of tongue

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Anomalies of Tongue 1- Aglossia: Complete absence of tongue. 2- Microglossia: Small sized tongue. 3- Macroglossia: Large sized tongue. 4- Bifid tongue: due to failure of fusion between 2 lingual swellings. 5- Tongue tie: short frenulum due to defective formation of linguo-gingival groove. . Dr. Sherif Fahmy

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Bifid tongue

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Tie tongue

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Development of Thyroid Gland (Page 19)

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Dr. Sherif Fahmy 2 lingual swellings Tuberculum impar Thyroid primordium Copula Hypobranchial eminence 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

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Dr. Sherif Fahmy Foramen cecum Thyroid diverticulum Developing anterior 2/3 of tongue

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Dr. Sherif Fahmy Thyroglossal duct Thyroid gland Developing anterior 2/3 of tongue Developing hyoid bone Posterior 1/3 of tongue

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Dr. Sherif Fahmy Foramen cecum Degenerating thyro-glossal duct Hyoid bone Thyroid cartilage Levator glandulae thyroidae Pyramidal lobe Lobe of thyroid gland Fate of thyroglossal duct

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Congenital Anomalies • Thyroid agenesis: Failure of its formation. • Lingual thyroid: Failure of thyroid descend. • Aberrant thyroid (Retrosternal goiter): over-descend of thyroid gland in the thorax. • Thyroglossal cyst: It is persistence of a part of the thyroglossal duct. • Thyroglossal fistula: Thyroglossal duct opens to skin. Dr. Sherif Fahmy

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Dr. Sherif Fahmy

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Dr. Sherif Fahmy

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Derivatives of Caudal Part of Foregut

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Derivatives of Caudal Part of Foregut 1- Esophagus. 2- Stomach. 3- Proximal ½ of duodenum. 4- Liver, gall bladder and pancreas. Dr. Sherif Fahmy

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Endoderm Buccopharyngeal membrane Cloacal membrane Hindgut Midgut Foregut Vitelline duct Allantois Definitive yolk sac L.S. in folded embryo Septum transversum

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Formation of Mesentry

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Development of Stomach (Page 29)

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Anatomy of Stomach

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Cardiac openening Pyloric opening Lesser curvature Greater omentum

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Development of Stomach

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Pharynx Respiratory diverticulum Esophagus Stomach Septum transversum Developing liver

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Final Shape of Stomach

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Congenital Anomalies 1- Hypertrophic Pyloric stenosis: Congenital narrowing of pyloric orifice. 2- Hour glass stomach: constriction of stomach dividing it into 2 dilated parts with a narrowing inbetween. 3- Thoracic stomach: Protrusion of upper part of stomach through diaphragm due to short esophagus.

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Hour glass stomach

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Anatomy of Duodenum

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Head of pancreas Neck Body Tail Main pancreatic duct Accessory pancreatic duct Common bile duct Cystic duct Common hepatic duct Gall bladder Second part of duodenum 3rd part of duodenum 4th part of duodenum 1st part of duodenum Uncinate process

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Gall bladder Cystic duct Rt. Hepatic duct Lt. hepatic duct Common hepatic duct Common bile duct Main pancreatic duct Ampulla of vater

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Development of Duodenum (Page 31)

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Congenital Anomalies of duodenum 1- Stenosis or atresia. 2- Persistence of parts of mesoduodenum as duodenal folds.

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Duodenal folds

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Development of Pancreas (Page 33)

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Duct of the distal part of dorsal pancreatic bud Anastomosis Duct of ventral bud Proximal part of dorsal bus Accessory pancreatic duct

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Anomalies of Pancreas 1- Annular pancreas: A ring of pancreatic tissue that surrounds the duodenum. 2- Accessory pancreas: Pancreatic tissue in abnormal site as in pyloric part of stomach or duodenum.

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Development of Liver & Gall Bladder (Page 35)

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Formation of Gut, mesenteries & septum transversum

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Pericardium Septum transversum Peritoneal canals Pleura Dr. Sherif Fahmy

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Buccopharyngeal membrane Cloacal membrane Hindgut Midgut Foregut L.S. in folded embryo Heart Vitelline duct Cloaca Dr. Sherif Fahmy Septum transversum

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Peritoneal canals Gut Ventral mersentry (contains septum transversum cells, vitelline and umbilical veins Dorsal mesentry Transverse Section Dr. Sherif Fahmy

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Development of Liver

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Pars hepatica: Proliferating hepatic cords of cells. Pars cystica Hepatic bud

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Dorsal pancraetic bud Ventral pancreatic bud Hepatic bud Cystic duct

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Anomalies of Biliary System 1- Double gall bladder. 2- Bile duct atresia (intrahepatic or extrahepatic). 3- Absence of gall bladder. 4-Extra-hepatic duct.