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Bienvenidos! ● Primera edición de Slice & DAIS en español! ● Destacados Data & AI Summit ● Databricks + Spark Barcelona ● Expandimos la comunidad!

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● Estamos de vuelta!! ● 7 años ● +2900 miembros ● Un espacio para compartir conocimiento y conectar personas :)

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Menú del día Bienvenida e introducción Novedades en Lakehouse Alejandro Rabadán, Databricks Novedades en Machine Learning Carlos del Cacho, Databricks Menú especial Lakehouse Machine Learning

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Compartir es vivir :) @databricks @sparkbarcelona #SliceAndDAIS Únete y consulta las novedades!

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Lakehouse Intro

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Streaming Analytics BI Data Science Machine Learning Structured, Semi-Structured and Unstructured Data Data Lake for all your data One platform for every use case Structured transactional layer Lakehouse RELIABILITY & QUALITY PERFORMANCE & LATENCY GOVERNANCE ACID transactions Advanced indexing, caching, compaction Fine-grained access control

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Lakehouse adoption across industries

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Single node Data Science meets Big Data

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What is Koalas? Implementation of pandas APIs over Spark Easily port existing data science code, making it execute at scale import databricks.koalas as ks df = ks.read_csv(file) df[‘x’] = df.y * df.z df.describe() df.plot.line(...) import pandas as pd df = pd.read_csv(file) df[‘x’] = df.y * df.z df.describe() df.plot.line(...) Now ~ 3 million PyPI downloads per month.

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Single Node Performance Comparison - 31 GB Lower is better

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Performance Comparison - 95 GB pandas Lower is better pyspark.pandas

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Scala DataFrame Python DataFrame pandas APIs Different APIs, Powered by the Same Engine SQL Language

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ANSI SQL Compliance Pytho n Performanc e Mor e Streamin g Decorrelation Framework Timestamp w/o Time Zone Adaptive Optimization Scala 2.13 Beta Error Code Implicit Type Cast Interval Type Complex Type Support in ORC Lateral Join Compile Latency Reduction JAVA 17 Push-based Shuffle Session Window Visualization and Plotting RocksDB State Store Queryable State Store Pythonic Error Handling Richer Input/Output Koalas (pandas APIs) Parquet 1.12 (Column Index) State Store APIs DML Metrics ANSI Mode GA Apache Spark Development (Link 3.1.1 RelNotes) Low Latency Scheduler

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OSS Delta Lake 1.0

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• Project Zen: more Pythonic, better usability • Faster performance including predicate pushdown and pruning • ANSI SQL compliance for DDL/DML commands including INSERT, MERGE, and EXPLAIN • Spark 3.1 comes with Databricks Runtime 8.0 blog: Delta Lake 1.0.0 Released

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Generated Columns Problem: Partition by date Better solution: generated columns CREATE TABLE events( id bigint, eventTime timestamp, eventDate GENERATED ALWAYS AS ( CAST(eventTime AS DATE) ) ) USING delta PARTITIONED BY (eventDate) id eventTime eventDate 1 2021-05-24 09:00:00.000 2021-05-24 .. ... ...

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Delta Everywhere Standalon e JVM

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pip install delta-spark Python APIs for using Delta Lake with Apache Spark, e.g. for unit testing pip install deltalake # delta lake without spark from deltalake import DeltaTable dt = DeltaTable("reviews") dt.version() 3 dt.files() ['part-00000-...-ff32ddab96d2-c000.snappy.parquet', 'part-00000-...-d46c948aa415-c000.snappy.parquet', 'part-00001-...-7eb62007a15c-c000.snappy.parquet'] PyPI Install Delta Rust client

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Delta Live Tables

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Filtered, Cleaned, Augmented Business-level Aggregates Raw Ingestion and History Building the foundation of a Lakehouse with ETL Data Lake CSV, JSON, TXT… Kinesis BI & Reporting Streaming Analytics Data Science & ML BRONZE SILVER GOLD QUALITY

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Delta Live Tables: Easily build data pipelines Declaratively build data pipelines with business logic and chain table dependencies Run in batch or streaming with structured or unstructured data Reuse ETL pipelines across environments

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Treat your data as code A single source of truth for more than just transformation logic. CREATE LIVE TABLE clean_data( CONSTRAINT valid_timestamp EXPECT (timestamp > "…") ) COMMENT "Customer data with timestamps cleaned up" TBLPROPERTIES ( "has_pii" = "true", ) as SELECT to_timestamp(ts) as ts, * FROM LIVE.raw_data Declarative Quality Expectations Just say what makes bad data bad and what to do with it. Documentation with Transformation Helps ensure discovery information is recent. Governance Built-In All information about processing is captured into a table for analysis / auditing.

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Databricks Unity Catalog Simplified governance for data and AI

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Data Lake Governance Today is Complex Data (files on S3/ADLS/GCS) /dataset/pages/part-001 /dataset/pages/part-002 /dataset/users/uk/part-001 /dataset/users/uk/part-002 /dataset/users/us/part-001 Users File-based permissions: • user1 can read /pages/ • user2 can read /users/ • user3 can read /users/us/ What if we only want users to see some columns/rows within a table? What if we want to change data layout? What if governance rules change? Metadata (e.g. Hive Metastore) Tables & views ML Models SQL Databases Could be out of sync with the data! Different governance model Different governance model

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Databricks Unity Catalog Data (files on S3/ADLS/GCS) /dataset/pages/part-001 /dataset/pages/part-002 /dataset/users/uk/part-001 /dataset/users/uk/part-002 /dataset/users/us/part-001 Users table 1 ML Models SQL Databases Delta Shares Unity Catalog table2 view1 view2 models view3 ● Fine-grained permissions on tables, fields, views ● ANSI SQL grants ● Uniform permission model for all data assets ● Across workspaces ● ODBC/JDBC / Delta Sharing Audit Log

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Using the Unity Catalog CREATE TABLE iot_events GRANT SELECT ON iot_events TO engineers GRANT SELECT(date, country) ON iot_events TO marketing

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Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) CREATE ATTRIBUTE pii ALTER TABLE iot_events ADD ATTRIBUTE pii ON email ALTER TABLE users ADD ATTRIBUTE pii ON phone ... GRANT SELECT ON DATABASE iot_data HAVING ATTRIBUTE NOT IN (pii) TO product_managers Set permission on all columns tagged pii together

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Delta Sharing An Open Protocol for Secure Data Sharing

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Delta Sharing: Delta Lake Table Delta Sharing Server Delta Sharing Protocol (REST) Data Provider Data Recipient Commercial or open source Python connector for pandas or Apache Spark Access permissions pip install delta-sharing

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Delta Sharing Recipient: Pandas + Jupyter Notebook

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Delta Sharing on Databricks Secure Delta Sharing server integrated in our service easily manages shares with CREATE SHARE commands in SQL or REST APIs. Delta Sharing Protocol Data Recipients Data Provider sales CREATE SHARE retail ALTER SHARE retail ADD TABLE sales GRANT SELECT ON SHARE retail TO supplier1 Audi t log Unity Catalog

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How to engage? delta-users Slack delta-users Google Group Delta Lake YouTube channel Delta Lake GitHub Issues Delta Lake RS Bi-weekly meetings

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Databricks SQL

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First-Class SQL Development Experience Develop Query tabs Drafts & “pick up where you left off” Command history Contextual auto-complete Troubleshoot Query progress Error highlighting Execution time breakdown Collaborate Scheduled email delivery Edit permissions Enabling simple, quick ad-hoc exploratory analysis on the Lake with SQL

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Large Query Performance Price / Performance Benchmark with Barcelona Supercomputing Center (Nov 2020) 30TB TPC-DS Price/Performance Lower is better

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Beyond large query performance Many small files Small queries BI Results Retrieval Providing fast and predictable performance for all workloads Mixed small/large

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What about many concurrent users on small data? 10 GB TPC-DS @ 32 Concurrent Streams (Queries/Hr) Higher is better

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What about badly laid out tables? Small files ~12x rows scanned within the same duration Async & parallel IO: Cold S3/ADLS remote reads fully saturate S3/ADLS/GCS bandwidth with increased parallelism for better cold reads “Too Many Small Files” Scenario Benchmark (# rows scanned/sec) Higher is better

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Summary: Advancing the Lakehouse Reliable ETL made easy with Delta Lake The first open protocol for data sharing The first multi-cloud data catalog for the lakehouse The first high performance query engine for the lakehouse Delta Sharing Delta Live Tables Unity Catalog Photon Available Today Coming Soon Coming Soon Public Preview

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Key ML Announcements 1. Databricks Machine Learning 2. Feature Store 3. AutoML 4. MLflow developments

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Persona-based Navigation Purpose-built surfaces for data teams

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ML Dashboard All ML related assets and resources in one place

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Open Data Lakehouse Foundation with MLOps / Governance Data Prep Data Versioning Monitoring Batch Scoring Online Serving AutoML Data Science Workspace Model Training Model Tuning Runtime and Environments Feature Store Batch (high throughput) Real time (low latency) Announcing: Databricks Machine Learning A data-native and collaborative solution for the full ML lifecycle

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Feature Store

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Customers are loyal, until they aren’t D2C Primary Focus for Media Nearly 75% of US homes subscribe to Hulu, Netflix or Amazon 10M Subscribers in 1 Day 890% Growth in Subscription boxes Disney’s streaming service garnered 10M subscribers in 1 day Food, Beauty and Apparel growth over 3 year period.

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There might be synergies between use cases D2C Primary Focus for Media 10M Subscribers in 1 Day Customer Churn Data Science Team #1 Customer Lifetime Value Data Science Team #2 D2C Primary Focus for Media Next Best Action Data Science Team #3

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Raw Data Featurization Training Joins, Aggregates, Transforms, etc. csv csv Serving Client No reuse of Features Online / Offline Skew Teams working in silos reinvent the wheel

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Solving the Feature Store Problem Raw Data Featurization Training Joins, Aggregates, Transforms, etc. Serving Client Feature Store Feature Registry Feature Provider Batch (high throughput) Online (low latency) - single source of truth for features - promotes feature discoverability

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What is AutoML? Automated machine learning (AutoML) is a fully-automated model development solution seeking to “democratize” machine learning. While the scope of the automation varies, AutoML technologies usually automate the ML process from data to model selection. select a dataset automated data prep automated feature engineering and selection automated training and model selection automated hyperparameter tuning

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AutoML solves two key pain points for data scientists Quickly Verify the Predictive Power of a Dataset “Can this dataset be used to predict customer churn?” Marketing Team Data Science Team Dataset Data Science Team Baseline Model Dataset “What direction should I go in for this ML project and what benchmark should I aim to beat?” Get a Baseline Model to Guide Project Direction

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Problems with Existing AutoML Solutions AutoML Configuration Returned Best Model AutoML Training “Opaque Box” ? Deployed Model Production Cliff ? Citizen Data Scientist Engineer ML Expert / Researcher / No-Code / Full Automation Persona Goal Driving Analogy / Low-Code / Augmentation / Code / Flexibility and Performance

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Databricks AutoML A glass-box solution that empowers data teams without taking away control UI and API to start AutoML training Data exploration notebook Generated notebook with feature summary statistics and distributions Reproducible trial notebooks Generated notebooks with source code for every model MLflow experiment Auto-created MLflow Experiment to track models and metrics Easily deploy to Model Registry Understand and debug data quality and preprocessing Iterate further on models from AutoML, adding your expertise

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Configure Augment Train and Evaluate Databricks AutoML Deploy

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MLflow Developments

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: An Open Source ML Platform Monitoring Model management Reproducible runs Packaging & serving TRACKING PROJECTS MODEL REGISTRY MODELS Training Deploymen t Raw Data Data Prep ML Engineer Application Developer Data Engineer Any Language Any ML Library

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What’s New in MLflow AUTO LOGGING TRACKING mlflow.spark.autolog() mlflow.sklearn.autolog() mlflow.tensorflow.autolog() mlflow.pytorch.autolog() mlflow.gluon.autolog() mlflow.keras.autolog() mlflow.lightgbm.autolog() mlflow.xgboost.autolog() mlflow.fastai.autolog() mlflow.autolog() mlflow.shap.log_explainer() mlflow.shap.log_explanation () mlflow.log_figure() mlflow.log_image() mlflow.log_dict() mlflow.log_text() mlflow.catboost.autolog() mlflow-thin-client

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What’s New in MLflow Google Cloud AI Platform DEPLOYMENT BACKENDS

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PyCaret + MLflow

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Data and AI Summit: Databricks Youtube channel: Databricks Databricks blog: @frankmunz