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INTRODUCTION TO TDDYYΧ MIHO (MINH HỒNG) @MOLOVESQ ▸ Agile Coach at Attractor Inc. ▸ Lecturer ▸ Author ▸ Translator ▸ Community Organizer ▸ Considered Professional Beer Drinker

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INTRODUCTION TO TDDYYΧ TO KEEP BEING AGILE DEVELOPER ▸ Continuous learning and practicing is necessary

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INTRODUCTION TO TDDYYΧ LEARNING FROM... ▸ other cultures ▸ other companies/organizations ▸ other people

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INTRODUCTION TO TDDYYΧ LEARNING… ▸ Programming techniques ▸ Programming languages - new to you ▸ Testing frameworks ▸ Design ▸ The way you work ▸ The way you think ▸ The way to communicate with others ▸ Facilitation

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INTRODUCTION TO TDDYYΧ QUALIFICATIONS FOR AGILE DEVELOPERS ▸ Communication ▸ Explains ideas ▸ Asks good questions ▸ Has good listening skills ▸ Isn't afraid to explore, question, make a mistake, etc. from Job Description used for an internship program at Hunter Industries

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INTRODUCTION TO TDDYYΧ QUALIFICATIONS FOR AGILE DEVELOPERS ▸ Technical Aptitude ▸ Grasps Concepts ▸ Sees Patterns ▸ Understands Code (not language specific) from Job Description used for an internship program at Hunter Industries

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INTRODUCTION TO TDDYYΧ TDD ▸ Not testing but rather development.

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INTRODUCTION TO TDDYYΧ 3 STEPS OF TDD ▸ Test - A process of specification ▸ Code - A process of generalization ▸ Refactoring - A process of design "Six Years of Teaching Certified Scrum Developers" by Terry Yin. 2017

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INTRODUCTION TO TDDYYΧ TAKUTO WADA SAID… ▸ Do write; ▸ HOWs in production codes ▸ WHATs in test codes ▸ WHYs in commit logs ▸ WHY NOTs in code comments @t_wada on Twitter, 2017

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INTRODUCTION TO TDDYYΧ STRUCTURE OF A TDDYYΧ ▸ 1:00 pm Tutorial session for TDD and Mob Programming ▸ 1:15 pm Opening circle ▸ 1:20 pm Session 1 ▸ 3:20 pm Retro & Break ▸ 3:30 pm Session 2 ▸ 4:40 pm Closing circle

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INTRODUCTION TO TDDYYΧ 10 PRACTICES OF TDDYYΧ ▸ Help people become free from the pressures of 'getting things done' ▸ Help people fail safely ▸ Encourage people to run experiments

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INTRODUCTION TO TDDYYΧ 1. FACILITATOR ▸ We just need a facilitator with TDD/ Mob Programming experience to share the concept of tddyyχ

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INTRODUCTION TO TDDYYΧ 2. REPEATER ▸ Depending on a single facilitator from organizers can become a single point of failure. We ask and encourage repeating participants to facilitate.

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INTRODUCTION TO TDDYYΧ 3. FEELING INCOMPLETENESS ▸ Becomes good motivation for continuous learning. Software developers tend to “finish” the work. By trying a challenging problems that cannot be “finished” in time, developers get a little frustration. ▸ This leads to the continuous learning at home or at office with the colleagues.

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INTRODUCTION TO TDDYYΧ 4. UPCOMING EVENT ▸ We decide the next schedule by the end of a session. “We can try again soon and we can do it better next time”

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INTRODUCTION TO TDDYYΧ 5. ROTATE ROLES WHEN RED ▸ Rotate roles when in a small RED phase in a TDD cycle. This gives all participants to code. 3 to 5 is optimal team size.

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INTRODUCTION TO TDDYYΧ 6. CELEBRATE FAILURES ▸ Celebrate failures. It is always fearful to fail, especially in front of people you don’t know. ▸ If you successfully failed a test, it’s a success. Celebrate the failure with applause.

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INTRODUCTION TO TDDYYΧ 7. KNOWN BY UNKNOWN ▸ Known Languages for Unknown Problems ▸ Unknown Languages for Known Problems

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INTRODUCTION TO TDDYYΧ 8. MAKE STRANGE ▸ Crate a team with strangers in the first session. ▸ Making cultural conflicts visible would enhance learning. ▸ For the second session, participants choose how to make a team. ▸ Continue with the first session team, create a team with colleagues/friends, or create a team with strangers again.

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INTRODUCTION TO TDDYYΧ 9. AUTOMATIC GROUP FORMING ▸ Do not consume much time to create teams. ▸ Create a sequence with experience and assign teams by calling numbers is a easy and fast way.

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INTRODUCTION TO TDDYYΧ 10. LET’S WAI WAI!! ▸ WaiwaiʮΘ͍Θ͍ʯ literally means "cheerful and noisy" in an informal way. Make an awkward moment with strangers a little less awkward. Let’s Wai Wai!

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INTRODUCTION TO TDDYYΧ TIPS FOR CONTINUOUS PRACTICING ▸ Don’t be obliged to continue for others. ▸ Do not to try to host others. Try to host yourselves. ▸ Welcome people who want to join there.

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INTRODUCTION TO TDDYYΧ CẢM ƠN BẠN RẤT NHIỀU ▸ Please run tddyyχ at your office, school, community meetup ▸ Please join tddyyχ in Japan someday ▸