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1 Modern Enterprise Storage Kubernetes, MinIO and the Hybrid Cloud AB Periasamy, CEO and Co-Founder Jonathan Symonds, CMO Daniel Valdivia, Engineer Eco Willson, Support Engineer

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Agenda 2 1. The Kubernetes - MinIO Intersection 2. Innovation at MinIO ▪ VMware ▪ Console + Operator ▪ SUBNET ▪ Resiliency 3. The Next Chapter: Hybrid Cloud

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1. MinIO is the undisputed private cloud storage leader for Kubernetes 2. MinIO continues to out-innovate the competition across multiple dimensions 3. MinIO is positioned to be the disproportionate winner in the hybrid-cloud storage market. 3 Our Goals

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4 What is MinIO MinIO is a high performance, Kubernetes-native object store. It is designed for large-scale data infrastructure. It was built from scratch with the private cloud as its target. It is the new standard for the hybrid cloud. TENANT 1 TENANT 2 TENANT n Object Storage CPU NETWORK DRIVE APPLICATIONS

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Guiding Principles MinIO is focused on performance. We believe we are the fastest object store in existence. Kubernetes-native. Born in the cloud with cloud native DNA. MinIO is designed for simplicity. Simplicity scales. 5 Performance Cloud Native Simplicity

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6 Kubernetes is the Standard for Cloud Architecture One abstraction across any computing infrastructure - public, private, edge. Simply better at managing compute resources, ensuring resiliency, delivering scalability and providing continuity. Philosophy Leveraged the learnings of the hyper-scalers: APIs, automation and simplicity. Kubernetes imparts that wisdom to everyone. Open source a critical component of success. The community built exceptional momentum - in terms of features, but also in terms of companies. K8s has scale AI only dreams of. Community/Momentum Technology

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Worker Nodes OBJECT STORAGE APPLIANCE Legacy Object Storage External Requests Control Plane API Server etcd Scheduling Service Discovery Load Balancing kubelet container runtime app service app Worker Nodes ▪ Cannot be deployed in the Cloud ▪ Tied to a specific hardware model ▪ Proprietary Management Interface ▪ Manual Deployment

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Kubernetes Native Object Storage External Requests Control Plane API Server etcd Scheduling Service Discovery Load Balancing Worker Nodes kubelet container runtime app service app SSD SSD SSD SSD Worker Nodes kubelet container runtime app service app Worker Nodes ▪ Deploy Anywhere ▪ Fully containerized and managed by an Operator ▪ Kubectl CLI, Operator CRDs and a Management Console ▪ Self-service Automation

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9 Kubernetes Native Object Storage = MinIO MinIO was built natively for RESTful APIs - not POSIX. It doesn’t require drivers or connectors - it just works. S3 Compatible S3 is the default API for object storage and MinIO is the leader in compatibility. First to market with V4 and one of the few to support S3 Select. Strictly consistent from inception. More than 61% of MinIO instances are containerized. More than 48% of those are managed via Kubernetes. This is consistent with the highest levels in the industry. Containerized + Orchestrated Built on the K8s API

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10 Evidence: Competitors are Rebuilding Portworx acquisition is a direct response to MinIO’s Kubernetes leadership. New Pure-as-a-Service mimics MinIO SUBNET and starts software defined migration. From scratch effort to build a software defined, Kubernetes-native solution to compete with MinIO. Announced in September. Not available yet. Re-positioning themselves as high-performance with an all-flash play.

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11 Evidence: VMware’s Selected Design Partner VMware made changes to let K8s apps like MinIO run unmodified. vSAN Direct VMware enabled specific functionality to let MinIO run at full speed - providing direct access to the drives and control over key functionality. MinIO collaborated on key functionality such as EMM and Evacuate Nodes to leverage VMware’s strong operational pedigree. Key Operational Capabilities K8s out of the box

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12 Kubernetes Takeaways Kubernetes success is modern object storage’s success. In the private cloud that means MinIO today. Other vendors are trying to catch up - but they are retrofitting legacy approaches. Difficult, expensive and time-consuming. The cloud-native ecosystem is consolidating around MinIO from major players like VMware to start-ups like Kasten. Cloud-native applications require cloud-native storage.

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13 Relentlessly Innovating

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14 VMware

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15 VMware’s Challenge/Opportunity Customers were containerizing all new applications and migrating virtual applications. VMware had to take the challenge head on - for their customers and themselves. EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE VMware had to build a platform that was as good at containerization as it was at virtualization. This demanded automation, self service and seamless interoperability. VMware’s users needed to handle fundamentally different workloads. Not 100 VMs release every 3 months but 1,000 containers released 3 times a day. COMPUTE + DATA GROWTH CONTAINERIZATION

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16 The VMware Response vSphere ESXi Cluster Networking Storage Supervisor Kubernetes Cluster vCenter Developer IT Operator App Kubernetes cluster Virtual machines Native pods

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17 The vSAN Data Persistence Platform (DPP)

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▪ Manually provision file or block storage ▪ Time consuming ▪ Complex ▪ Small scale 18 Why MinIO for the Data Persistence Platform? Before DPP Now ▪ Object Storage as a Service ▪ On demand/instant ▪ Easy ▪ Large scale

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vSAN vSAN Direct Configuration 19 Why vSAN Direct? ▪ vSAN Direct provides peta-byte scale and MinIO-class performance ▪ vSAN Direct delegates data protection to MinIO (erasure coding, bitrot, object locking) ▪ It provides direct host-local access to the drives for performance SSD SSD SSD SSD K8s workloads K8s workloads Through DPp Infra-replicated persistent volumes App-replicated persistent volumes Data Persistence platform (DPp) Infra-replicated PVs Non-replicated PVs HCI pooled storage Host direct attached storage Capacity optimized Availability Encryption Space Efficiency HCI Management UI vSAN cluster vSAN Direct cluster

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21 VMware Demo

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22 Graphical User Interfaces

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Evolving to IT 23 MinIO started the cloud-native way - with APIs and Automation. This is inherently a command line proposition. As our reach expands into IT - so does our interaction approaches. Same functionality, different interface. Challenge for MinIO is to unify the functionality and the aesthetic across product, placement and SUBNET.

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24 Console Demo

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25 Graphical + API + CLI Lowers barrier to entry to implement advanced MinIO features from Active Active Replication to Kubernetes. IT can now manage Amazon-scale infrastructure with fewer resources. Interfaces deliver scalability and automation. This is how K8s matures. The addition of a graphical interface does not diminish the functionality of the CLI - it just expands the audience. No compromise - just additional interaction options. DEVELOPERS DEVOPS IT

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SUBNET: Transparent, Interactive, Commercial 27 A commercial license coupled with an unparalleled support experience that blends automation with direct-to-engineer interaction. Priced and billed like the public cloud: capacity-based, billed monthly, published pricing. Bonus Feature: Site-License triggered at $1.2M. Massive incentive for large enterprises. Software makes SUBNET work. Start with simple powerful object storage. Document, document, document, then automate, automate, automate. The culture of real time, always-on. HOW TO BUY CHANGE THE CULTURE HOW TO OPERATE

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SUBNET: By the Numbers 28 Customer growth is up more than 660% YOY. The split between Standard and Enterprise is approximately 60/40. Average # of tickets per day is 2.65. Average response time is less than 15 minutes. 300+ individuals supported in SUBNET. Another 10K supported on Slack (with no SLA). About 25% are general, 18% involve certain features (configuration/enablement) and 13% are around the environment. Only 6% involve “bug fixes” on the MinIO side.

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29 SUBNET Demo

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34 SUBNET Takeaways An experience, not a product. Software, not support tickets. A source of sustainable competitive advantage - because of MinIO’s cloud-native DNA and ability to run anywhere. Bringing the public cloud buying experience to the private cloud creates tremendous pressure on competitors. Appliance vendors cannot match the site license.

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35 Resiliency

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36 Enterprise Hardened Resilience Works in Active-Active and Active-Passive setup. Allows automated application failover. Supports object locking/retention across source and destination buckets. OBJECT LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENT Automate data lifecycle management activities such as changing tiers (NVMe -> HDD), updating policies, transitioning and deleting data. MinIO can treat the public cloud as cold storage. Ensures that an object is protected (cannot be deleted or overwritten) for a set period of time. Functionality certified by Cohasset Associates for SEC 17a-4(f), FINRA 4511(c) and CFTC 1.31(c)-(d) OBJECT LOCKING SERVER SIDE BUCKET REPLICATION

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MinIO Object Lifecycle Management WARM TIER ▪ Combine SSD for hot and HDD for warm tier ▪ Bucket level policy base tiering - names, tags, timeline ▪ Transition or Expire infrequently used objects ▪ Transparently fetch objects from warm tier HOT TIER SSD SSD SSD SSD

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38 The Next Chapter: Hybrid Cloud

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39 Why MinIO Wins the Hybrid Cloud Massive head start. More than 10.4 million IPs across AWS, Azure and GCP today. Another 5M in Hetzner, Bouygues, o2, KPN and OVH. Expertise in S3 and Kubernetes means MinIO can seamlessly integrate into every public cloud with native integration to the storage layer. Translation -> Integration. Kubernetes leadership puts us at the heart of VMware, Ezmeral and soon, OpenShift. Committed to be in every major Kubernetes ecosystem. AWS S3 will not be found on VMware or OpenShift with an Outpost appliance.

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40 Evidence: The Private Cloud is an Area of Focus AWS continues to build features and functionality targeted at the private cloud (ECS announcement last week). Move to bare-metal underscore the importance of the private cloud and edge to both Google. Given their enterprise client base - were first to create private cloud solutions. Addition of Arc seeks to provide a single pane of glass. These solutions are primarily public cloud -> on-prem. Value is across clouds, on-prem and platforms (VMware, Ezmeral, OpenShift)

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41 Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Private Cloud Edge Cloud Hybrid Cloud EKS AKS GKE Rancher VMware Tanzu Red Hat Openshift Public Cloud

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43 Summary The most broadly deployed. The highest penetration. The most native. The Innovation Leader MinIO is delivering engineering firsts that are changing the industry. Active Active replication, SUBNET, Sidekick, KES, VMware. A punishing pace enabled by our singular focus. More IPs in the public cloud than the big three have in the private cloud. Every K8s distribution will run MinIO. The Hybrid Cloud Storage Leader The Leader in K8s Storage