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Architectures with Kotlin Multiplatform Jitin Sharma GO-JEK @_jitinsharma

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Most popular among Android Developers Was designed with platform agnostic behaviour. Has a lot of features which can targeted outside JVM environment.

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JVM/Server Android .kts Javascript Native

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Kotlin Native Can target iOS, Windows, MacOS, Linux etc No Runtime environment

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Interop C/Objective C interop provided System frameworks are automatically imported in case of iOS. Types are mapped with Swift/Objective C.

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Multiplatform One Language to rule them all Started with Kotlin 1.2 Still in experimental phase. Built in tooling with IntellijIDEA.

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“Multiplatform is not cross platform” –Kotlin

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common android iOS js server project - Presentation logic - ui-logic - Data models - Helper/utilities - Networking - Storage - Data models - Networking? - Storage?

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onStart onResume … viewDidLoad viewDidAppear … Async networking Async storage Kotlin Swift

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app commonMain main iosMain iosApp .kt,xml .kt .kt Imports common libraries Imports iOS libraries Builds Android app Builds .framework .swift, xib

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Common Logic dependencies { implementation kotlin('stdlib-common') }

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val names = mutableListOf("Bumblebee", "Optimus Prime", "Megatron") names.sort() Foo.kt

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expect fun > MutableList.sort(): Unit val names = mutableListOf("Bumblebee", "Optimus Prime", "Megatron") names.sort() public actual fun > MutableList.sort(): Unit { if (size > 1) java.util.Collections.sort(this) } MutableCollectionsJVM.kt CollectionsH.kt Foo.kt

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expect & actual expect fun … expect val… expect class… Actual Platform declarations

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Client Server

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NetworkClient.kt class NetworkClient { private val client = HttpClient() fun get(url: String, callback: (String) -> Unit) { GlobalScope.launch(ApplicationDispatcher) { val result: String = client.get { url(url) } callback(result) } } } internal expect val ApplicationDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher

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internal expect val ApplicationDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher internal actual val ApplicationDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Default AndroidDispatcher.kt

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internal expect val ApplicationDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher import platform.darwin.dispatch_async import platform.darwin.dispatch_get_main_queue import platform.darwin.dispatch_queue_t internal actual val ApplicationDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = NsQueueDispatcher(dispatch_get_main_queue() internal class NsQueueDispatcher(private val dispatchQueue: dispatch_queue_t) : CoroutineDispatcher() { override fun dispatch(context: CoroutineContext, block: Runnable) { dispatch_async(dispatchQueue) { } } } IOSDispatcher.kt

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Serialization @Serializable data class AllData( val avatar_url: String?, val bio: String?, val blog: String, .... ) import kotlinx.serialization.*

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Persistence - SQLDelight CREATE TABLE Photos ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, title TEXT NOT NULL ); insert: INSERT INTO Photos (id, title) VALUES (?, ?); getAll: SELECT * FROM Photos;

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Persistence expect val db: Database db.photoQueries.getAll() -> List //iOS actual val db = Database(NativeSqliteDriver(Database.Schema, "photo.db")) //Android actual val db = Database(AndroidSqliteDriver(Database.Schema, context, “photo.db"))

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interface MainView { fun displayData(data: DisplayData) fun showLoader() fun hideLoader() }

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class DataRepository { private val api = NetworkApi("") fun getData(username: String, callback : (Data) -> Unit) { val data = api.getAll(username) { callback(it) } } }

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class MainPresenter(private val view: MainView, private val repository: DataRepository) { fun loadData(userName: String) { if (userName.isNullOrEmpty()) { view.showError(USER_NAME_NOT_VALID) } else { view.showLoader() repository.getData(userName) { showData() view.hideLoader() } } } }

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extension ViewController: MainView { func showLoader() { activityIndicator.startAnimating() } func hideLoader() { activityIndicator.stopAnimating() } func displayData(data: DisplayData) { .... } } ViewController.swift

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PhotoListState Store States Reducers Middlewares Action

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data class Photo( @SerializedName("id") val id: String, @SerializedName("title") val title: String, ...... ) gson serialization

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expect val store: Store expect class AppState : StateType expect fun appReducer(action: Action, state: AppState?): AppState class LoadRecentPhotos : Action class SerializeResponse(val response: String) : Action Actions.kt Common

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actual val store: Store = Store( state = AppState(), reducer = ::appReducer, middleware = listOf(networkMiddleWare, databaseMiddleWare) ) actual data class AppState(val photoListState: PhotoListState? = null) : StateType actual fun appReducer(action: Action, state: AppState?): AppState { return AppState(photoListState = photoListReducer(action, state?.photoListState)) } Android

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class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), StoreSubscriber { override fun newState(state: PhotoListState?) { state.shouldUpdate { val photos = setImageAdapter(photos) } } }

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Performance Generated framework binaries are smaller in size. Few extra classes are generated for various kotlin types For Android/JVM there is not much impact.

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Debugging For Android/JVM projects, both common code and android code can be debugged right from IDE. For iOS, generated framework files can be debugged accordingly.

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Testing Shared code test cases can be written out of IntelliJ using kotlin.test Platform specific execution using platform test libraries. Existing platform libraries(espresso, xctest) can still be used.

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DIY Multiplatform Libraries common android iOS ./gradlew build library.jar library.framework Multiplatform Publishing library-common.jar library-android.jar library-ios.klib .module

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DIY Multiplatform Libraries common android iOS ./gradlew build library.jar library.framework Multiplatform Publishing library-common.jar library-android.jar library-ios.klib .module maven, pod

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What’s NOT great Dependence of Multiplatform libs for better code sharing Still experimental

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What’s great Language - Kotlin No external dependencies as in custom runtime/ VM Pragmatic APIs Platform specific libs with common Kotlin code

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Multiplatform Libraries

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Thanks @_jitinsharma