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title-slide-final_updated.html how to train your dragon web standard

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about.html title-slide-final_updated.html @notwaldorf

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about.html title-slide-final_updated.html i built this Neelix Guest Manage People meownica

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intro.html how to train your dragon web standard

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intro.html first, you need a dragon problem

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intro.html …then wait until it’s everyone’s problem (this is very easy if you have dragons)

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intro.html complain about it around browser people

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intro.html (browser people loooove problems) complain about it around browser people

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intro.html YAY! now it’s the browser’s problem!

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intro.html standards are a compromise between all browser vendors standards.html

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intro.html we need web standards so that browsers don’t copy each other’s bugs standards.html

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intro.html standards.html also, standardizing things is really not new

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intro.html standards.html railroads use standard tracks

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intro.html standards.html hot dogs don’t

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intro.html standards.html hot dogs don’t

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intro.html standards.html don’t be like hot dogs.

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intro.html some standards aren’t successful standards.html

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intro.html 2011: standards.html

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intro.html 2011: standards.html 2017: sigh

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intro.html standards.html

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intro.html standards.html :/

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intro.html standards.html “I never want to implement another date picker again — rob wormald, 2017

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intro.html web standards hindsight is 20/20 standards.html

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intro.html standards.html you need to standardize the right thing not just any thing

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intro.html standards.html extensible web manifesto 2013:

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intro.html standards.html “The standards process should focus on adding new low-level capabilities

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intro.html standards.html 4 things browser vendors want in a standards proposal vendors.html

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html the browser already does the thing

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html the browser already does the thing the thing explains existing browser magic

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html the browser already does the thing the thing explains existing browser magic the thing can be extended

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html the browser already does the thing the thing explains existing browser magic the thing can be extended people already used and liked the thing

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html the browser already does the thing the thing explains existing browser magic the thing can be extended people already used and liked the thing

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html the browser already does the thing the thing explains existing browser magic the thing can be extended people already used and liked the thing

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html the browser already does the thing the thing explains existing browser magic the thing can be extended people already used and liked the thing

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html the browser already does the thing the thing explains existing browser magic the thing can be extended people already used and liked the thing

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html the browser already does the thing the thing explains existing browser magic the thing can be extended people already used and liked the thing

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html you need to standardize the right thing not just any thing

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html you need to standardize the a component model not just a component

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html you might say a web…component…model

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html congratulations. you have become alex russell oops.html

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html 2012ish: learn from what all component models have in common oops.html .html

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html 2012ish: learn from what all component models have in common oops.html .html xbl2 htc javascripts

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html standardize ideas not implementations oops.html .html

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html oops.html .html a useful lifecycle

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html oops.html .html a useful lifecycle extensibility

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html oops.html .html a useful lifecycle extensibility (maybe) implementation encapsulation

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html oops.html .html a useful lifecycle extensibility (maybe) implementation encapsulation a space suit to breathe in space

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html oops.html .html a useful lifecycle extensibility (maybe) implementation encapsulation a space suit to breathe in space (DOM)

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html oops.html .html this was exactly the web components proposal

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html oops.html .html

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html oops.html .html (maybe) implementation encapsulation a space suit to breathe in space (DOM)

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html oops.html .html class ShinyButton extends HTMLElement { constructor() { } connectedCallback() { } } customElements.define(‘shiny-button’, ShinyButton)

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html oops.html .html class ShinyButton extends HTMLElement { constructor() { } connectedCallback() { } } customElements.define(‘shiny-button’, ShinyButton) a useful lifecycle extensibility

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html the browser already does the thing the thing explains existing browser magic the thing can be extended people already used and liked the thing

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html the browser already does the thing the thing explains existing browser magic the thing can be extended people already used and liked the thing

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html the browser already does the thing the thing explains existing browser magic the thing can be extended people already used and liked the thing

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html the browser already does the thing the thing explains existing browser magic the thing can be extended people already used and liked the thing

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html oops.html .html because they’re low level you can build frameworks on top of them

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html oops.html .html because they’re low level browsers can optimize them

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html oops.html .html whew.

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html 2017: why is progress so slow? oops.html .html polyfills.html

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html realtalk: browsers are made by humans and they need to sleep oops.html .html polyfills.html

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html the browser already does the thing the thing explains existing browser magic the thing can be extended people already used and liked the thing

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html oops.html .html polyfills.html people don’t trust a standard unless it’s shipped on browsers

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html oops.html .html polyfills.html browsers don’t ship a standard unless it’s been used by people

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html oops.html .html polyfills.html

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html we should be waaaaaaaaaay more stoked about polyfills oops.html .html polyfills.html

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html oops.html .html polyfills.html polyfills teleport your browser into the future

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html oops.html .html polyfills.html unlike diamonds, polyfills aren’t forever

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html oops.html .html polyfills.html unlike diamonds, polyfills aren’t forever

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html the browser already does the thing the thing explains existing browser magic the thing can be extended people already used and liked the thing

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html the browser already does the thing the thing explains existing browser magic the thing can be extended people already used and liked the thing

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html after 7 years, your standard will actually be 6 months old! oops.html .html polyfills.html

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html oops.html .html polyfills.html 2010 2012 2014 2017 1st email 1st polyfill polymer 0.1 v0 spec ships

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html oops.html .html polyfills.html 1st email 1st polyfill polymer 0.1 v0 spec ships

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html questions we get asked a lot oops.html .html polyfills.html also.html

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html oops.html .html polyfills.html also.html why isn’t it more successful? “

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html why isn’t it more successful? oops.html .html polyfills.html also.html “ why aren’t we using it? “ usually means

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html oops.html .html polyfills.html also.html you might not need a standard component model (and that’s ok!)

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html oops.html .html polyfills.html also.html big companies need a standard component model (to share the same widgets)

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html oops.html .html polyfills.html also.html component libraries need a standard component model (to share the widgets with everyone)

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html oops.html .html polyfills.html also.html frameworks need a standard component model (to share the widgets with everyone)

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html oops.html .html polyfills.html also.html

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html is it viable without polymer? oops.html .html polyfills.html also.html “

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html is it viable without polymer? oops.html .html polyfills.html also.html “ we’ve done bad dev rel-ing usually means

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html oops.html .html polyfills.html also.html new API documented best practices 
 explained libraries do best practices framework interop utopia

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html do web components toss view-source overboard? oops.html .html polyfills.html also.html “

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intro.html standards.html vendors.html if the browser understands the semantics of your element it can add tools for it oops.html .html polyfills.html also.html

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outro.html what’s next?

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outro.html democratize web standards

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outro.html shaping web standards shapes the web platform

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lets-make-webs-together.html Image Credit from the Noun Project: Relationship, Complain, Holiday, Target, Idea, Presentation, Schedule, FAQ - Human Resource And Life Style Collection, by BomSymbols | Smile, Tubby Cat by Clara Joy | Glasses by Anton Anuchin | Hair by Vladimir Belochkin | Dead by Julien Deveaux | Traintracks by Guilhem | Balloons, Streamers by Made by Made | Mobile Calendar App by Creative Mania