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Marco Gomiero @marcoGomier 👨💻 Senior Android Developer @ Airalo Google Developer Expert for Kotlin Hi, have you met Kotlin Multiplatform?

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@marcoGomier “Classic” Cross Platform Solutions • All-in approach • Everything is shared, UI included • Different platforms have different patterns

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@marcoGomier Kotlin Multiplatform • Incremental approach • You choose what to share (even UI, if you want)

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@marcoGomier Common Kotlin Kotlin/JVM Kotlin/JS Kotlin/Native JVM Android Browser NodeJS iOS macOS watchOS tvOS Linux Windows Supported Platforms Kotlin/Wasm Browser Alpha

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@marcoGomier Common Kotlin Kotlin/JVM Kotlin/JS Kotlin/Native JVM Android Browser NodeJS iOS macOS watchOS tvOS Linux Windows Mobile Kotlin/Wasm Browser Alpha

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@marcoGomier Common and Platform-specific code • Write regular Kotlin code in the common source set • Platform-specific code goes into platform source sets

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@marcoGomier Platform-specific code • Expect/Actual

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@marcoGomier Expect/Actual

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@marcoGomier Expect/Actual expect fun debugLog(tag: String, message: String)

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@marcoGomier expect fun debugLog(tag: String, message: String) import android.util.Log actual fun debugLog(tag: String, message: String) { Log.d(tag, message) } import platform.Foundation.NSLog actual fun debugLog(tag: String, message: String) { if (Platform.isDebugBinary) { NSLog("%s: %s", tag, message) } }

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@marcoGomier Platform-specific code • Expect/Actual • Interfaces

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@marcoGomier internal interface XmlFetcher { suspend fun fetchXml(url: String): ParserInput } Interface

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@marcoGomier internal interface XmlFetcher { suspend fun fetchXml(url: String): ParserInput } internal class JvmXmlFetcher( private val callFactory: Call.Factory, ): XmlFetcher { override suspend fun fetchXml(url: String): ParserInput { val request = createRequest(url) return ParserInput( inputStream = callFactory.newCall(request).await() ) } } internal class IosXmlFetcher( private val nsUrlSession: NSURLSession, ): XmlFetcher { override suspend fun fetchXml(url: String): ParserInput = suspendCancellableCoroutine { continuation -> ... } }

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@marcoGomier import org.jsoup.Jsoup internal class JvmHtmlParser : HtmlParser { override fun getTextFromHTML(html: String): String? { return try { val doc = Jsoup.parse(html) doc.text() } catch (e: Throwable) { null } } } import shared import SwiftSoup class IosHtmlParser: HtmlParser { func getTextFromHTML(html: String) -> String? { do { let doc: Document = try SwiftSoup.parse(html) return try doc.text() } catch { return nil } } } interface HtmlParser { fun getTextFromHTML(html: String): String? }

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@marcoGomier Platform-specific code • Expect/Actual • Interfaces • Prefer interfaces, if possible

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@marcoGomier How it works?

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@marcoGomier shared androidApp iosApp Library Library iOS Android

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@marcoGomier shared androidApp Library Android

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@marcoGomier shared androidApp .aar/Gradle module Android Just “regular” Kotlin code, like yet another library

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@marcoGomier shared androidApp iosApp .aar/Gradle Module Library iOS Android

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@marcoGomier shared iosApp Library iOS

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@marcoGomier shared iosApp Framework iOS

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@marcoGomier XCFramework

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@marcoGomier NEW

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@marcoGomier NEW iOS mac OS watch OS tvOS

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@marcoGomier shared iosApp Framework iOS Kotlin Objective-C Swift -> ->

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@marcoGomier when (appState.newsState) { is NewsState.Loading -> { progressBar.visibility = View.VISIBLE ... } is NewsState.Error -> { errorButton.visibility = View.VISIBLE errorMessage.visibility = View.VISIBLE ... } is NewsState.Success -> { progressBar.visibility = View.GONE errorMessage.visibility = View.GONE recyclerView.visibility = View.VISIBLE ... } }

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@marcoGomier Some gotchas • No namespaces • No default parameters • Enums are not Swift-friendly (no values) • Sealed classes are simple classes • Coroutines without cancellation • Flows

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@marcoGomier Make it a team effort

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@marcoGomier New projects

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@marcoGomier Create a new app project

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@marcoGomier shared androidApp Gradle Module Android

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@marcoGomier // settings.gradle.kts include(":shared") // build.gradle.kts implementation(project(":shared")) Android

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@marcoGomier shared androidApp iosApp Gradle Module Framework iOS Android

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@marcoGomier Create a new app project

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@marcoGomier Regular Framework

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@marcoGomier Create a new app project

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@marcoGomier CocoaPods integration do |spec| = 'shared' spec.version = '1.0' spec.homepage = 'Link to the Shared Module homepage' spec.source = { :http=> ''} spec.authors = '' spec.license = '' spec.summary = 'Some description for the Shared Module' spec.vendored_frameworks = 'build/cocoapods/framework/shared.framework' spec.libraries = 'c++' spec.ios.deployment_target = '14.1' spec.pod_target_xcconfig = { 'KOTLIN_PROJECT_PATH' => ':shared', 'PRODUCT_MODULE_NAME' => 'shared', } spec.script_phases = [ { :name => 'Build shared', :execution_position => :before_compile, :shell_path => '/bin/sh', :script => <<-SCRIPT if [ "YES" = "$OVERRIDE_KOTLIN_BUILD_IDE_SUPPORTED" ]; then echo "Skipping Gradle build task invocation due to OVERRIDE_KOTLIN_BUILD_IDE_SUPPORTED environment exit 0 fi set -ev REPO_ROOT="$PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT" "$REPO_ROOT/../gradlew" -p "$REPO_ROOT" $KOTLIN_PROJECT_PATH:syncFramework \ -Pkotlin.native.cocoapods.platform=$PLATFORM_NAME \ -Pkotlin.native.cocoapods.archs="$ARCHS" \ -Pkotlin.native.cocoapods.configuration="$CONFIGURATION" SCRIPT } ] end

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@marcoGomier iOSApp: Podfile target 'iosApp' do use_frameworks! platform :ios, '14.1' pod 'shared', :path => '../shared' end

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@marcoGomier shared androidApp iosApp Gradle Module Framework iOS Android

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@marcoGomier shared androidApp iosApp Framework Same Repository Gradle Module

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@marcoGomier Existing projects

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@marcoGomier 🙅 shared androidApp iosApp Gradle Module Framework Same Repository Existing projects

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@marcoGomier 💡 Create a library!

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@marcoGomier Create a new library project

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@marcoGomier Common Kotlin Android App iOS App .aar XCFramework

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@marcoGomier Common Kotlin Android App iOS App .aar XCFramework Android App Repository KMP Repository iOs App Repository

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@marcoGomier How to publish: Android

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@marcoGomier Setup a Maven repository to share the artifacts: build.gradle.kts plugins { //... id("maven-publish") } group = "" version = "1.0" publishing { repositories { maven { credentials { username = "username" password = "pwd" } url = URI.create("") } } }

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@marcoGomier Publish the artifacts ./gradlew publish

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@marcoGomier Publish the artifacts ./gradlew publish ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal

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@marcoGomier How to publish: iOS

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@marcoGomier 🥵

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@marcoGomier XCFramework

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@marcoGomier Build an XCFramework import kotlin { ... val libName = "LibraryName" val xcf = XCFramework(libName) listOf( iosX64(), iosArm64(), iosSimulatorArm64() ).forEach { it.binaries.framework { baseName = libName xcf.add(this) isStatic = true } } }

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@marcoGomier XCFramework: Gradle tasks assemble${libName}XCFramework assemble${libName}DebugXCFramework assemble${libName}ReleaseXCFramework

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@marcoGomier Build an XCFramework

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@marcoGomier Where to start

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@marcoGomier shared androidApp iosApp Gradle Module Framework Same Repository New projects

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@marcoGomier 🧑🎨 You have a blank canvas

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@marcoGomier Existing projects Common Kotlin Android App iOS App .aar XCFramework Android App Repository KMP Repository iOs App Repository

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@marcoGomier 💡 Create a library!

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@marcoGomier • Boring code to write multiple times • Code/feature that centralizes the source of truth • Code/feature that can be gradually extracted Where to start?

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@marcoGomier • DTOs • Common Models • Utility methods • Analytics • . . . Where to start?

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@marcoGomier Start little

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@marcoGomier Start little Go bigger then

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@marcoGomier Start little then go bigger • Validate the process with “little” effort • Then you can go bigger and share more “features”

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@marcoGomier Ecosystem

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@marcoGomier • Networking: Ktor, Apollo • Persistence: SQLDelight, multiplatform-settings, Realm • Serialization: kotlinx.serialization • Dependency Injection: Koin, Kodein, kotlin-inject • Asynchronous: Coroutines, Reaktive • Date/Time: kotlinx-datetime • Logging: Kermit, Napier Common Libraries And much more ...

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@marcoGomier fl eet/

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@marcoGomier Conclusions

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@marcoGomier • Kotlin Multiplatform ! = Cross Platform • Stable since Kotlin 1.9.20 • It’s a joint and team approach Conclusions

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Bibliography / Useful Links • https: / / • https: / / • https: / / • https: / / • https: / / • https: / / • https: / / • https: / / • https: / / • https: / / • https: / / • https: / / • https: / / • https: / / • https: / / • https: / / • https: / / • https: / / • https: / / • https: / / • https: / / • https: / /

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@marcoGomier Thank you! > Twitter: @marcoGomier > Github: prof18 > Website: > Mastodon: Marco Gomiero 👨💻 Senior Android Developer @ Airalo Google Developer Expert for Kotlin