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Richard St. John Toronto, Ontario, Canada 8 Secrets of Success TED2005 P E R S O N A L A N D P R O F E S S I O N A L D E V E L OPM E N T Rachel Hong

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Five Characteristics Thoughtful Determination Patient Detailed-oriented Communicative

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Presentation Styles: Have a laptop with him Straight to the points Keep the slides simple with pictures Sense of humour

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Professionalism Richard deserves to be where he is today because of his interest and is related to his career as a Success Analyst / Writer / Educator / Explorer

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Uniqueness Inspiring young people - he is keen to search the secret of success to pass it to the next generation Making full use of the opportunity - he has the chance to meet successful people and ask them what helped them succeed at Ted. Working hard in doing analysis - 500 interviews for 7 years and wrote a bestseller book.

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Inspiration This topic, "8 Secrets of Success" inspires me, because I am also very interested in getting successful as a student. I hope other students can find this presentation inspired, too!

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Motivation 8 Secrets of Success: Passion Work Good Focus Push Serve Ideas Persist

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Thank You! H O P E Y O U E N J O Y !