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Introduction to Calabash -improve your app architecture-

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Self-Intro •Chiaki Yokoo •at Recruit Technologies Co.,Ltd •Java(Android/Spring Boot)

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Today’s target •For beginners •People who don't write a test code. •People who don’t know how to improve architecture

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Agenda •About Calabash •How to write Calabash Code •In our case •Next step in the future

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About Calabash

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What about Calabash •Automated Testing Framework •Support Android and iOS •Support •can write like pure English called as Gherkin

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start Testing •You will modify two types of file. •.feature and step definitions file(ruby file)

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Feature : write test case •can write test case in feature file. Scenario: press add item button Given I see view text “hoge” When I press “add item” Then I see the text “next page” additem.feature

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Steps : detail of test case •can write gestures about steps of the test case. •can use regular expression Given(/^I enter the text freeword "([^"]*)"$/) do |free_word| step %{I enter text "#{free_word}" into field with id "text_free_word"} step %{I press the enter button} end

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predefinition steps Then /^I toggle checkbox number (\d+)$/ do |index| Given /^I set the date to "(\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\d\d)" on DatePicker with index "([^\"]*)"$/ do |date, index| Then /^I swipe right$/ FYI: lib/calabash-android/

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Customizing • don’t worry about no steps that you want • can customize by using adb shell and Ruby

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example for customizing •update app to newer version Given (/old version install $/) do |version| uninstall_apps install_app(ENV['TEST_APP_PATH']) apk_path = ENV['APP_PATH'] old_version_apk_path = apk_path.sub(/^(.*)-\d+\.\d+\.\d+- ([^\/]+\.apk)$/, '\1-'+version+'-\2') install_app(old_version_apk_path) end When (/version up$/) do update_app(ENV['APP_PATH']) end

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example for customizing •switch network to create no internet situation Given(/^switch network condition $/) do `adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n` `adb shell input keyevent 19 & adb shell input keyevent 19` `adb shell input keyevent 23` end

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In Our Case

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In our team case •Process in our team was Scrum. •Towards Automating acceptance testing in the future. •First step for Automation to introduce calabash

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The first step for calabash •There are some risks. •Risk of changing the specification •Cost of maintenance the test code •So firstly choose test case that does not change for automation

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Not Changing Testcase •Trasition between pages •Main scenario for app. ‣Applying job offer ‣Searching by their condition ‣Add some offer to favorite list

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Useful? Useless? Is it really useful…?

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Trigger •Trigger is advice by a learned man. •Useful for complex architecture •For our team that didn’t have any test but have complex architecture, it is the first step to improve inner structure.

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Why improving architecture •For the team that don’t have any unit test,Changing its structure is risk. •to change its structure ,it needs test. •Writing unit testing for bad architecture, most test code may be useless.

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Why improving architecture •If Test outside from code,it doesn’t depends on inner structure. Code Test Outside from code Unit Test App

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Ideal steps 1.Writing test code about main scenario from outside. 2.Measure coverage and which part of code are assert by test. 3.Improving structure the place where has test code.

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Summary •Introducing calabash •It may be question to be useful for product in term of quality assurance. •I found that it is one option how to improve architecture.

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