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September 17, 2024 From the Trenches: Database Troubleshooting

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Database Reliability Engineering MAA ⁘ RAC ⁘ RMAN Data Guard ⁘ Sharding ⁘ Partitioning Information Lifecycle Management Exadata & Engineered Systems Database Modernization Upgrades ⁘ Patching ⁘ Migrations Cloud ⁘ Hybrid Automation DevOps ⁘ IaC ⁘ Containers ⁘ Terraform Vagrant ⁘ Ansible Observability AHF ⁘ TFA ⁘ CHA ⁘ CHM

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Slide 3 text @ViscosityNA Oracle on Docker Running Oracle Databases in Linux Containers Free sample chapter:

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Slide 5 text @ViscosityNA "Put out the fire now! Find the cause later."

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Slide 6 text @ViscosityNA firefighting is emotional. troubleshooting is logical.

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Slide 7 text @ViscosityNA right brain emotion logic left brain

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Slide 9 text @ViscosityNA Stress Inoculation

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Practiced skills become autonomous, releasing cognitive resources.

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Fixes vs. solutions Fixes: • often quick and undocumented (I know what's wrong!) • alter system state, make it dif fi cult to discover the original condition and confuse later troubleshooting • can spiral out of control

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Fixes vs. solutions Fixes: • don't address root causes • may introduce unintended effects • are perceived as faster but often take longer than deliberate efforts toward a solution

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First moves

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First moves • take a deep breath • list what you know: • add as you learn more about the problem • determine the impact—who and what are affected • establish implications to SLAs • re fi ne the scope • centralize information • create dedicated Teams/Slack channels • regularly share updates, observations

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First moves Multiple systems/symptoms: • what they have in common may be a clue • prioritize the issue that is most likely the root cause • share responsibilities and coordinate efforts across a team

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Leadership responsibilities

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Leadership responsibilities Resist the urge to micromanage! • don't interfere—let people work! • support and protect the team • assign a liaison for all communications—no exceptions! • agree on an update cycle • organize breaks, snacks, drinks • plan early for shift work/relief teams

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Preserve evidence

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Preserve evidence • create a new directory dedicated to the issue • make copies of logs, directories, con fi gurations, etc. • document every change!

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Ask questions

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Ask questions • what changed? • when did it start? • who discovered it? • who/what does it affect? • how do we reproduce it? • what's been done so far? • if intermittent, how often or what is the timing? • is it related to or dependent on something else?

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Ask questions Eliminate ambiguities • "It's slow." How slow? • "It started recently." When, exactly? • "It's been like this for a while." For how long? • "It only happens sometimes." What do events have in common? Establish expectations • How long should it take?

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Troubleshooting techniques

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Logs are friends Oracle is a well-instrumented application. • Read the logs. • No, really. Read the logs. • Look for errors in the minutes/hours/days before the incident • Look for recent changes • grep the diagnostic directory for similar/related errors/entries

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Logs are friends A log entry identifying the problem is present in ~75% of issues I see

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Believe only what you can prove • "It's not X. I checked." Really? Show me proof. • "It can't possibly be X!" It's... probably X! • "We didn't change anything." Except for... • "That change is unrelated." It's probably that change

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Proof isn't always proof • ...when queries are incorrect or based on assumptions; • ...when queries come from a blog post; • ...when using duplicates or "improvements" of built-in instrumentation. You can't prove a negative! • "If that were true, we'd get an alert." • "We've never had that problem before."

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Proof isn't always proof We're blind to facts that contradict our cognitive bias.

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Reproduce the issue Test system guidelines: • Identical (or nearly identical) con fi gurations and topologies You can't test a RAC issue on a single-node system. • Populated with representative data Performance problems in 1M row tables won't show in small samples. • Similar visibility to production Stakeholders and monitoring tools need access to duplicate results.

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Test systems To be useful, test systems, tools & utilities need to exist before the problem occurs.

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I'm stuck!

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What to do when you're stuck • Read the documentation • Recruit a second set of eyes • Ask questions • Diagram the problem or draw a picture • Take a break

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Database tools • Autonomous Health Framework (AHF) • changes, events, analyze, tail, param • diagcollect • OraCHK/ExaCHK • Remote Diagnostic Assistant (RDA) • Enterprise Manager (OEM) • EDB360 ( • ShellCheck online ( install (

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Database tables • dba_errors • dba_source • dba_autotask* • dba_scheduler* • v$rman_output • v$rman_status • v$session* • v$active_session_* • v$backup_* • v$datafile* • v$parameter* • v$spparameter

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OS tools & utilities • Read the documentation • Recruit a second set of eyes • Ask questions • Diagram the problem or draw a picture • Take a break

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Slide 37 text @ViscosityNA tee, >, >> diff curl, wget, mailx mktemp ps wc date du, df iostat, vmstat, sar, etc. env | sort history cat more, less tail, head, watch, strace grep awk sed Regular expressions OS tools & utilities

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Slide 38 text @ViscosityNA suffix=$(date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') suffix=$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M') logfile=$(mktemp -t $(hostname)_${suffix}.XXXX.out) printf "%-10s\n" "$var" printf "%s\n" "$(date '+%F %T')" >> $__logfile OS tools & utilities

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Slide 39 text @ViscosityNA export NLS_DATE_FORMAT='YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS' bash: set -e: exit on non-zero return code set -u: treat unset variables as errors set -x: generate verbose output Environmental setup

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Slide 40 text @ViscosityNA alter session set nls_date_format='YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'; select sys_context() -- Write messages to the alert log: dbms_system.ksdwrt(2, to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') || ' My text'); SQL*Plus setup

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Slide 41 text @ViscosityNA set pages 9999 set lines 200 set timing on set time on -- Format columns col member format a20 col member for a20 SQL*Plus setup

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Track your work

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Track your work • Create a dedicated directory • Add only! Never overwrite anything! • Use timestamps in the fi lename • Log everything • Redirect all output to a fi le • >>, tee -a • Add times strategically throughout • Too much information is better than not enough • Don't assume—capture basic information (environment, settings, etc)

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Finding answers

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Finding answers • Chrome: Return 100 AI-free results by adding to its search engine settings: {google:baseURL}search?q=%s&{google:RLZ} {google:originalQueryForSuggestion} {google:assistedQueryStats}{google:searchFieldtrialParameter} {google:language}{google:prefetchSource}{google:searchClient} {google:sourceId}{google:contextualSearchVersion} ie={inputEncoding}&num=100

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Finding answers • Not everything you read on the internet is true. • Being repeated on multiple blogs doesn't make it accurate. • Does it apply to: • your situation? • your version? • your OS? • Be cautious of "silver bullet" fi xes.

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Finding answers • Wrapping terms in quotes forces them into the results. • These are not the same: • ORA-600 kdspf 4194 • ORA-600 "kdspf" "4194"

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Finding answers Always include an AHF diagnostic collection when raising Service Requests!

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Occam's Razor The simplest, most elegant explanation is usually the one closest to the truth.

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Errors are errors. There is no such thing as "acceptable errors" in production environments.

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