Slide 53
Slide 53 text
customer query (e.g.): COUNT of events
where ip_address=""
- this might be a classic example, but i’ll give it anyway, since, well, at least one part of it had a happy ending.
- honeycomb ingests your events, then lets you query over them. we optimize for really fast analytics on our column store, but we also support folks asking to view the
full events that make up a given query.
- one of our very large customers was able to run a simple COUNT query just fine, but was experiencing timeouts when flipping to raw data mode—even when the two
queries were theoretically drawing from the same set of rows.
- we were able to jump into our data, figure out what was "normal" in aggregate, then zoom in on just the two queries that were under examination.
- without going into detail, since my time is limited :), we were able to figure out where we were doing a whole bunch of extra work in this very specific case, and add to
our benchmarks for the future.
there are certain things that can only be debugged or diagnosed in production, at scale. and by having all of the information we needed, from a developer’s perspective,
in prod—we could start high level, zoom in on it, then essentially replay the past.