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Urban Lichens of the Northeast Nova Patch · @novapatch New York Mycological Society

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Gary Lincoff Nova Patch

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“an unholy alliance between an alga and a fungus”

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“an unholy alliance between an alga and a fungus” “they are two different organisms living in sin”

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“an unholy alliance between an alga and a fungus” “they are two different organisms living in sin” “The alga does the chlorophyll stuff…”

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“an unholy alliance between an alga and a fungus” “they are two different organisms living in sin” “The alga does the chlorophyll stuff…” “…while the fungi has penetrating root-like features referred to as 'hyphae' that are able to force their way into the substrate, enabling enhanced levels of mineral extraction along with a superb holdfast.”

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“an unholy alliance between an alga and a fungus” “they are two different organisms living in sin” “The alga does the chlorophyll stuff…” “…while the fungi has penetrating root-like features referred to as 'hyphae' that are able to force their way into the substrate, enabling enhanced levels of mineral extraction along with a superb holdfast.” “Which is all well and good for the botanists out there, but it doesn't half make them bloody hard to shift when they're disfiguring your paving with all their symbiotic goings-on.”

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Thank you for your virtuous words about lichens.

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Thank you for your virtuous words about lichens. I fear my property may be plagued by lichenological possession.

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Thank you for your virtuous words about lichens. I fear my property may be plagued by lichenological possession. Have you considered marketing your services as lichen exorcism?

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Thank you for your virtuous words about lichens. I fear my property may be plagued by lichenological possession. Have you considered marketing your services as lichen exorcism? Respectfully yours in paving, Nova

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Foliose Thallus XS

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Foliose Thallus XS Upper Cortex

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Foliose Thallus XS Upper Cortex Lower Cortex

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Foliose Thallus XS Upper Cortex Lower Cortex Medulla

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Foliose Thallus XS Upper Cortex Lower Cortex Medulla Rhizines

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Foliose Thallus XS Upper Cortex Lower Cortex Medulla Rhizines Algae

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Foliose Thallus XS Upper Cortex Lower Cortex Medulla Rhizines Algae Mycobiont / Fungus / Hyphae

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Foliose Thallus XS Upper Cortex Lower Cortex Medulla Rhizines Algae Mycobiont / Fungus / Hyphae

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Foliose Thallus XS Upper Cortex Lower Cortex Medulla Rhizines Algae Mycobiont / Fungus / Hyphae

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Foliose Thallus XS Upper Cortex Lower Cortex Medulla Rhizines Algae Mycobiont / Fungus / Hyphae Photobiont Algae and/or Cyanobacteria

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Foliose Thallus XS Upper Cortex Lower Cortex Medulla Rhizines Algae Mycobiont / Fungus / Hyphae Photobiont Algae and/or Cyanobacteria

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Foliose Thallus XS Upper Cortex Lower Cortex Medulla Rhizines Algae Mycobiont / Fungus / Hyphae Photobiont Algae and/or Cyanobacteria

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Fruticose Thallus

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Fruticose Thallus Podetium

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Fruticose Thallus Podetium Squamules

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Fruticose Thallus Podetium Squamules Apothecia

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Fruticose Thallus Podetium Squamules Apothecia Podetium XS

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Apothecium Asci

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sulfur dioxide SO 2

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Xanthocarpia feracissima

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Jersey Barriers Xanthocarpia feracissima Gowanus Canal

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Other Barriers Sunset Park Candelaria concolor

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Skyscrapers Empire State Building

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Skyscrapers Empire State Building Xanthocarpia feracissima

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Superfund Sites Gowanus Canal

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Graveyards Green-Wood Cemetery

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Graveyards Green-Wood Cemetery Flavoparmelia caperata

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Green-Wood Cemetery Graveyards

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Green-Wood Cemetery Graveyards

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Leah Krauss Graveyards Green-Wood Cemetery Myriolecis dispersa

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Street Trees

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Platanus × acerifolia Street Trees

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Street Trees Platanus × acerifolia

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Platanus × acerifolia Street Trees

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potassium hydroxide KOH

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potassium hydroxide K

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potassium hydroxide K+

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potassium hydroxide K+purple

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potassium hydroxide K+yellow

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potassium hydroxide K+yellow Heterodermia obscurata

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potassium hydroxide K− Physcia stellaris

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sodium hypochlorite C

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longwave UV

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longwave UV+ Xanthomendoza weberi

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longwave UV+ Cladonia squamosa

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Lichens of New York City

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Lichens of New York City

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Lichens of New York City

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Fungi of New York City

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Ascomycota of New York City

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Physciaceae of New York City

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Parmeliaceae of New York City

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Lecanoraceae of New York City

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Teloschistaceae of New York City

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Candelariaceae of New York City

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Cladoniaceae of New York City

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Herbarium Specimens Xanthomendoza weberi

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Urban Lichens of the Northeast Nova Patch · @novapatch New York Mycological Society