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Social platform in Erlang Lessons Learned Alexey Kachayev, 2013

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About me •CTO at •Erlang, Go, Clojure, Scala •СPython & Twitter Storm contributor •Author of library •Hobbies: Haskell, Scheme, Racket, CRDT, type systems, compilers

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Contacts •@kachayev •github: kachayev •[email protected]

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Will tell you •project goals and challenges •tech. stack that we use •development •testing, deployment, debugging •problems & solutions

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unstructured content too much information at least 4 different talks

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Will not tell •why Erlang is cool •how Erlang is cool •why you should use Erlang •1 mln of concurrent users •1000+ nodes cluster

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social platform hundreds of mobile apps “little facebook” inside each one

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social platform hundreds thousands of mobile apps

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social platform “Yammer” for events (at least technically)

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tons of features

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no, really! tons of features

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• profiles • social network accounts • chat • posts • photos • photo albums • timeline • notifications • likes • permissions •replies •following •tweets tracking •activity streams •checkins •notes •sharing •search •RSS news tracking •blocking & ban

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•push notifications •multi-device synchronization •offline support for few features Special thanks

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•high availability (HA) •plug-in infrastructure •RPC for thin clients •stability & guarantees •quick development Requirements

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Requirements goals •high availability (HA) •plug-in infrastructure •RPC for thin clients •stability & guarantees •quick development

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•10k++ mobile applications •~ 2k profiles for each •activity spikes (obviously) •apps should work independently (*) Technically

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•prototype, not so many features •~3 weeks of active development •wrapper for CouchDB (in Erlang) •biggest problem: push notifications •serves ~75 mobile apps and still running “Delaware”

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“Delaware” implementation check SNS integration switch admin panel

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•4 months of active development •2 engineers •10 repos •1,178 commits “Gomer”

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•~46k LOC •53 “xxx” comments (incl. 3 ”xxx!!!”) •47 libraries (incl. 3 forks) •117 public RPC methods “Gomer”

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•1,148 test cases •make testall •390 apps •1,195 devices •19,047 log messages “Gomer”

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•pretty big project •very dynamic •quickly growing in size & features so?

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System design

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•graph-oriented (like Facebook) •Riak for most data: nodes, links, streams •etcd for consistent cases (Raft consensus): settings, cluster structure •in-memory ETS: cache, sync ordering •pre-built data for reading Data

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•nodes: id, rev, attrs, system flags •links: from-id, to-id, type •holds essential part of logic, i.e. session is a link from profile to device etc •Facebook TAO model: fetching nodes and simplest links-walking •implemented as independent library Graph

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•revision control for each entity •to ensure all client calls are idempotent •k-ordering for cursor-based sync (**) •flake library (snowflake-like) •one more, riak_id K-ordering

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K-ordering ** client tells server max revision ever seen (a.k.a. cursor) server send changed data only (current rev > client max rev)

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• (Scala) • (Erlang) * • (Erlang) K-ordering

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• •Actor, Action, Object, Target •cases: timelines, activity streams, chats, notification center •linked lists •cursor-based fetch Streams

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•cases: follow-ups, notes, cleared messages etc •event-sourcing (both server & clients) •LWW for conflicted rewrites Offline support

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•use to avoid state copy in gen_server •2 approaches (use both): •supervisor creates ETS and gives it to child at start •server creates ETS and fills it with data on each gen_server:init ETS

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Lesson #1 graph oriented data is a good fit (most) graph databases are strange

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Lesson #2 data modeling is hard any kind of consistency is hard

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Lesson #3 Erlang is good for async data processing

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Lesson #4 each mobile client is a part of single distributed system

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•started from “process per device” •easy to start, client is an Actor •not really HA •bad fit to few nodes cluster •many problems with events routing •reimplemented Processes v.1

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•riak_core vnodes ring •riak_pipe vnodes ring •supervisor for each app •auth •profiles ordering •twitter reader •rss reader Processes v.2

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Lesson #5 obvious solution can be a bad fit “fail fast” in your decisions

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•vnodes ring •“service” and compatibility tracking •consistent hashing for tasks routing •handoffs •join, leave, status, membership •CLI admin interface riak_core

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•few problems •great facilities with no docs •... but easy to read whole source code •thanks to the guys from Basho for their advice •waiting for 2.0 version riak_core

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Lesson #6 riak_core is a good enough reason for using Erlang

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•2-phase: “unit” and “functional” •eunit (built-in testing framework) •etest library for functional tests •functional tests in separated modules •don’t track coverage Testing

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•a lot of high-level helpers •assert functions over JSON structure •?wait_for macro to test async operations Testing

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•mocking: external HTTP endpoints, IP detectors •meck library: creating modules, history API •good enough •strange “random” problems after recompilation Mocks

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•test coverage is a key factor for really quick development •concentrate on “negative” cases •it’s easy to turn this process into fun Lesson #7

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•good types system matters •too many tests to check input values •too many tests to check formatting •too many tests to check protocols Lesson #8

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•you need to prepare tests for multi- node system •(only) then start working on distribution •riak_test •property testing: PropEr •... both are great, but hard to adopt Cluster

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•make devrel to run 3+ nodes •it’s fun too Cluster

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Cluster testing

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•it’s hard to do everything right on the first try •it’s impossible to do it on the first try? •it’s impossible to do it at all? •more experiments! Lesson #9

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•a lot of async operations •i.e. like → save in DB → update timeline entry → publish activity stream entry → add notification → send to device •started with RabbitMQ and exchanges for each event types (easy to start) •reimplemented Events

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•2 types: bound & unbound •bound: known number of subscribers •i.e. “like” •converting to “active coordinator”: FSM under appropriate supervisor •sourcing for fault-tolerance Events 2

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•unbound cases: •ban profile → remove all content •update timeline → send push to all subscribed devices •use riak_pipe Events 3

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•part of Riak internals • map/reduce flavored with unix pipes •declarative fittings •custom routing •back-pressure control •logging and tracing •handoffs riak_pipe

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riak_pipe working on workshop

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Lesson #10 there is no such thing as “exactly once delivery” back-pressure control is essential

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•it matters! •cases: RPC definitions, permissions etc •-define(MACRO, ...) •... great, but sometimes inconvenient •parse_transform •... great, but hard to develop & support •Elixir? no, thanks Meta programming

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•it matters! •public API description, at least •our solution: parser for test logs (in python) Documentation

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•... external tool not so easy to support •edoc ? •parse_transform ? i.e. -doc() Documentation

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Lesson #11 meta programming matters documentation matters

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•don’t use hot swapping for releases •reltool to prepare package(s) •run_erl to run VM as a daemon •shell script for common operations: start, stop, restart, attach •shell script for cluster operations (wrapper for node calls): join, leave, status (ring & members) Deployment

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•rebar generate to /opt/ gomer//* •shared directory for compiled deps: much faster get-deps & compile •zip and store on S3 •download from S3, unzip, relink •fabric (Python) for automation Deployment

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Lesson #12 still don’t know what the best way to deploy application among the cluster is

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Lesson #13 Another to_erl process already attached to pipe

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Lesson #14 there is a big difference between ^C (stop VM) and ^D (quit)

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•a lot of log messages • for all concerned •dbg on live server •few own helpers for most common cases •“trace_off” on timeout Debugging

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• • • Debugging

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Lesson #15 there are few features in Erlang that you really-really miss when using other technologies

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•2 engineers •“2 weeks” to start writing production code •ha. first feature - on the second day * •* first day - stumbled by Mac OS The team

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Lesson #16 Erlang is a good technology to hire good engineers

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•guys from Wooga •guys from Yammer •guys from Basho Thanks to

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• • • • • • • • • • Libraries

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•~20-25ms for most responses •100+ connections without any impact •faster then Python & Ruby •not as fast as Scala, Clojure and Go •... but do you really care? Questions #1 Performance

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• Erlang (our choice) • Scala (jvm) • Clojure (jvm) • Python (bad fit) • Go (too large project) • Haskell (bad fit) • Java (oh, common..) Questions #2 Candidates

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•Emacs •VIM Questions #3 IDE?

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•we use Go and Clojure for other systems •do you want to ask “Why”? •we are still on early production stage •wait for new lessons coming soon Notes #1

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Ideas? Questions? Alexey Kachayev, 2013