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WHY PLATFORM ENGINEERING? Principal Engineer on the Java platform team @ Atlassian Approximately 800 production services currently run on our Spring Boot / Java stack Spring Boot is the central pillar of our Java stack

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Platform engineering is the discipline of designing and building toolchains and work fl ows that enable self-service capabilities for software engineering organisations. PLATFORM ENGINEERING from

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Logging Tracing Auth Metrics Alerting Deployment Resources Environments Local Testing Project setup … (Micro-) Service platform Cloud Provider Integrations

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Logging Tracing Auth Metrics Alerting Deployment Resources Environments Local Testing Project setup … Integrations (Micro-) Service Cloud Provider

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Logging Tracing Auth Metrics Alerting Deployment Resources Environments Local Testing Project setup … Integrations (Micro-) Service Cloud Provider

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Logging Tracing Auth Metrics Alerting Deployment Resources Environments Local Testing Project setup … (Micro-) Service Cloud Provider Spring Boot + Integrations platform engineering 
 Spring Boot

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THE JAVA TECH STACK @ ATLASSIAN Standards Recommendations for libraries and tools to use. Project setup Did anyone say Libraries Java libraries for (micro-) service developers. Guides How to do things with the Java platform?

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THE JAVA TECH STACK @ ATLASSIAN Standards Recommendations for libraries and tools to use. Project setup Did anyone say Libraries Java libraries for (micro-) service developers. Guides How to do things with the Java platform? our focus today

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THE JAVA TECH STACK @ ATLASSIAN Standards Recommendations for libraries and tools to use. Project setup Did anyone say Libraries Java libraries for (micro-) service developers. Guides How to do things with the Java platform?

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SPRING BOOT @ ATLASSIAN … … … … … … … … … … … (Micro-) Service AWS BOM Parent POM Spring Boot Starters

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SPRING BOOT @ ATLASSIAN Base Lifecycle … … Security … MVC WebFlux … … Flyway (Micro-) Service AWS BOM Parent POM Spring Boot Starters

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Let’s look at some code

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USE CASE 1: ENVIRONMENT PROFILES Platform Spring Boot Pro fi les Environment 
 Variable injects ENVIRONMENT=dev-east|dev-west|… Active profiles: dev, dev-west activates Environment

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USE CASE 2: ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE TRANSLATION Platform Spring Property Environment 
 Variable injects OLD_ENV_VAR=foo
 NEW_ENV_VAR=foo TRANSLATED_PROPERTY=foo activates Environment

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USE CASE 3: DEFAULT PROPERTIES Spring Boot Spring Properties sets default management: tracing: sampling: probability: 0.01 (in local environment) management: tracing: sampling: probability: 1.0 @PropertySource

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USE CASE 4: TYPE-SAFE ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES Service Descriptor resources: - type: sqs name: my-queue - type: s3 name: my-bucket Platform SQS Queue S3 Bucket reads provisions Environment 
 Variables injects SQS_MY_QUEUE_NAME=…
 S3_MY_BUCKET_REGION=… … SQSQueueProperties activate S3BucketProperties

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USE CASE 5: ENFORCE BEST PRACTICE (FLYWAY) Spring Boot Platform integration Flyway migrations on startup enables disables Flyway migration endpoints provides

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SPRING (BOOT) EXTENSION POINTS Application Context Bean Bean Bean Bean Factory BeanDe fi nitionRegistry BeanFactory
 PostProcessor BeanDe fi nition
 BeanPostProcessor Environment Environment
 PostProcessor Property Property Property Bean De fi nition Bean De fi nition Bean De fi nition

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How to consume our integrations?

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Consuming platform integrations Annotation Con fi Always on Conditionally Manually - using an annotation @Configuration @Import(MyCoolAutoConfiguration.class) public class MyConfiguration { }

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Consuming platform integrations Annotation Con fi Always on Conditionally Manually - using an annotation @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target({ElementType.TYPE}) @Documented @Import(MyCoolAutoConfiguration.class) public @interface EnableMyCoolFeature { } @Configuration @EnableMyCoolFeature public class MyConfiguration { }

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Consuming platform integrations Annotation Con fi Always on Conditionally Manually - using an annotation @Configuration @EnableMyCoolFeature public class Application { public static void main(String[] args) { Application.class, args); } }

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Consuming platform integrations Annotation Con fi Always on Conditionally Manually - using an annotation @Configuration @EnableMyCoolFeature public class Application { public static void main(String[] args) { Application.class, args); } } don’t do this!

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Consuming platform integrations Manually - using a con fi g property Annotation Con fi g property Always on Conditionally # application.yml my-cool-feature: enabled: true @AutoConfiguration @ConditionalOnProperty( value = "my-cool-feature.enabled", havingValue = "true") public class MyCoolAutoConfiguration { }

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Consuming platform integrations Automatic - always on Annotation Con fi Always on Conditionally @AutoConfiguration // no @Conditional… annotation public class MyCoolAutoConfiguration { }

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Consuming platform integrations Automatic - conditionally Annotation Con fi Always on Conditionally @AutoConfiguration @ConditionalOnBean(String.class) public class MyCoolAutoConfiguration { }

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How to encourage teams to actually use our integrations?

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THE JAVA TECH STACK @ ATLASSIAN Standards Recommendations for libraries and tools to use. Project setup Has anyone said Libraries Java libraries for (micro-) service developers. Guides How to do things with the Java platform?

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Encouraging adoption Standard Paved Path Standard … … … OpenRewrite Support

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Encouraging adoption Standard Paved Path “Paved Path” for the project lifecycle OpenRewrite Support > atlas path paver install \ micros-spring-boot-mvc

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Encouraging adoption Standard Paved Path OpenRewrite OpenRewrite Recipes for new versions > ./mvnw \ io.atlassian:java-rewrite:run \ -Drewrite.fromVersion=6.9.0 \ -Drewrite.toVersion=6.12.0 Support

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Encouraging adoption Awesome support Standard Paved Path OpenRewrite Support

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Thank you for your patience! @TomHombergs tom@re fl re fl

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