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Adopting Docker in today's IT AKA Moving Faster without Breaking Things … or getting fired

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Me. @ccaum Recovering sysadmin

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I once built things.

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Tell me about you.

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A note on traditional IT ● Each team has their own priorities ● A lack of communication encourages ignorance ● Ignorance encourages animosity ● Teams act with authority instead of expertise 5 Preso title goes here. To update, go to File > Page Setup > Header/Footer, paste title, Apply All

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A note on empathy “Empathy rarely extends beyond our line of sight.” If we use Docker I’ll never have to talk to you again 6

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The tools we use should help bring us together and better understand each other. But do so as efficiently as possible

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A note on DevOps Culture Automation Measurement Sharing Be these two 8

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A note on configuration management ● Identification ● Control ● Status Accounting ● Audit & Verification 9

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Don’t burn everything down Begin by embracing your existing world ● Use IT approved OSes ● Embrace Policy Driven Development ● Build all your own images from scratch ● Plan for audits from the beginning 10

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No content

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Policy Driven Development

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Embrace Policy Driven Development The process ● Definition ● Tests ● Implementation ● Monitoring 13

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Include InfoSec from the beginning 14 • Talk to them during the planning phase • Anticipate questions and have clear reasons for your plan • Understand the regulatory and corporate compliance requirement you must adhere to • Work with them to define policies in prose

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A note on public images 15 No

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A note on Change Advisory Boards (CABs) 16 You can (and should) replace them, but it won’t happen over night.

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Change Advisory Boards 17 Start submitting code diffs to your reviews

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A note on audits 18 Things that matter ● You have a process and can prove it’s being used ● Any config state can be proven at any moment ● A change log exists, is comprehensive, and accurate

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A note on conlusions Don’t just embrace Docker for you and your team. Understand everyone’s expertise, responsibilities, and pressures in the product delivery process. Include InfoSec, QA, etc early in the planning phase. Know every config in every image and how/why it got there (and prove it). Have an audit trail for everything. 19 Preso title goes here. To update, go to File > Page Setup > Header/Footer, paste title, Apply All