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Vagrant VMware Sales THIS WEEK $9,073 98 Orders LAST WEEK $11,100 103 Orders

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Vagrant Downloads THIS WEEK 24,242 LAST WEEK 23,942

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Packer Downloads THIS WEEK 2,390 LAST WEEK 2,479

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Serf Downloads THIS WEEK 874 LAST WEEK 794

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Microsoft THIS WEEK $9,073 98 Orders • OpenTech blog post prior to public code merge • Trying to make it sound like a “partnership” as much as possible • Legal nightmares • They want to put a Microsoft Copyright header on all Hyper-V files. • No. • Running MIT license through legal • All on schedule… so far.

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Salesforce THIS WEEK $9,073 98 Orders • Another 33 license = $2,607 • Didn’t pay us the first time = ~$3,500 • No timeline, still talking. Hopefully be end of the month (Feb)

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Belgium THIS WEEK $9,073 98 Orders • FOSDEM / Cfgmgmtcamp • Vagrant share, box versioning, box hosting all got thumbs up • Ops people want box hosting, dev/consultants want vagrant share. No surprise? • Tested the water with really early Terraform ideas. Should talk about it. Learned a lot.

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Vagrant Substrate + CI

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“f-boxes-2” Merge Box Versioning, Shorthand Boxes, Box Updates, etc.

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Vagrant Refactors Vagrant::Environment Machine Machine Machine Other State

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Vagrant Refactors Vagrant::Environment Machine Machine Machine Other State Vagrant::Environment Machine Machine Machine Other State Vagrant::Vagrantfile

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“Connect VM” • Based on Tiny Core Linux (9 MB) • Iptables + redsocks + libevent + OpenSSH • Final size: 13 MB ISO • Repo: hashicorp/vagrant-share/proxy-vm • Packer templates to build VirtualBox and Vmware boxes

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Vagrant Marketing • Weekly (Wednesday) blog posts on Vagrant blog • Topics: • Rsync synced folders • Box versioning • Password SSH – allows regular VMs • Vagrant Share • Hyper-V

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Travel • LA next week (all week) • Germany (Hamburg) following week. Will discuss at next weekly update.

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