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About me Ossi Hanhinen Works at Futurice Nowadays a frontend expert Used to do WordPress and Rails Coded in about 16 languages :)

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How I came about Elm? - Had heard about it and looked at the website - May last year, had a month between projects, decided to learn FP - Made a space invaders type game in Elm, liked it

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The project Biggest news site in Finland Arranging the articles on frontpage is editorial (manual) work Editorial tool to manage the content

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Resounding success, in use right now (24/7) Repercussions - Elm in the real world / How Elm made our work better - #1 on HN -> published on HackerBits Magazine - Training at Wunderdog - I’m now probably the only professional Elm trainer in Finland :D - Elm meetup in Helsinki, Elmsinki

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LEAN DEVELOPMENT == CONSTANT REFACTORING Lean development - Actually it’s just constant refactoring - You have some features done - You gain new insights - Do you adapt the feature or scrap it and make a new from scratch? - Continuously - Elm made it really easy for us to keep rebuilding the features - And stay confident the whole app won’t simply crash in some situations - -

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What frontend used to be

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Server-side HTML + jQuery Hello Kraków Kraków event listener change When we were using jQuery - Simple page with input and and updating title - Setup event listener for input - Change the title in place DONE! Super simple!

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Server-side HTML + jQuery Hello Kraków Kraków event listener change Ajax change But as soon as multiple things are happening at the same time - Instant complexity - Race conditions, overridden changes, etc. - State was in the DOM, which made things very hard to keep track of - But still, the possibilities of AJAX and Single Page Apps were too much to pass by

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Rise of the JavaScript MV* frameworks This brought a tidal wave of libraries and frameworks - All trying to solve the same problem: How to make building complex apps reasonable

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React Just the UI Redux Predictable state Fast-forward a few years: - React brought a nice abstraction to these problems - Functional style - Easily composable view components - If you check React’s web page, they state React is “Just the UI” - or the “V” in MVC. So what about the other parts of the puzzle? - Redux is the status quo answer. They call it a “predictable state container” - in short: a single state tree which is updated in a controlled way - How does that work?

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Single State Model View map - In Redux, every time the app state is changed, the single big blob of state (or Model) is what gets updated - Leads to the fact that each view can be a direct result of the current application state

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Single Update Message Update View View Model What does a single update look like then? Updates atomic: - World frozen upon action/message -> model updates based on the action/message - > new model -> new view - AKA. “game loop”

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Single Update Msg Update User View Model View Sometimes we forget the User, but in this graph she fits in nicely - User can see the view and interact with it - Her interaction causes an Action in the app - App produces a new view as output

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I thought this talk was supposed to be about Elm!? You might be wondering why I haven’t really talked about Elm yet... - Well, what I showed you in the previous slide is in fact called The Elm Architecture. - Redux has taken influence from Elm in its patterns. - Let’s take a look at the differences

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React is JavaScript React and Redux are written in JavaScript. - “1JS”, no versions, can only grow - Originally for scripting - Later OOP - Later FP flavors -> React - Libs for everything (lodash, Immutable.js, RxJS, …) - “JavaScript is like a chainsaw you have in place of a hand” - Brendan Eich

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Elm is Elm - Designed for apps - Versions - Latest updates have removed confusing parts - to make the language even easier to learn, and use - Solid practices built in - No way to stray

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- Elm feels like it has all the necessary parts - Not just a collection of libraries, but a cohesive whole

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Functional Programming

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Functional Programming at its worst?

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Functional Programming at its best ● Small functions that ○ Take parameters ○ Return a response ● Super easy to test ● Nice to refactor

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Is your function pure? - A pure function has no effect on the world outside it - It doesn’t have a state of its own - nor does it need to access any state outside it How do you know a function is pure in JS?

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Is your function pure? Trick question, you don’t really. - First one was pure - Second… not so pure (Real world: e.g. google analytics) - Third subtly not pure: mutates the original user object, maybe unintentionally

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In Elm all functions are pure - In Elm, all functions are pure - You can rely on the fact - (To have an effect on the outside world, you need to return the commands to be performed, from the function.)

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Currying and Partial Application - One really nice part of functional programming is something called “currying” - Or rather, the nice part is using partial application. - Strange names, but a simple concept.

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Demo: Refactoring with auto-currying - Sorry, can’t live-code on a PDF slide

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Functional Reactive Programming FRP: how to make your functional web app actually do something Functional - Small fns that take parameters and return a response and don’t do anything else Reactive - We don’t set anyone’s state, we subscribe to changes and can react - With Elm, it’s not necessary to dive head-first into the wondrous world of signals - We can do quite a lot with just simple functions

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Newest version of Elm, 0.17 - Just this week (on Tuesday) - No signals anymore - one less things to learn - Replaced by a simpler way of declaring subscriptions and commands

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elm Strong static types That don’t get in the way JavaScript - Super dynamic typing - Great for hacking - Awful for big projects TypeScript / Flow - Static types for JS - Require quite a bit of setup Elm - Strong static types - Awesome for big projects - Type inference - Write code - compiler gets the types - Write type annotations - compiler checks against them - Also, state of the art error messages

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Elm has guarantees - Not another “JS in disguise” language (own semantics, no need to know JS) - No null, no undefined - In short, Elm doesn’t let you do something that might fail without handling the failure case.

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zero runtime exceptions - I think this merits a slide every time - With Elm, you get zero runtime exceptions in production. - Really.

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By Bewareircd - Own work, Public Domain, curid=8497059 Self-repeating architecture - Standard Elm Architecture components are always the same - Assume we have a message component - Can be used as the top level / root component - Can be included in a message list component just as well, - which can be included in a messaging app that also has a user choosing component…. -> All components can be developed in isolation! - This is part of the language design

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Tools elm make - Build Elm and catch errors ahead of time elm package - Package manager that enforces SemVer elm reactor - Development server with automatic rebuilding elm format - Automatic code beautification

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“Go and learn Elm. Seriously. It is the simplest language I have ever tried, and the team has put a crazy lot of effort into making the developer experience as nice as possible.” @ohanhi

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