Slide 43
Slide 43 text
Possible Applications (as Hyperledger project sees them)
Financial Assets
Direct access (no need for mediation), agreed real-time settlements, business rule descriptions, and confidentiality
Corporate behavior (automating corporate management, especially in financial matters)
Real-time execution and confidentiality control of share splits, capital reductions and consolidations, share transfers
and exchanges, mergers, third-party allocation of new shares, etc.
Supply Chain
Traceback of materials, and record and search from production, storage to sales (beware of linkage problem)
Master Data Management
Only authorized personnel can update and designated reviewers approve it
Sharing Economy and IoT
Smart cities/towns, transportation, healthcare/fitness, retail, architecture, education, etc. (implicitly real-time and on
a large scale) where trust is not necessarily established
Red letters denote parts that blockchains are not good at
Within the problems we want to solve, there are sub-problems that have not been solved yet
Lecture 7-8 : Blockchain — FinTech — Financial Innovation and the Internet 2024 Fall — 2024-10-25 – p.43/63