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@PYR CTO at Exoscale: swiss cloud hosting. Background in both big shops & startups Open source developer

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WHAT'S CHANGE ? The addition, modification or removal of anything that could have an effect on IT services

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AIM OF THE TALK Reflect on how to approach change in production.

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OUTLINE Process in the Entreprise ITIL: the good parts Agile operations Tooling

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CANONICAL USE-CASE: ADDING OUTBOUND MAIL Please open outbound TCP 25 Sounds like you want TCP 587 to our internal mailers < w a i t 2 w e e k s >

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MEANWHILE l a p t o p > s s h r o o t @ a p p 0 1 a p p 0 1 > i p t a b l e s - A O U T P U T - p t c p - - d p o r t 2 5 - j A C C E P T

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PROMISES Traceability Reversibility CYAP

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WHAT WE'RE INTERESTED IN Traceability Reversibility

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STANDARDS ISO 27001: (mostly crazyness) CSA: A good basis for IaaS, PaaS and SaaS vendors ITIL: Best practices

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ITIL Information Technology Infrastructure Library Best practices for dealing with (large) IT orgs. Common lingo No tools

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ITIL Service design Service transition Service operation

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SERVICE DESIGN Service catalog Capacity Management

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SERVICE OPERATION Problem management Incident management

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SERVICE TRANSITION Configuration Management (CM) Change management

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CMDB Configuration Management Database Holds configuration items and their relationship Somewhat conflates Asset Management and Configuration Management

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CHANGE MANAGEMENT Defines change lifecycle RFCs and classification (standard, emergency, normal) Change Acceptance Board (CAB, ECAB) Change records Technical and organizational challenges

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SCALING PROCESS New objectives Fast iteration cycle Reduced interference Not just startups & small orgs How do we map valid ITIL concerns with agile orgs ?

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CMDB Standard configuration management frameworks apply Cattle vs Pet approach has the underlying notion of service catalog

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CHANGE MANAGEMENT RECAP RFCs Change acceptance board Change records

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CHANGE MANAGEMENT: RFCS Hardest step Automation prepared us Useful elements Motivation & Objective Tentative timeframe Functional tests May be polymorphic Text document Configuration management update Command and control recipe

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CHANGE MANAGEMENT: CAB Peer review of runbooks Breaks long release cycle Reaches CAB objectives of traceability Recurring tasks can be auto-validated (standard changes) For instance adding a vhost A good prerequisite: no manual intervention

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CHANGE MANAGEMENT: CHANGE RECORDS Text based log of change Accessible by all parties at time of change

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CMDB IS EASY You already have configuration management It's already stored in git # n o d e s . y a m l n o d e " n e t w o r k - l b 0 1 " { i n c l u d e n e t w o r k : : l b } n o d e " p o r t a l - f r o n t 0 1 " { i n c l u d e p o r t a l : : f r o n t } n o d e " p o r t a l - f r o n t 0 2 " { i n c l u d e p o r t a l : : f r o n t } n o d e " p o r t a l - f r o n t 0 3 " { i n c l u d e p o r t a l : : f r o n t } n o d e " p o r t a l - d b 0 1 " { i n c l u d e p o r t a l : : d b }

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CHANGE MANAGEMENT IS LESS ADRESSED No common runbook tool No standard execution logging

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COMMON THEME: REUSE YOUR EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE Pull requests are great for peer review Git provides a nice way to archive text data Introduce as few new tools as possible Avoid adding bloat with process

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EXAMPLE APPROACH: RFCs Standard Changes: Config Mgmt or Command-and-Control recipe Normal Changes: Doc update for the corresponding service platform CAB: Pull requests Change records: Archived chat logs Hubot is great for this

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ADDITIONAL TOOLING: WARP Command and Control. Web + Chat integration.

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ADDITIONAL TOOLING: WARP # # R u n b o o k : u p d a t e t o l a t e s t w e b s i t e # # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = # # # # 1 . M a k e s s u r e w e ' r e r u n n i n g a g a i n s t l a t e s t p a c k a g e s # # 2 . U p d a t e s a p p r o p r i a t e p a c k a g e # # 3 . R e l o a d s n g i n x s c r i p t _ n a m e : d e p l o y - w e b s i t e m a t c h : a n d : - { f a c t : e n v i r o n m e n t , v a l u e : s t a g i n g } - { f a c t : p l a t f o r m , v a l u e : w e b i s t e } # # D e f a u l t s t o s t a g i n g , T h i s p r o v i d e s a p r o d u c t i o n p r o f i l e : p r o f i l e s : p r o d u c t i o n : m a t c h : a n d : - { f a c t : e n v i r o n m e n t , v a l u e : p r o d u c t i o n } - { f a c t : p l a t f o r m , v a l u e : w e b s i t e } t i m e o u t : 3 0 0 0 0 # T h i s w i l l r u n w i t h i n 3 0 s

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IT'S ABOUT VISIBILITY Finding out what happened 37 days ago is a g i t l o g away

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AVOID DOGMATISM Don't fall in the SCRUM trap

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CAREFULLY WEIGHT FRICTION TO BENEFIT RATIO Don't lose sight of the objectives

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GO STEP BY STEP It's ok to still log-in if you need it Consider it's a failure and see how you can remediate

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OPEN SPACE WISHLIST Process tooling: Let's figure a cool name for this Discussion around runbooks, what do you do ? We can extend the discussion to other concerns Building the service catalog Capacity management Problem & Incident management

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