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@ Web Fonts 抣抣⣵鵄 ” ⚥㕂껷㾉$44䒓〄罏㣐⠔

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F2E @ < >

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F2E @

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F2E @

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Web Apps and more 鲮⻊涸抳䠭 ꢓ靀碫Web䎾欽⵸畮䪮助䱲程 tan-suo Type is Beautiful F2E @ by Mockee

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Italic Type l ⼀一

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Italic Type Bold 䔂靈叻곿 Underline Ꝇ䱹欽䨪ⴢ絁 Italic 䓳䔂靈䒸欽 Monospace ➿瀦 ⚥俒

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Italic Type “In typography, italic type is a cursive font based on a stylized form of calligraphic handwriting.” —— Wikipedia font-family: STKaiti, "AR PL UKai", "AR PL KaitiM GB", KaiTi, KaiTi_GB2312, "TW-Kai"

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Italic Type 《故事的解剖》(臺版 Story)

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Italic Type

italic,楷体,italic,楷体 font-style: italic font-style: normal

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Italic Type ——吉井忍 , 帝都本格日本料理 font-family: STKaiti ... font-style: normal ×

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Italic Type font-family: Georgia, STKaiti ... font-style: italic ——吉井忍 , 帝都本格日本料理 ×

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Italic Type italic 楷体 复杂度↑ 速度↓

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font-family: "Georgia Italic", "Georgia-Italic", "Georgia" Italic Type font-family: [ | ] # CSS Fonts Module Level 3 font-family 使⽤用 font face name 为 CSS 标准未定义⾏行为 font face name PostScript name full font name family name

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@font-face font-family: "arkitalic" src: local('Georgia-Italic'), local('Georgia Italic') font-weight: normal font-style: normal @font-face font-family: "arkitalic" src: local('Georgia-BoldItalic'), local('Georgia Bold Italic') font-weight: bold font-style: normal Italic Type

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Italic Type font-family: "arkitalic", STKaiti, "AR PL UKai", "AR PL KaitiM GB", KaiTi, KaiTi_GB2312, "TW-Kai" ——吉井忍 , 帝都本格日本料理 ✓

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@font-face font-family: "arkitalic" src: local(‘Georgia-Italic'), local('Georgia Italic') font-weight: normal font-style: normal `local()`, no @font-face FOUT problem! Italic Type

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Legibility 鳹霋䏞

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font-size: 16px ♴兜鸑㾓䍋⚥薉俒㶶⡤涸䒸〿♶僒鳹霋կ double quotes & single quotes Legibility × ✴ Windows⚥Ⱘ剣Bitmap Glyph涸⚥俒㶶⡤鳅㺂僒鳹霋⡎Windows♴崹錢㐼♶⠔⢪欽Web font⚥涸Bitmap Glyphկ

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Legibility unicode-range src: local('simsun'); unicode-range: U+2018,U+2019,U+21C,U+201D; ×

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Grid:16 PPEM (Pixels Per EM) Arial Arkpunctuation Align to Pixel Grid Legibility By FontForge

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Legibility 12px 14px 16px 18px 20px Arial Arkpunctuation

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Punctuation Trimming 》 。 ) ” 叻挿䮥⾓

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text-spacing: normal | none | [ trim-start | space-start ] || [ trim-end | space-end | allow-end ] || [ trim-adjacent | space- adjacent ] || no-compress || ideograph-alpha || ideograph-numeric || punctuation CSS Text Level 4 Punctuation Trimming

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Punctuation Trimming punctuation-trim: none | [start || [ end | allow-end ] || adjacent] text-trim: normal | force-start || [ keep-end | force-end ] || no- justify

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Punctuation Trimming Kerning

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Punctuation Trimming OpenType: GPOS lookups, kerning By FontForge

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Punctuation Trimming Mojikumi ✝ Mojikumi: Determines spacing between punctuation, symbols, numbers, and other character classes in Japanese type.

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Punctuation Trimming Punctuations.std Han.js 3.0 Ligatures , 鵶㶶 letter-spacing

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CJK Web Fonts CJK-Subsetter 〳⟄㖈緸곜⚥⢪欽⚥俒㶶⡤涸3BDL玐䎸կ

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Web Fonts Sucks

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Inline Vertical Position & Line Box Height 遤ⰻ㘌湬⡙縨遤渱넞

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Inline Vertical Position Helvetica ׫ౝޑ 爙䠑㕃 㢴猫㶶⡤㖈ず♧⚡ baseline ծ湱ず俒劥呋䒭涸inline box(es)♳傞俒劥涸遤ⰻ㘌湬⡙縨⠔㔔㶶⡤baseline⡙ 縨涸♶ず罜」⻊կ line box inline box inline box height = line-height font-family: Helvetica, 'Hiragino Sans GB'

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font-family: arial, Helvetica, 'Hiragino Sans GB' font-family: Helvetica, 'Hiragino Sans GB' - = Inline Vertical Position 图像减法

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Inline Vertical Position

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Chrome,Opera⧫ぢ✵嶊ꤑ鵯猫䕧ㆇ崵霚⚥➑㖈⢪ 欽Web Font涸傞⦫〄欰⡙縨」⻊կ Firefox,Safari⚥欽劥㖑㶶⡤ծWeb Font崵霚㖲剣⡙ 縨」⻊կ Vertical Position

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… Line Box Height Helvetica Arial ׫ౝޑ Georgia 楷体 “” 爙䠑㕃 ⼶俒噶⡤ 㢴猫㶶⡤㖈ず♧⚡ baseline♶ず俒劥呋䒭inline boxes♳傞遤넞ծ俒劥涸遤ⰻ㘌湬⡙縨㖲⠔㔔㶶⡤涸 baseline⡙縨♶ず罜」⻊կ*& line box inline box inline box height = line-height ✴ 㼆inline element杝用霃縨♸container湱ず涸㶶⡤⛲⠔剣ず呋遤⚹⽰⢪俒劥呋䒭湱ずկ

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… Line Box Height 400px 402px 408px 408px 408px font-size:100px line-height: 2 (Chrome)

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… Line Box Height Helvetica ׫ౝ <1px? ♶ず崹錢㐼庪厩絕卓♶ず䔲㟞ꆀQY傞 $ISPNF⧫ぢ✵ぢ♴》侮ⵌQY⚂㢴遤♴佪卓⚹嫦遤杝用》侮 'JSFGPY⠔ぢ♳》侮ⵌQY㢴遤傞佪卓⚹䨾剣遤㹊꣢넞䏞湱⸈た》侮 4BGBSJ 0QFSB⠔ぢ♳》侮ⵌQY㢴遤傞佪卓⚹嫦杝用》侮կ

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Inline Vertical Position & Line Box Height Web Fonts

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Sphinx baseline Ascender Height Descender Height Inline Vertical Position & Line Box Height

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Ascender Height Descender Height AH / DH OS )FMWFUJDB/FVF 952 213 4.47 OS X, iOS Ⱶꫬ랱⡤ 880 120 7.33 OS X ⼶俒噶⡤ 860 140 6.14 OS X (FPSHJB 1549 444 3.49 * 4JN4VO㸢⡤ 220 36 6.11 XP "SJBM 1491 431 3.46 XP, 7 ,BJUJ@(#噶⡤ 220 36 6.11 XP, 7 䗎鲱꧈랱 1663 159 10.46 7 랱⡤皍 860 140 6.14 iOS %SPJE4BOT 1567 492 3.18 Android 俒屮끼䗎碛랱 1638 410 3.99 Android 䙼彂랱⡤ 880 120 7.33 - Inline Vertical Position & Line Box Height

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Win XP 3.46 – 6.11 Win 7 3.46 – 10.46 OS X 4.47 – 7.33 iOS 4.47 – 6.14 Android 3.18 – 3.19 Inline Vertical Position & Line Box Height

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䒸Ⰶ涸Xeb font䎾霃縨㽴ꆀ䱹鵛✵䔲⵸line boxⰻ 〳腊ⴀ梡涸Ⱖ➭㶶⡤Bscender♸Eescender涸嫱 ⢾կ ✴ Ⰼ鿈⢪欽vertical-align: top | bottom …⛲腊鼙⯝姼꡼곿⡎♶䒊雳կ


〳鍒Ɀ遤넞㟞⸈꡼곿կ Inline Vertical Position & Line Box Height

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Hints z

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Hints Unhinted TrueType font in GDI-ClearType rendering.

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TTFAutoHint Font Squirrel AutoHint: Hints Hint manually ?

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unhinted ttfautohint Font Squirrel unhinted ttfautohint Font Squirrel 16px 32px IE 8 Chrome 16px Hints

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Font Squirrel佪卓䔂✵TTFAutoHint ⡎Font Squirrel㖈㼭㶶〿♳涸庪厩絕卓剣僈儑」䕎 unhinted ttfautohint Font Squirrel Hints 㢕勇㕃䕎㖈㼭㶶〿♴䖎ꦼ⨞ⵌ嶊ꤑClearType㖈unhinted♳涸ꝷ뤼罜♶鸣䧭僈儑」䕎

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18 PPEM font-size: 18px 16 PPEM font-size: 16px SVG + PNG Simple graphics Complex graphics Hints + hint

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Web Font Ready T … … Web Font⸈鲿唬崵

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Web Font Ready • FOUT (flash of unstyled text) • Web Fonts Loading Timeout

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Article Data Layout, rendering Article Data Layout, rendering Web Font Ready Web Fonts Web Font Ready

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CSS Font Loading Module document.fonts.load().then() Web Font Ready

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U+FFFD U+FFFD webfont_a ⚹䨾欽涸 Web Font patch ♧⚡瑟涯㶶痗㖈 U+FFFD ♳ @font-face font-family: "webfont_a" url: src(webfont_a.woff) span font-family: webfont_a GET webfont_a.woff � default Web Font Ready

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U+FFFD U+FFFD scrollWidth = 100px scrollLeft = 99px offsetWidth = 1px scrollWidth = 0px scrollLeft = 0px offsetWidth = 1px “onscroll” ! Font loaded Web Font Ready

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IE 6 – 9 Font loaded iframe.onload “Font files block the window’s onload event from firing in IE and Firefox” Web Font Ready

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doc.fonts.load iframe.onload el.onscroll Font Ready Chrome 39+, Opera 26+ IE 6 – 9 Web Font Ready

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Thanks. Fonts: Droid SerifInput Mono䙼彂랱⡤华⽂文楷体Georgia Browsers: Mac: Chrome 39.0, Firefox 34.0.5, Safari 8.0.2, Opera 26.0 Win XP: IE6, IE7, IE8 Win 7: IE9