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time We are privileged in a remarkable remarkable to live

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Computers are and relatively fast inexpensive

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We are more than ever productive before

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We have lost along the way lost something

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from scratch? from scratch When was the built something last time you’ve

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You should learn to program this year You

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highest-selling single computer model of all time all time

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1 Mhz CPU 8 bit registers 64 KB RAM 64 KB

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Not produced 20 years for more than 20 years

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70 games released in total 47 demos last year

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0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 games demos source -

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0 210 420 630 840 1050 1260 1470 1680 1890 2100 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 all releases source -

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campaigns There are many crowdfunding successful successful

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Generation 64 translation -

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The Story of C64 in Pixels -

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C64 Commpendium by MrSid -

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New C64C Housings made with Original Molds -

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Last Ninja 2 Music Remake (and more) by Matt Gray -

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Back in Time Brighton ’15 - Live stage show of C64 Music-

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People Commodore 64 love

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I Commodore 64 love

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Michał Taszycki former Web & AAA Game Developer Founder of ! @mehowte

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Is among the best Programming Commodore 64 best hobbies I’ve had

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This is how I started

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This is why I stayed

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GFX Modes

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40x25 characters 256 characters to choose from Each has 1 foreground color Normal Char Mode 1 common background color 320x200 pixels

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Ultima 2 - The Revenge of the Enchantress by Sierra and Lord British

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40x25 characters 256 characters to choose from Each has 3 foreground colors Multicolor Char Mode 1 common background color 160x200 pixels

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The Great Giana Sisters by Time Warp Productions

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40x25 characters 64 characters to choose from Each has 1 foreground color Extended Bg Char Mode 3 common background colors 320x200 pixels

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VVVVVV C64 demake by Paulko64

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Hires (bitmap) Mode 40x25 characters 1000 characters to choose from Each has 1 foreground color 1 common background color 320x200 pixels

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Middle Earth by Wayne Schmidt

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The Mill by Veto/Arsenic/Oxyron The Mill by Veto/Arsenic/Oxyron

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Multicolor bitmap Mode 40x25 characters 1000 characters to choose from Each has 3 foreground colors 1 common background color 160x200 pixels

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Honey Bear by Veto/Oxyron

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Cica by Poison/Singular

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Landing in the Village by Carrion/Elysium

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25 Years of Yie Ar Kung-Fu by Veto/Arsenic/Oxyron

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Sprites Can be stretched in both directions 1 foreground color + transparency 8 hardware sprites Can be moved freely 24x21 pixels

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Wizard Of Wor by Midway

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…Sprites 1 foreground color + transparency 12x21 pixels Can be switched to Multicolor 2 additional common colors Overlaying is a common technique

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The Great Giana Sisters by Time Warp Productions

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Impossible Mission by EPYX

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Sound 4 wave shapes Filters 3 voices Evelope control Bug in volume setting - 4th sound

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Impossible Mission by EPYX

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Tricks Opening Borders Rasterbars Sprite Multiplexing Faster scrolling Many more

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Creatures by Thalamus

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Sprite Inferno by Crossbow

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Modern Demos I don’t even…

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Edge of Disgrace by Booze Design

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Coma Light 13 by Oxyron

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Comaland by Censor Design & Oxyron

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learn all You can of that all

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the What’s catch? catch

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is out there, The know-how but… but

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that easy it’s not to access. not

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20-years-old Read books books

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demos Disassemble demos

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forums Browse forums

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is… The community

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rather uniform is… uniform The community

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not “SWAN” is… The community not

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change it to I want change

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64bites screencasts | talks | workshops | open source • Bring more people to the community • Make it more accessible • Keep the Commodore 64 alive

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64bites screencasts | talks | workshops | open source screencasts • 21 episodes released already • 5-7min Video each week • Exercises • Source Code • Inspired by RubyTapas by AvdiGrimm RubyTapas

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64bites screencasts | talks | workshops | open source screencasts

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64bites screencasts | talks | workshops | open source screencasts Watch free samples at

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64bites screencasts | talks | workshops | open source screencasts Use coupon euruko2015 to get 10% off euruko2015

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64bites screencasts | talks | workshops | open source talks • Polyconf • 4Developers • SoCoded • PixelHeaven • Euruko • The Way Forward • Many local events Euruko

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64bites screencasts | talks | workshops | open source workshops • 2 workshops • 88 people attended in total • 1,5 game created :) 1,5

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64bites screencasts | talks | workshops | open source open source • 2 libraries scheduled for release • 1 of them today!

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time We are privileged in a remarkable remarkable to live

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is easier Programming than ever before easier

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Create or a demo a game

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Join the community

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bigger and Let’s make it better

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old computers Let’s keep alive